Quoth the Raven Issue 28

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Quoth the Raven Issue 28 is an issue of the Quoth the Raven netzine released on October 31, 2021.

The theme is "What Might Have Been".

Source "#" Title Subtitle Author Summary
QtR28 1 Hands Stained With Shadow Subclasses from Grim Hollow in the Dread Realms Jonathan Crawford An analysis of the twenty-four subclasses from the Grim Hollow's Player's Guide with an eye to using their potential origins and plot hooks for use in gameplay in the Dread Realms.
QtR28 2 Dementlieu, Land of Manipulation and Hypocrisy Tommaso Mazzoni A revision of Dementlieu, with new rules and monsters for Pathfinder.
QtR28 3 The Grand Estate Cluster HyperionSol A new Cluster, inspired by the game Darkest Dungeon.
QtR28 4 A Primer to the Umbra Peoples Non-human races for Dark Fantasy Ravenloft campaigns Jonathan Crawford An analysis and adaptation of several iconic Ravenloft species and monsters to make them playable races in accordance with the rules of the 5th edition of the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game, as set in the Dread Realms.
QtR28 5 Olerick's Colloquial Guides presents: Sacred Sites and Legendary Landmarks Jeremy Roby A collection of interesting locales in the Dread Realms, where bold adventurers may choose to spend some time - or from which they may attempt in vain to flee as secrets are revealed.
QtR28 6 Excerpts from the Registry of Monsters Baron Von Stanton (Stanton Fink) Art of exotic new monsters, with brief vignettes about them.
QtR28 7 Post-Apocaloft M.T. Kelly A dark combination of Gothic Earth and the post-apocalyptic New York of the Movie "Escape from New York", in a world where the Red Death itself is transformed into something new as fear of the supernatural has dwindled to nothing in the face of fear of atomic annihilation.
QtR28 8 Cursed Items A List of 20 Creepy New Items Jack the Reaper A collection of twenty new items, which adventurers may encounter during their travels and travails in the Demiplane of Dread... and beyond.
QtR28 9 Dovehome, the Anti-Ravenloft Realm of Righteousness M.T. Kelly and others. An alternate version of Ravenloft, where the Darklords are replaced by Protectors; beings of might and wardens over their lands, who are confronted by frustration rather than damnation as they seek to reeducate and redeem the monstrous inmates of their Domains.
QtR28 10 Lamordia Land of Progress and Technology Tommaso Mazzoni A revision of Lamordia, complete with new rules and a Pathfinder version of the Artificer class.
QtR28 11 The Falkovnia Files: Falkovnia Über Alles A think tank occult society in Falkovnia Michail Adamis An analysis of the Teusten Society; a group in Falkovnia with dark interests in bloodlines and targeted breeding.
QtR28 12 The Falkovnia Files: Sins of the Father The Minister of the Central Prison of Lekar Michail Adamis An in-depth analysis of Vigo Drakov, son of the Gentleman Caller and master of the Central Prison at Lekar.
QtR28 13 The Falkovnia Files: Falkovnian Rebels Assassination attempts on Vlad Drakov and other Acts of Rebellion Michail Adamis An account of numerous attempts to overthrow the tyrant Vlad Drakov and bring freedom to his tormented Domain of Falkovnia, as well as groups and individuals working towards that end.
QtR28 14 The Falkovnia Files: The Spawn of the Lizard The story of Basilisk and the humanoid coalition of Falkovnia Michail Adamis The tale of a dragon-man's reincarnating soul, passing from misadventure, monstrosity and misplaced pride in the world of Krynn, and into the role of leader of the Spawn of the Lizard and a freedom fighter, in part due to a lasting feud with Vlad Drakov.
QtR28 15 The Falkovnia Files: The Cyclops' Legacy Experiments of the Ministry of Science Michail Adamis A look into Falkfuhrer Doktor Vjorn Horstman of the Falkovnian Ministry of Science, and the foul works he has done for his master, Vlad Drakov.
QtR28 16 Borca: A Land of Poison and Intrigue Tommaso Mazzoni A revision of Borca, complete with new archetypes for Pathfinder classes.
QtR28 17 Judgment on Silent Wings Owlmays in 5th Edition Jonathan Crawford An adaptation of the 2nd edition Owlmay for use in 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons roleplay, set in the Demiplane of Dread.
QtR28 18 Lampago A story set in D&D modern Baron Von Stanton (Stanton Fink) A short story about the trials faced by an infected Weretiger living in a modern world with his younger brother.
QtR28 19 City of Ravenloft M.T. Kelly and others A reimagination of the Dread Realms as one massive port city, torn by the feuds and whims of the various Darklords who hold power within.
QtR28 20 Scenes from a Starving Land New notes on G’Henna Ian Fordam Various scenes and elements from the year 745_BC, compatible with the 2nd edition of the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game, set to just prior to the start of the adventure module Circle of Darkness.
QtR28 21 The Conch Shell of Sorrows New Horrors from the Depths Michail Adamis A darkling tale surrounding a vile artefact connected to the cult of Dagon, which brings a terrible threat to the Demiplane of Dread. Includes various NPCs, some benign, some vile beyond belief, and some with connections to the Fraternity of Shadows - and a hook that may draw the Fraternity down into the depths if it is swallowed along with the bait...
QtR28 22 Invidia: The Land of Conflicts and Demagogy Tommaso Mazzoni A revision of Invidia, including an extended tractation of Vistani adapted to Pathfinder rules.
QtR28 23 Students of Sylvan Sorcery Fey Magic Subclasses for Ravenloft Jonathan Crawford An exploration of fey-related subclasses for adventures the 5th edition of the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game, set in the Dread Realms.
QtR28 24 The Conferences of Victor Gagné V Part the Last: Our Final Confrontation Benjamin Bauml and Mark Bartels The final part of the Conferences of Victor Gagné, in which the titular character finds himself a guest of Twice-Risen Manor, home of Margrave Ciphramir, who has been maliciously nicknamed the Story-thief by the Red Haunt. Ciphramir proves a most charming and exceptionally helpful host, willing to set Victor's feet on the path to pursuing the vile Zaxxot Ssentroi - but he has dark plans and designs all his own. In the end, Victor's path forward is thrown into equal parts chance as dark design, as he passes into and through the nightmares of what may be an avatar of Brightwell, dark goddess of dreams, magic ... and freedom of choice.
QtR28 25 Heroes of Chibiloft Mark Bartels A brief character profile of the chibis running around in a collection of humorous comics that have served as interludes between the chapters of this issue of Quoth the Raven! Honestly, what are the Dread Realms coming to...?