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Culture Level Medieval
Ecology Full
Climate & Terrain Temperate forest, hills
Year Formed 613 BC
Population 5,000
Races (%) Humans 94%, wolfweres 4%, half-elves 1%, other 1%
Languages Vaasi, Old Kartakan, Balok, Sithican
Religions The Ancestral Choir, Church of Ezra, Church of Hala
Government "Meritocratic independent settlements"[1]
Ruler(s) autonomous meistersingers
Darklord(s) Harkon Lukas
Nationality Kartakan
Analog Scotland, Scandinavia, The Black Forest
Related Categories
Locations in Kartakass
Transportation in Kartakass
Inhabitants of Kartakass
Former Inhabitants of Kartakass
Flora of Kartakass
Fauna of Kartakass
Native Monsters of Kartakass

Kartakass is the most musical domain in Ravenloft, and most native bards originate from or have been trained there. It lies in the south of the Core.

A domain with lush forests, it contains only two major settlements: Skald and Harmonia. It is crisscrossed with the rivers that originate from the Musarde River, which flows in from Sithicus and disappears into Hazlan. The domain is bordered by Barovia in the north, Hazlan in the east, and Sithicus in the west. South of this domain lay the Mists. Wedged between Barovia and Kartakass lies Forlorn, a mostly empty domain.

Kartakass is infested with wolfweres (wolves that transform into humans and humanoid-wolf hybrids). The darklord is the Meistersinger (German for "master singer"), Harkon Lukas. This fact is unknown to outsiders, who regard the country as simply being the homeplace for bards and a particular potent alcoholic drink called Meekulbrau. The natives suspect that the very numerous wolves of the land are more than they appear to be but the literal truth about them is rarely whispered. The figurative truth is, however, lent voice in song by the wolfwere bards themselves, who never tire of recounting the tales of the cunning of Grandfather Wolf over and against the stupidity of Grandfather Boar and the feebleness of mankind.


Kartakass map by the MCS. Note: Since this fan-made map predates 3rd Edition Ravenloft, there are some inconsistencies with the more recent maps.


  1. Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I
  2. Domains of Dread p.16, 64
  3. 3.0 3.1 Gazetteer I p.93
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Lights in the Fog, Book of Secrets p.123
  5. 5.0 5.1 Lights in the Fog, Book of Secrets p.124
  6. date taken from Ravenloft Gazetteer I p.106- "nearly 60 years ago", meaning nearly 60 years prior to the contemporary time period of Gazetteer I (756 BC))
  7. Gazetteer I p. 94, this contradicts the 710s time range for Drakov's attempts to establish trade enclaves. {[Spec|This may have been a typo and was supposed to be 719 BC
  8. Gazetteer I] p. 94
  9. Lights in the Fog, Book of Secrets p.125
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Gazetteer I p.95
  11. Gazetteer I p. 94, the date is speculation to correct for a likely typo that places this final attempt at creating a trade enclave before all the others.
  12. Ravenloft Third Edition p.17
  13. Ravenloft Player's Handbook p.19
  14. Gazetteer IV p.107
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Gazetteer I p. 105
  16. Gazetteer I p.122
  17. Feast of Goblyns p.12-13
  18. Feast of Goblyns p.23, 25
  19. Feast of Goblyns p. 82
  20. Feast of Goblyns p.92
  21. Domains of Dread p. 17
  22. Gazetteer I p.88; soon after "a decade ago"
  23. Gazetteer I p.92
This page incorporates content from the inactive Mordent Cartographic Society. Used with their express permission.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Third Edition
Domains of Dread
Feast of Goblyns Download Now!
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp7,28,30-33
Ravenloft Third Edition - pp17,110,125-126
Domains of Dread - p63
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - pp18-20
Feast of Goblyns - p10 Download Now!
Realm of Terror - pp73-74
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - pp85-110

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp8-9
Ravenloft Third Edition - inside cover
Domains of Dread - pp42-43
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - poster map
Feast of Goblyns - poster map Download Now!
Realm of Terror - poster map
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - p88