Wilm Eckert

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Wilm Eckert is is the brother of Captain Hans Eckert and lover of Lisl.


Back on their unnamed outlander home world, Wilm Eckert was the ever loyal and faithful brother of the ruthless mercenary captain Hans Eckert, obedient as Hans' lieutenant despite Wilm's misgivings of Hans' brutal actions. However, after Hans came into possession of a special magic sword, he used it to dominate Wilm and the other three members of their mercenary company. Wilm was now forced to obey every ruthless order Hans barked. Under such domination, Wllm began to become hateful of his brother.

Eventually, the Mists grabbed Hans, Wilm, and three of Hans' mercenary followers and brought them to Barovia. Inside that dread domain, Lisl, a giomorgo, was forced to become a guide to Barovia. Wilm protested the abuse Hans applied to Lisl only to suffer abuse himself. Wilm and Lisl began to bond over their mutually miserable situation.

Eventually, Hans was slain by Jezra Wagner, freeing both Wilm and Lisl from the spell that controlled them. With haste, they retreated from Mount Baratok.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Tales of Ravenloft:Cold Hard Silver

Tales of Ravenloft:Cold Hard Silver - pp187-203