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Bio-engineering is a type of fleshcrafting. It is tied up with the animation, reanimation, and deanimation of life. It may be the attempted imparting of life to inanimate building-blocks at the microscopic or macroscopic level (Dr. Victor Mordenheim and Emil Bollenbach with their golems). It may be the reimparting of life to a fresh corpse (Dr. Herbert West with his reanimates). It may be the replication of existing life (Dr. Victor Mordenheim with the cloning of his wife and of Horg). It may be the altering of the terms of a creature's animation to overcome the problem of rejection in transplantation (Dr. Victor Mordenheim and Emil Bollenbach). It may be the radical reorganisation of the terms of a creature's animation such that its nature is changed fundamentally (Dr. Frantisek Markov and Falkfuhrer Vjorn Horstman with their broken ones and Emil Ballonbach with his animal fusions). It may be the customisation of an exising disease (Falkfuhrer Vjorn Horstman with lycanthropy). It may be development of new and more virulent disease strains from existing stock (the pathologists and bacteriologists of Malus Sceleris). In brief, bio-engineering is the treating of life as as a chaftsman's material. The better the craftsman, the more shocking the results.


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.