Dr. Dhurban Ananda

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Dr. Dhurban Ananda is the Professor of Ancient Language at the The Great University of Tvashti in Sri Raji and also a Brother of the Fraternity of Shadows. He is in Stage 4 (Half-Fiend) Transposition with a Rakshasa.[1]

A former pickpocket and street urchin, Dr. Dhurban Ananda's birth name was Jamal. Jamal was eventually adopted, educated, and eventually introduced to the Fraternity of Shadows by Professor Shakhan Ananda. Dhurban eventually stumbled upon the legend and location of Ravana's Bane. He claimed it as his own[2], though at the cost of the lives of several adventurers whom he abandoned.[3]

After some time Dhurban's self-centered disposition fell to manipulation by a rakshasa, causing Dhurban to begin the process of transposition. To avenge the deaths of his sisters (whom had sacrificed to Kali), Dhurban sought to use the weapon to kill Arijani, though this was more the influence of the rakshasa. In his slide towards damnation, Dhurban became a cannibal and eventually killed his adoptive father along with many of his brothers under the facade of a research trip. On Dhurban's return, he was assaulted by monks sworn to protect Ravana's Bane. They overwhelmed Dhurban and took the weapon back.[2]

Since his ignominious defeat, Dhurban has attempted to keep out of the public (and Arijani's) eye. The maddening influence of the rakshasa spirit inside of him drives him to lust for power and even the domination of Sri Raji.[4]

Dhurban has a fiendish viper named Radji for a familiar.[5]


Transpossessed male Half-Fiend (Rakshasa) Rogue 1/Illusionist 5/Fraternity of Shadows (Prestige Class) 3[1]

Behind the Scenes

Dhurban Ananda is the in-world representation of Luiz Eduardo Peret[6]
