The Black Willow

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The Black Willow is an island curiously devoid of vegetation save for a massive, black-barked, unkind seeming willow tree. The island formed over the course of a single year as the plantation of Nazaris Verret sank into the swamp. The flooded ruins of the plantation buildings remain visible. The Black Willow is in fact a sinkhole of evil haunted by the ghost of a servant girl named Marguerite. She had been impregnated by Nazaris under the black willow tree. He would later murder her to protect his reputation. Curiously, the matter did not end there. He became remorseful for his transgressions and took his own life by hanging himself from the tree.


Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide, p. 98.

Souragne Gazetteer, p. 14-15.