Hugues Mousel

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Hugues Mousel (676 BC-733 BC) was the husband of Bernadette d'Honaire and the father of Francois Mousel and Madeleine Mousel.[1] Hugues Mousel was a giomorgo and has been described as a mystic. Bernadette's 698 BC marriage to Hugues deeply offended her father Dr. Germain d'Honaire and the plans he had for her in the family. Following their estrangement, Bernadette and Hughes lived in a tiny Valachani hamlet until Germain's death. In 707 BC, after the rest of the D'Honaire family migrated to Dementlieu, Bernadette and Hugues returned to Mordentshire claimed the old d'Honaire family mansion, ultimately giving it to their son Francois Mousel in 720 BC. Francois subsequently refurbished it into the Mousel Sanitarium for Mental Health.[2]

Following Gerard d'Honaire's visit to the Mousels, Dominic d'Honaire sent assassins to dispatch the rogue branch of the d'Honaire family. Francois survived thanks to the timely intervention of his son James Mousel, but Hugues and Bernadette both met their demise.[3]
