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Kren is an NPC metioned in Forged of Darkness in the background description of two artifacts described in that book, Kren's Brazier and Kren's Crystal Distillery. She is the creator of both.


Kren was a great and powerful druid from beyond the Land of Mists but known to dwell within the lands of the Core. Despite being an outlander, Kren became a figure of legend[1], even earning the respect and admiration of the Vistani enough to travel with them. During her travels with the Vistani, she crafted her Brazier.[2] All during her travels, she observed and studied the flora and fauna of the lands.[1] Kren was also a skilled herbalist and potion maker, whom successfully developed a number of impressive magical concoctions but never found what legends say she was looking for: the elixir vitae, the elixir of immortal life

What happened to Kren remains a subject of conflicting legends. Some say she was killed by Strahd von Zarovich or died in the conflict against Vlad Drakov. On the other hand, she may still be alive somewhere hidden or even have escaped the Demiplane of Dread altogether.][1]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Forged of Darkness

Forged of Darkness - p53