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Kenders are a normally fearless and happy-go-lucky, if prone to "borrowing" things without asking, humanoid race from Krynn similar to halflings. The ones brought to Sithicus came at the behest of Lord Soth to make into kender vampires. The ones still living are extremely paranoid and territorial, having become afflicted kender. Kendralind is their main known community in ]Sithicus.

3rd Edition license restrictions made the authors of Gazetteer IV refer to them as halflings with the name bitterkinder. They dwell mainly in the Fumewood, where they jealously guard their territory, although they warn would-be intruders.[1] In 726 BC, they were raiding merchant caravans along the Merchant's Way to the point that the merchants began a slash and burn operation on the trees to discourage the bitterkender presence. Thus, the road became to be called the Merchant's Slash [2]


  1. Gazetteer IV, p. 116
  2. Gazetteer IV, p. 110


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