Estelle Vedarrak

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Formerly Estelle Dirac of Dementlieu, Estelle Vedarrak was forced to relocate to Falkovnia after her husband's ample praise for Falkovnian efficiency drew suspicion on their family.

Kara's Daughters Campaign

Estelle despised Falkovnia and pined for the refinement of her homeland, so when Kara approached her with a plan to bring culture to Falkovnia, Estelle jumped aboard without a backward glance. Estelle's knowledge of the gossip circles and salons of her homeland as well as Richemulot and Borca has allowed the Daughters to spar with the most ruthless of socialites.

Estelle's son Marcos is an ambitious wizard and Talon, married five years ago to one of Vlad Drakov's daughters. Marcos inherited the family estate in Falkovnian fashion, but takes good care of his aging mother.

On Rose Day (March 9) 759, Estelle was granted special permission to travel to Dementlieu for the festivities. When she was scheduled to return four days later, her son arrived instead to announce that his mother had been kidnapped by Dementlieuese anarchists. Gossip rages about whether this "kidnapping" was really orchestrated by Estelle herself, as a way to defect back to her mother country.