Category:Cult of Vecna

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The Church (or Cult, depending upon the circumstances) of Vecna are worshipers of the demi-god Vecna. In his domain of Cavitius, Vecna's church was the state religion, centered around The Temple of Vecna in Citadel Cavitius.[1] Elsewhere, such as on Vecna's homeworld of Oerth, Vecna's worship is typically confined to hidden cults, though they spring up in all parts of the world.[2]


Vecna is foremost a god of secrets, so the collection and exploitation of secrets is a top priority for his church and cult. Secrets that bring Vecna's plans of total domination closer to fruition are particularly valued.[3] Vecnan doctrine teaches that there is a secret that can bring the end of any creature, and there is a secret seed of corruption in every soul. Power extends from the knowledge and manipulation not held by others. Vecna's faithful are taught to avoid relinquishing all their secrets.[2]

Due to its secretive nature, Vecna's church embraces few sacred texts original to the faith, although a couple of other tomes of dark lore, such as the Book of Vile Darkness, are cherished.[4] A possible exception to the rule of no Vecnan specific texts is the Compendium Maleficarum.[5]

Holy Symbol

2nd Edition sources described Vecna's holy symbol as an eye held in the palm of an open skeletal hand.[6][7] 3rd Edition sources, though not Ravenloft specific, visually show his holy symbol as a fully intact hand with flesh and all, with the eye in the palm as before.[8][2]

Favored Weapon

Spell Domains

Within Ravenloft

Official sources for the Ravenloft campaign setting mostly mention it with regard to the Burning Peaks cluster. As previously mentioned, it operated unusually out in the open in Cavitius, where as previously it is the state religion.[1] A hidden cult also operated in Tovag, where it was led by Vocar the Obedient, a fugitive highly sought by the Daggers.[11]

Within Cavitius, only members of Vecna's clergy are allowed to use magic, practicing the magical arts otherwise is punishable by death.[1] As Cavitius is a theocracy, the clergy can count on the aid of the Fingers of Vecna, Vecna's soldiers, to help enforce the power of the clergy. On the other hand, the clergy must obey the commands of the Hand and the Eye, two unique, intelligent flesh golems created by Vecna.[6]

Although simply referring to one of the clergy as a priest of Vecna suffices to cow the general Caivitian populace, priests are sometimes still referred to as "Thoughts" or "Memories"[6], with the latter term referring to mid-level priests whom have levels in both cleric and wizard[12]. "Acolyte" is a term used for low-ranking priests, whereas the "Voice" and "Heart" of Vecna refer to the high priest and priestess, respectively.[6]

Participation in the priesthood within Cavitius is lucrative but also precarious, for a priest's rises through the clergy's ranks mainly through ensuring the deaths of those higher in the hierarchy. As such, priests frequently employ personal bodyguards for hire.[12][13] This level of strife is highly aberrant for Vecna's faith, as elsewhere the interlocking web of secrets that bind the cult together usually makes betrayal unwise due to the threat of mutual destruction.[3]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Vecna Reborn

Vecna Reborn - p9

Church of Vecna


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