Tevye Calvanov

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Tevye Calvanov was a member of the Boem Tasque of the Vistani. He was a good friend of Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove and Gennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove and provided them with information on how the Vistani relate to the Mists. Unfortunately he died soon thereafter.[1]


Annalysnya was a Vistani of the Boem Tasque and the Naiat Tribe and also a lover of Tevye Calvanov. They were to become married, but her family, the Simiuka Clan, becamecursed for some sort of unknown transgression. After Tevye met again with her after being separated by a year, Tevye found Annalysa and her relatives again, though they were blighted with some affliction that made their mouths rotting and filled with blood. The horror of the sight caused Tevye to abandoned his promise to be with her. However, Tevye made known his expectation to the Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins he is certain he will cross paths with Annalysa and her kin soon.[2]
