Category:Shards of Light

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The Shards of Light were a trio of dread artifacts powered by the souls of three vile barons contained within. These barons had waged savage battles for the city of Thorn Hollow. In response to the strife, a powerful witch levied a powerful curse upon them and stored their souls in the Shards of Light. Millennia passed before the Shards were located and brought together by a necromancer and immortality researcher Malachi Nately. Nately hoped to use the collected power of the Shards to open a magical portal to Hell and force a fiend to give him the secrets to achieve immortality. Despite Malachi's wishes, the Shards resisted cooperating with each other, and control over them took a significant toll on Malachi[1].

Such was the toll that he could not simultaneously control the shards and the gelugon he conjured. The gelugon broke free and went on a rampage. Although Malachi bound the gelugon to his underground laboratory, the gelugon ultimately slew him. The destruction wrought in their conflict drew the attention of the Dark Powers, and they drew the laboratory and surrounding environs into the Land of Mists. The three Shards were rendered co-darklords of the realm and teleported to different areas within it[1]. Ivan Davian, another man with an immortality obsession, found the Azure Shard in the Nately Family Crypt[1]. This Azure Shard later manipulated adventurers into destroying the other two shards, the Crimson Shard and the Emerald Shard. The Azure Shard seized its rivals' former power and used it to break free of the Dark Powers hold, though not for long[2].

It landed in a realm that was soon to become a domain itself. The Azure Shard, now known as the Shard of Darkness for its dark black color, was eventually found by the greedy King Gregor Ravinia, whom at first resisted its domination. However, he eventually succumbed to its influence and became obsessed with it, neglecting his family and other duties. King Gregor took to making blood sacrifices to in return for making the crops grow well. The role of blessing the crops was previously held by Havernus, Lord of the Harvest but from which King Gregor rejected due to the financial costs of the required almsgiving that Harvernus required during his festivals[2].


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Doorway to Darkness excerpted on Board Game Geek (both the product description and in the images section)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Out from Darkness excerpted on Board Game Geek

Pages in category "Shards of Light"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.