Category:Cosco Family

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The Cosco family nearly 800 years ago were one of several successful mercantile families that used their wealth and influence to have themselves raised to the nobility of Prime Material Barovia when the nation was forged of independent city-states by the von Zarovich family in BC 1.[1]

Leo Dilisnya was by blood, if not raised as, a Cosco because he was fathered by Gunther Cosco but raised as one of the Dilisnyas.[2] Therefore, so are all his blood descendants.

The (likely false) history of Borca stipulates that in 157 BC, a seeming member of the Cosco family, Lech Cosco, seized control of a broad and rocky tor on the Prime Material Plane (Borjia) and named it Lech's Mountain. He turned an old monastery of Andral into his own personal fortress. Today Lech's Mountain lies at the heart of Lechberg, and his old fortress is known as the Golden Palace.[3]


  1. Gazetteer IV, p. 15.
  2. Realm of Terror (Black Boxed Set) p. 121
  3. Gazetteer IV p.33-34