Jean Audric

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A Mordentish natural werewolf, Jean Auldrin is both a cult leader of a cell of the Cult of the Wolf God in Curriculo but also is a co-conspirator and ally of the Dukkar, Malocchio Aderre.[1]

Jean Auldric resides in the Vulpwood in the Lair of the Wolf God, where he has imprisoned several victims, either to serve as food or converts to his cult.[2]

Like many of the militia of Curriculo[1], Marcellus Von Brausch has been transformed and inducted into the Cult of the Wolf God by Audric. So far, he has been able to avoid Jean's domination.[3]

Jean Audric is the son of Arabella, whom also taught him both the ways of wolf and of human. The name he goes by is merely the name of one of his victims.[4]


male human natural werewolf fighter 2/cleric 3 of the Wolf God; Chaotic Evil[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 A Calling from Verbrek p.51
  2. p.34-36
  3. p.3-5
  4. 50-51
  5. p.50