Richtor Dilisnya

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Richtor Dilisnya was born to Lev Dilisnya and Anna Kurdzeil in Mordent in 658 BC. He was the brother of Camille Dilisnya, the uncle of Anton Boritsi, Ivana Boritsi, Sulo Boritsi, Irene Timothy and Nathan Timothy, and the great uncle of Thomas Dobbs, Alfred Timothy, Ester Timothy (daughter of Nathan), and William Timothy. His half-sister was Oleska Dilisnya and his half-brothers were Stepan Dilisnya and Yakov Dilisnya. He married Ester Timothy who was a werewolf. As part of a litter of three, she gave birth to the werewolf Virginia Dilisnya in 682 BC. And she gave birth to the werewolf Clifford Dilisnya in 687 BC. Richtor was the grandfather of Michael Ratcliff and Winifred Ratcliff, both werewolves. It is probable that Richtor and Ester migrated to Borca in the years following its formation in 684 BC, drawn by the prospect of being raised to nobility by Camille. In 698 BC, the Dilisnya family gathered for the funeral of Camille's fourth husband, Oleh Fortich. Camille was persuaded that her family had been conspiring to kill. She proceeded to poison to death the nigh entirety of her branch of the Dilisnyas, Richtor included. He was survived by Ester, Clifford and Virginia, who may or may not have been in attendance at the funeral.

Data not yet in the Ravenloft Catalogue

Realm of Terror

Realm of Terror - p126