Praesidius Alexei Raskolka

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Now presumably deceased, Praesidius Alexei Raskolka was once the praesidius (spiritual leader) of the Church of Ezra.[1]


Alexei Raskolka was probably born in Borca. He entered the clergy of Ezra in Borca, acquired the Mist Domain as a cleric or possibly as a cloister cleric, and either acquired the ability to cast 6th level divine spells or the Mist Stride ability of an anchorite of the Mists of the 5th level. In 735 BC, he succeeded Praesidia Kristyn Stoyista to the office of Praesidius.[1] As Praeasidius, he was the leader of the Church of Ezra. He also held the office of the Bastion of the Home Faith. The Great Cathedral of Levkarest was the seat of his authority.[2]

Praesidius Raskola was an outspoken advocate of the faith.[1] He convoked the Bastions' Council in 740 BC in response to the Great Upheaval. With the agreement of Bastions Denisovich of Mordentshire and Secousse of Port-a-Lucine, he declared that Ezra’s anchorites had an urgent duty to spread the word of Ezra to the four corners of the Core, even to those lands where existing religions stood in opposition to that word. Even more than had been the case before, young anchorites were encouraged to travel the Land of Mists.[3] Praesidius Raskokla often decried the lascivious lifestyle of Lady Ivana Boritsi. He resisted attempts by agents of her administration to milk the Church for tax revenue. And after 740 BC, he resisted attempts by Ivan Dilisnya and agents of his administration to shake down the Church for sundry bribes. Shortly after the ceremonies celebrating the completion of the Great Cathedral in 745 BC, Praesidius Raskolka fell gravely and inexplicably ill, wasting away over the course of the winter. On his death bed, Raskolka appointed his trusted adviser Levin Postoya to succeed him as praesidius.[1]


Male Human, Cleric of Ezra 11+ or Cleric of Ezra 5+/Anchorite of the Mists 5+, Lawful Neutral


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Book of Secrets p. 26
  2. Based upon information on Gazetteer IV p. 26 and Gazetteer III p. 110
  3. Book of Secrets p. 20