Praesidia Donella Borovsky

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Now presumably deceased, Praesidia Donella Borovsky was once a praesidia (spiritual leader of the Church of Ezra[1] The Praesidius presides over the faith from the Great Cathedral in Levkarest.[2] The offices of Sentire of Levkarest and Bastion of the Home Faith also come with the title.[3]


Praesidia Donella Borovsky succeeded Yakov Dilisnya in 698 BC to the office of Praesidius, the leader and highest ranking anchorite, of the Church of Ezra.[4]In 701 BC Praesidia Borovsky pronounced witchcraft as the work of hags and decries it as a force of corruption with a church edict.In 716 BC, Kristyn Stoyista succeeded her.[4] Presumably, Donella she is now deceased.


Borovsky's edict against the worship of Hala was later withdrawn by Praesidia Kristyn Stoyista in 732 BC. However, Borovsky left the Borcans with a deep fear and suspicion of Hala and her faithful.[1]


Female Human, Cleric of Ezra / Anchorite of the Mists, Lawful Neutral
