Teizala of the Bradolmar

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Teizala is the young girl who brought back the Black Star to the elves of Murillia. For unknown reasons, it had appeared beneath her house. When its life draining powers began affecting her too greatly, she made a long and treacherous journey to Murillia. With the last ounce of strength left within her, Teizala gave the Black Star back to the Queen.[1] It would be an act she would immediately regret as the Queen absorbed the Star and proceeded to corrupt the realm.[2]

Teizala's ghost lingers on in the former residence of the Fallen Queen, the Sacred Center of Murillia. her holiness marks the area as a safe refuge from the corruption and evil that plague the rest of Murillia. Her song of sorrow manifests, inspiring courage and perserverence into others as Teizala once had in life. The effects of this song are supernatural; it acts as the bardic music of a 12th level bard.[3]

Teizala can manifest for a single hour of twilight per day, the rest of the time she is stuck in incorporeal form and unable to act.[4]


Second Magnitude Ghost, Neutral Good[4]

