Malachi Nately

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Malachi Nately was a necromancer that performed foul experiments in the hunt for immortality in a laboratory beneath some dolmens near Thorn Hollow. He eventually settled on summoning a fiend from the Lower Planes to grant him the secret for finding immortality. To this end, Malachi brought together the millennia old Shards of Light with the intent on using their power to open the gate. These wretched magic items each contained the soul of one of a trio of barons that warred bitterly for dominance over Thorn Hollow. Thus, utilizing the power of the Shards in concert was both difficult and taxing for Malachi. The Necromancer's distraction ultimately caused him to fail keeping the conjured gelugon under control, and it subsequently rampaged through the laboratory. Despite Malachi binding the fiend to the laboratory, the gelugon ultimately slew him. The series of events drew the attention of the Dark Powers and they brought the lab and its surrounding environs into the Land of Mists. The Shards were made the co-darklords of the realm.

Malachi's research with immortality and the Shards was later discovered by Ivan Davian, a fellow man with an obsession. He evenetually found The Azure Shard in the Nately Family Tomb[1].


  1. The Doorway to Darkness excerpted on Board Game Geek (both the product description and in the images section)