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Culture Level Chivalric
Ecology Full
Climate & Terrain Temperate forest, hill, mountain
Year Formed 684 BC
Population 34,200
Races (%) Humans 95%, Halflings 4%, Other 1%
Languages Balok, Mordentish, Falkovnian, Luktar, Halfling,
Religions Church of Ezra, Church of Hala
Government Aristocracy
Ruler(s) Ivana Boritsi, Ivan Dilisnya
Darklord(s) Ivana Boritsi, Ivan Dilisnya; Formerly: Camille Dilisnya
Nationality Borcan‎
Analog Romania, Italy
Related Categories
Locations in Borca
Transportation in Borca
Inhabitants of Borca
Former Inhabitants of Borca
Flora of Borca
Fauna of Borca
Native Monsters of Borca

Canon Information

Borca is a nation ruled by noble poisoners, filled with poverty-crushed peasants, and ruthless social climbers.[1] Loosely modeled after real-world Italy during the time of the Borgia family's rule, Borca is also the birthplace of the Church of Ezra.[2] The ruler, Ivana Boritsi, is eternally young and beautiful[3], but her touch is death.[4] Likewise, Borca is a land of pastoral beauty that is rotten and foul beneath the surface.

Borca was created for Camille Dilisnya[5], and passed to her daughter when Ivana assassinated Camille.[3] During the Grand Conjunction in 740 BC, Borca absorbed neighboring Dorvinia[6], ruled by Ivana Boritsi's cousin Ivan Dilisnya. Born on the same night and sometimes called "the Dark Twins,"[7] the cousins had long corresponded and considered themselves close friends. After their countries merged and they were forced to become co-rulers, however, they grew to loathe one another.[3]

Flora & Fauna

Adder's Tongue


Passionflesh Fruit

Caldura Rose

Royal Morel











Borca map by the MCS. Note: Since this fan-made map predates 3rd Edition Ravenloft, there are some inconsistencies with the more recent maps.

Small Cities



Large Towns



Small Towns

Vor Ziyden


Chiara - Chiara was fallen upon by the Whistling Fiend.[8]


Temporal Rule

The Sefs

Ruled by Ivana Boritsi and Ivan Dilisnya

The Stapans

Spiritual Rule

The Church of Ezra has ruled the spiritual life of Borca since the church was founded by Yakov Dilisnya.


Church and State





League of Nine

Intelligence Gathering

Military Footing

Casus belli



Missing Dread Possibility from Gaz IV[9]

Blood Banking

Many Borcan banking houses insist that a borrower fill a small vial with her own blood, which the banker keeps until the loan is repaid. Most folk believe this is merely a symbolic gesture or intimidation tactic. It often is, but a few bankers can call upon dark forces to enforce their contracts — or know someone who can. Should a borrower attempt to renege on her debts, the bankers can use sympathetic magic — a technique originally stolen from theVistani — to inflict grievous punishments from afar. The greater the debt, the more powerful a spell the lender is likely to use to ensure compliance. Debt collectors typically utilize troublesome spells like bestow curse or geas rather than deadly spells like flesh to stone or phantasmal killer; dead men cannot pay their due. See the Sympathetic Spell feat in the DM’s Appendix for one such method for lenders to reach out to errant debtors.

Extra-Judicial Justice

Somewhere in Sturben is the Cerulean Chamber, meeting place of the infamous League of Nine, a self-appointed court of justice composed of apothecaries from Borca’s ruling houses. When the law fails and duels are not an option, those who think themselves wronged can petition the League for retribution. No petitioner ever meets the League members in person. The Nine work through various proxies, and although they know each other by name, they ritually don cloaks and masks during their tribunals. So secretive is the League that many who have used its services are still unsure that it actually exists. If the League accepts a petition, the Nine convene to debate its merits. They mete out only one punishment: the subtle slumber. Within a month of the League reaching a decision, the “guilty” party will almost inevitably die of “natural causes.” On that day, the petitioner receives a bill for the League’s services, usually equaling half the legal fine for the victim’s murder.

These genteel assassins operate by several rules that are not well known to the public, however. First, the League is lawful evil, and its members’ primary goal is to strengthen their own positions. They mete out “justice” as best suits themselves, so they will not execute members of their own families, nor will they strike directly against the sefs. Second, once a petition is made, the ruling lies entirely in the League’s hands. Should the Nine decide that the petitioner is the true wrongdoer, it is she whose end is near. The unwitting accused soon receives the bill.

Inns & Taverns



This page incorporates content from the inactive Mordent Cartographic Society. Used with their express permission.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Third Edition
Domains of Dread

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp7,13,15
Ravenloft Third Edition - pp14,15,17,114-116
Domains of Dread - pp55-56
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - pp10-11
Realm of Terror - p66
The Evil Eye - p58

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp8-9
Ravenloft Third Edition - inside cover
Domains of Dread - p42
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting - poster map
Realm of Terror - poster map
Servants of Darkness - poster map