Cuxi Yapanaque

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Cuxi Yapanaque is the fanatical high priest of Huitzilopochtli in Huanoquite. He is also the ruler of Huanoquite and, in theory, all of Mictlan itself. The arrival of Commander Hernando Mouriros and his army have thrown the old order into chaos, and the unity that brought the cities together has began to collapse. Much to Yapanque's chagrin, smaller towns and villages formerly cowed under control of Huanoquite have begun to rebel. In response to the chaos, Yapanaque has stepped up the use of human sacrifice and demands it be done twice per day. He justifies these sacrifices as necessary to keep Huitzilopochtli's wrath from allowing the invaders to overtake Mictlan.[1]

Yapanque has a secret. Although he is a 12th level priest, he has lost the ability to cast spells. Yapanque guards this secret well, especially from the other priests who would doubtlessly rebel if they knew.[2] Perhaps as a response to this possibility, he has recently given the Jaguar Warriors and the Eagle Warriors leave to kill priests who exhibit disloyalty to the city of Huanoquite.[3]

Should Mouriros die and Mictlan survive the ensuing holocaust, Yapanque will be next in line for becoming the darklord of Mictlan.[4]
