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The ghast is a more powerful and cunning form of ghoul, though physically indistinguishable save for the horrid stench that accompanies them. They may be encountered together or embedded in ghoul packs.[1]

Like their ghoul kin, ghasts are considered Walking Dead and Hungry Dead.[2]

Encounter Areas

Ghasts can be encountered within many domains, including Barovia[3], Darkon[4], Ghastria[5], Hazlan[6], G'Henna[7] Keening[8], Necropolis[9], Nosos[10], Nova Vaasa[11], and Sithicus[12], and Staunton Bluffs[13].

As undead, they can be found in Har'Akir[14][15], Mordent[16][17], Sanguinia[18], and Valachan[19][20]

