Baron Urik von Kharkov

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Urik von Kharkov is Darklord of Valachan. He has an unusual and complicated backstory, as a panther who was polymorphed into human form by Morphayus, a Red Wizard of Thay to use as a sleeper agent against his rival Selena. Having forgotten his animal self, Kharkov was sent by Morphayus to Cormyr to receive an education unknowingly in preparation for use against Selena. Introduced to her as a fine nobleman and baron, von Kharkov soon fell in love with Selena, and she returned his feelings. When Selena was most vulnerable, Morphayus removed his enchantment and caused Von Kharkov, now again a panther, to tear his lover to shreds. Morphayus transformed Von Kharkov back into human once more, hoping to use him for similar purposes again at a later date. Horrified at what had happened and afraid to be used as a tool a second time, he fled and was taken by the Mists into Ravenloft, emerging in the realm of Darkon.[1]

In Darkon, von Kharkov learned of the Kargat, Azalin's secret police, and eventually became a member of the Kargat and a Nosferatu Vampire in Karg. After two decades of bitter service to his vampiric master, von Kharkov deserted his post following the death of his master. Von Kharkov confusedly wandered the Mists for a time, murdering any poor souls he came across.[1] If von Kharkov's frayed perceptions are trustworthy, his list of victims included Malika, a Cormyrean woman with an uncanny resemblance to Selena, and Morphayus himself, somehow drawn into the Mists. To kill the latter, von Kharkov willingly, perhaps for the first time, submitted to "the Beast" he had fought so long before. Both halves of von Kharkov worked in unity to shred Morphayas apart. Shortly thereafter, the Mists surrounded von Kharkov again.[2]

Perhaps intrigued by von Kharkov's strange mix of animal, human, and undead hungers and needs, the Dark Powers made von Kharkov darklord of his own domain.[1]

Current Sketch

Von Kharkov resides in Castle Pantara[3] as a distant but feared ruler, who rules largely through his second-in-command Lady Adeline and through his werepanther secret police.[4] Every year he demands that a bride be provided for him; the fate of these women is not known to the inhabitants of his domain, but it is all too easy to guess.[5] To feed his vampiric hunger he has opted to feed shallowly from many sources, thus creating the idea of an endemic illness, debilitating but not life-threatening, known as White Fever[6]. He fears the artifact known as the Cat of Felkovic, having once almost been slain by this uncanny figurine.[7] He is also known to be the creator of the Fang of the Nosferatu.


  • False History625 BC - Von Kharkov overthrows Heinrich von Ostlin and assumes the titles of baron and ruler of Valachan.[17]
  • 671 BC - Baron von Kharkov I encounters the Cat of Felkovic, and the encounter leaves von Kharkov I dead. Von Kharkov II takes his place on the throne.[17] In truth, this was a critically failed attempt at destroying the nosferatu von Kharkov by Felkovic the wizard. The price he pays for failure is high, as his ghost is no longer connected to the statue. Instead, his spirit is trapped in his tower.[18]
  • 680 BC-730 BC - The predations of Lady Adeline causes several rebellions throughout this 50 year timespan. The rebellions eventually extend to Baron von Kharkov's brutal tax initiatives and other repressions. The rebellions are all put down.[17]


Urik von Kharkov is first mentioned in Realm of Terror (aka by fans as the "Black Box") under the description of Valachan[21], though he receives no NPC profile in that book. Von Kharkov first received a detailed write-up in Darklords (Sourcebook)[22], one of his most detailed descriptions to date. He also receives abbreviated descriptions in Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens (aka by fans as the "Red Box")[23], Domains of Dread[24], and Secrets of the Dread Realms.[25] Von Kharkov is also profiled in Gazetteer IV[26], and his relationship to his domain is detailed extensively in the Valachan chapter of that book.

Urik von Kharkov is featured in the Tales of Ravenloft story Von Kharkov. He is mentioned as a background figure in two Dungeon Magazine modules, Laughing Man (Module) (#52) and the Price of Revenge (#42). In Felkovic's Cat (#67), players have a chance of discovering the relationship between the Cat of Felkovic and the baron with the potential of permanently undoing the baron's evil forever.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Darklords p. 54
  2. 2.0 2.1 Tales of Ravenloft: Von Kharkov p. 134-143
  3. Gazetteer IV p. 163
  4. Gazetteer IV p. 98
  5. Gazetteer IV p. 102-103
  6. Gazetteer IV p. 95
  7. Darklords p. 55
  8. Realm of Terror (Black Box) p. 80; "roughly a 250 year old vampire" at the time of the Black Box, which was 735 BC; questionable as it contradicts dates given from later products.
  9. Darklords (Sourcebook) p. 54; he was "Enslaved for 20 years" before he escaped and Valachan formed. Valachan formed in 625 BC - see below.
  10. Darklords p.54
  11. Realm of Terror (Black Box) p.9
  12. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Realm of Terror (Red Box) p.13
  13. Domains of Dread p.16
  14. Ravenloft Third Edition p.17
  15. Ravenloft Player's Handbook p.19
  16. Gazetteer IV p. 9
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Gazetteer IV p.91
  18. Gazetteer IV p.102
  19. Gazetteer IV p.94
  20. Undead Sea Scrolls 2002 p. 107, 109"; Theodora was executed "almost 21 years ago"
  21. Realm of Terror (Black Box) p. 80-81
  22. Darklords p. 53-59
  23. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens (Red Box)
  24. Domains of Dread p. 45-46
  25. Secrets of the Dread Realms p. 55-56
  26. Gazetteer IV p. 101-103

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Secrets of the Dread Realms
Domains of Dread

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p56
Domains of Dread - p45
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - p95
Darklords - p55

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp55-57
Domains of Dread - p45
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - p94
Darklords - pp56-58

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp7,55-57
Ravenloft Third Edition - pp142-143
Domains of Dread - p45-46
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - pp32,94-97
Tales of Ravenloft:Von Kharkov - pp128-143
Darklords - pp54-56
Realm of Terror - p80