Pontiff Cornelis Antheunis the First

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Pontiff Cornelis is a minor character from Black Crusade. More fully named Pontiff Cornelis Antheunis the First and titled "Defender of Malosia's Faith", he was the leader of the Empyrean Church. However, Father Lambrecht Raes, an outlander priest who dabbled in dark magic, managed to win the Pontiff over to approve of his methods of witch hunting. Against the advice of First Confessor Oste van Brekke, Pontiff Cornelis made Father Lambrecht an advisor and even gifted him a small church with which the outlander could teach a small number of witch hunters and preach as a minister of the Empyrean Church.[1]

Later Pontiff Cornelis was caught by the First Confessor allowing Father Luprecht to use unholy and forbidden magic, such as animation of the undead, in order to destroy Sir Diederic de Wyndt and Violca Hanza. The Pontiff was arrested by the Confessor and imprisoned with the intent to be put on trial and have his position and title taken away for collusion with witches.[2]

After Lambrecht escaped and the Pontiff imprisoned, Diederic and Viocla visited Cornelis in prison and interrogated him about where Lambrecht may be hiding. When finally put under threat of Violca's Evil Eye, Cornelis gave them the location of the church he had let Lambrecht preside over.[3]


  1. Black Crusade p. 220-222
  2. p. 283-293
  3. p. 303-307