GC restart

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Gonzoron of the FoS
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Re: GC restart

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Hamiclar wrote:I plan on posting on the Veranda the new group is all Vets I have a new sorceress joining this weekend. She wants to be fairy I explained the world and that that was not a good option but offered her to have fey abilities. I plan on letting her use the Van Richtens Guide to the Shadow Fey regading feats. Has anyone used them before?
I have a redhaired PC of Alven descent in my campaign. We use the redhead feat, and Blossom Breath from the VRG. and a "Feyborn" race from a book called Masterwork Characters: Children of the Fey. We've rebuilt her a few times, trying to get it right. In the past she'd had a level of a Fey bloodline level from Unearthed Arcana, and a "Fey Friend" class we'd found online.

It's worked out well. It's not the focus of her character, and her fey ancestor is far enough back that it doesn't have a huge effect. (her brother (her cohort from the Leadership feat) doesn't have any fey abilities). But when the fey pop up, it's nice that she has that connection.
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Re: GC restart

Post by Hamiclar »

Thanks on the Fey response. I went with the red hair option also being that the player has read hair and was thrilled when I told her that you get abilities for being one. I am going to work the fey ability as her pc meets her father which unlocks her ability when she sees him.
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Re: GC restart

Post by Hamiclar »

Here's a new option I want to try out from VR Guide to the Walking dead with salient ability whispered thoughts which causes horror or worse the longer the person is near it. I want them hear the creature but never really see it as it casts spells at them. They will have the easy option to leave but sometimes they charge headlong which I believe my group is growing out of. I want them to go through tomb and encounter a shadow asp. They ran into one shadow with another still on the lose and another body they are going to discover as they go deeper. Hopefully someone or many get bit so they can seek out the aid of Isu in the village later to better welcome their trust.

I went through my figures and set them up according to encounter and see the strategy behind Senmet with the sand zombies. I read the rules regarding mobs and will be great playing out I have the Ravenloft mob and the reaper figures I am using for the scene. I have one figure one guy in my group Is painting. I have been taking pics every time we have battle or when I want them to see the scene their figures are in.
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Re: GC restart

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The adventure continues, we played last night where we had our first fatality and I believe lead to a power check. The group had continued into the crypt they went into the second floor and discovered a body with fangs again with black tar skin. All but three members the rogue, the cleric and sorcerer had went into the a new chamber found with the light. A trap was discovered and the rogue was moving towards the trap to disarm it. Now the situation the fight after finding what he wanted moved towards where the three others had ventured into. The fighter knowing that others were going into the room just walked in setting of the trap which buried the sorcerer in blocks from the ceiling and stunning the priest but the rogue was able to avoid with his uncanny dodge. Believe this called for power check. Would you have done this?

The group also ran into whispered thoughts. This was when I introduced the Horror check rule which was being called into place with the previously mentioned ability by the being that they felt by its ability but never really seeing. The group as whole was effected but the priest and thief were not effected and were able to get the others out of the crypt. The wizard was able to pass the second throw and heard inner thought conversations from the creature laughing at the group and stating it was coming to them. All the group at that time decided to leave, and fled it. With the ability I was able to give more of his history the warrior starting the campaign shell shocked.

Now the warrior was the first to leave and saw the vistani wagon as it turned the corner the vidstani being shocked to see them. The warrior had charged and cursed at them and they offered them a ride now that that they had room. The group were let out outside the village near the oasis. The warrior and priest went off to look for a bar and the rogue and wizard went searching for stores. They went into a bizzar and purchased a map of the area which was given by module. The warrior and cleric, had went to down the center avenue and ran into Isu which talked in their language and advised that if they wanted questions to seek her out. The two were all about drinking when the locals approached and began asking in language they could not understand but with sheered the words death and murder. The two after an hour decided to leave the warrior showing his axe and the locals cheering him for his display. They leave and head to the side street and locate the rogue which had went outside and was also hearing the words which he was able to determine was murder and later confirmed when he noticed a twelve year boy following him he chased away. The group decided to leave the village and camp with the vistani. The group retired and left the priest as the first watch. An hour in he noticed a being in a dune overlooking them he was startled but not enough to wake the others from their slumber. As the group left the tent that was supplied by the vistani. The group left the tent all but the priest looking at the being on the sand dune which froze all but the wizard and cleric calling out that he was seeing being rising out of the sand. The groups voices also roused the vistani brothers which also left the vardo and looked at the being on the sand dune and they to were froze in horror. On the second round one of the brothers was grabbed and began to get pulled under the sand. The warrior was unfrozen and charged one of the beings hitting it twice destroying it than was grabbed by another being under the sand and was also began sink into the sand. The wizard went towards the vistani brother being pulled under the sand and had undead being rise before him he now discovered it undead launching magic missle at one point blank and began running back towards the others. The thief approached the warrior and managed to free him from the sand. The vistani women than opened the door calling them to the wagon. One brother was drug under the sand, the group then entered the vistani vardo slamming the door and wizard passing his arcane check noticing the inside of his wagon was many charms. We stopped there for the night.
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Re: GC restart

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We continued the next day with the group exploring the town and noticing the road heading west. The group went to the temple and met Isu which explained the religion by the statues in the temple. After the group told her about of the previous nights encounter she went into the story of Anktepot. After the reading, the warrior and priestess had went back to bar and drank themselves drunk for the losses of the vistani brother. The thief went to re armor up and found leather he purchased, then went to the temple to ask the priestess about the hammer he found with Akiri writing. The priestess had been real short telling the thief to leave after recognizing it. The wizard had stayed at the camp and cast read magic on scrolls he had been given at the end of NOTWD. With the end the day the group returned to camp for the reading the warrior really drunk passing out during the reading.

The others had observed the readings which gave the days before night of thoth being 5 and about the beast. During this time the warrior awoke from passing out and noticed that bulges in the sand were passing by him heading towards the wagon. He than looked and saw the same figure overlooking them from the same distant sand dune as the night before. The others finishing the reading were leaving the wagon when hands erupted from the sand. The wizard being near Dulcimae witnessed one of the sand beings which he recognized rise up from the sand and than sink grabbing her legs with others sand dead moving and also pulling her under. The wizard had made his horror check fail with a fascination result after the brother disappeared in the sand with Dulcimae. The wizard also was grabbed and began to be pulled under the sand. The next leaving the warrior which dealt with sand dead that arose in the tent with them. The priestess at this time had cast a new spell she was given the wizard light of mecuria and was able to destroy one of the sand dead. She was than approached by an sand dead which cast burning hands on her and the wagon lighting the area up. The Thief during this time helped the wizard from being pulled under the sand. The warrior left the tent after destroying the dead running to join the others he approached another sand dead in robes hitting it and in return was hit by magic missles, that dead going into the sand and heading towards the other groups. The group had dealt with first wave and saw more sand impressions moving towards them. Being that the vistani were gone the group ran into the village towards the temple banging on the brass doors. The town had turned into the ghost town the peasants shutting their doors against the night. The brass door was opened by a guard which closed it and returned with Isu the priestess. She said she had room in back of temple they could rent for night pay in the morning. The warrior and thief rented the room the priestess and wizard sleeping outside the doors. the next day I started with a cut scene with the women's discovering her husband with a piece of the wizards robe. The two that slept outside heard the commotion from the women and the town waking up to it. They two outside saw people approaching the temple decided to head to where the others were which had just woken up to their knocks. The town was closed the group the bar refusing service than as the group were heading back to the temple of mob of people were approaching them. The group at this time was split on what to regarding attacking the people or heading the temple. The warrior was all about attacking again prompted another power check roll but a pass by the warrior. The wizard and priestess walked away the thief was with the warrior but having that many people coming he to followed the others. The group went into the temple and talked about what they were going to do in low voices the thief discovering hidden devices to listen to the group. The warrior then advised he wanted to talk the priestess and the others agreed. The group walked outside and saw the vistani women Dulcimae waiting outside the door waving them towards the front of the temple. The group followed her and saw her walk into the wall into the temple. The group looked for secret doors and being confused continued to the front and again banged on the door but no answer was given. The thief than went to a ladder that he discovered and climbed onto the roof. He called out to the others which also climbed the ladder with him which was during this time tying his rope to lower climb down. He at this time noticed the models the warrior looking for anything to pillage but finding nothing. The thief finished tying the rope lead to the warrior going first but managed to slip and fall 30 feet but managing to walk it off! The others had climbed down and went about exploring the looting the back rooms except the wizard and priestess which had went to the other door and discovered stairs and hearing chanting from the basement. With the group all together they went down with the thief going first. They ran into Isu which had managed to hear them coming down the stairs. The thief managed to get off two arrows into her. The priestess than ran up touching him and casting blindness. The wizard also cast flaming sphere at her but she managed to get around it with no burns. The priest than summoned a giant scorpion in front of the group it grabbed the thief and starting clawing at him but missing with his stinger. The wizard moved the sphere towards the scorpion burning it. The following turn lead to the warrior charging the priestess and cutting into her with his axe. Isu than used her darkness ability and cast the room into deeper darkness with no one able to see. The wizard not knowing if the thief was alive cast lightning bolt towards where the scorpion was destroying it. The warrior on the next turn was able to locate and slay the priestess but she had managed to locate the theif and cast damning darkness on him slaying him. With the death of priestess the darkenss spells expired. The session was ended there. With everyone leveling up. We move to the next part on when the group heads west towards the cliffs. The new pc joining being an Akiri thief being introduced next week.
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Re: GC restart

Post by Hamiclar »

Well continued summer and all we've lagged. Anyway the group now three had the cleric going through the scrolls discovering Isu journal and a divine scroll which he had not read as of yet fully. The Wizard at this time had went through the deceased belongings taking a enchanted blade and ring and his water flask. The warrior had heard steps heading towards the wall but he saw nothing but blood from the priestess body heading to it. The warrior than went up stairs and hearing banging on the doors he alerted the others which came upstairs and using the rope previously set by the thief had climbed back up as the doors were broken in by the city mob.

Earlier before the group had discovered the priestess a slave outside his hut notices bulges in the sand heading towards them. After witnessing people being pulled into the sand he ran towards the temple seeking safety. arriving he noticed the mob breaking down the door and entering the building. He joins the mob staying in the back than going in the basement had went through the foreigner belonging taking his boots, a silver dagger and food stuff, as he was going back to the main temples floor he noticed a man in black on the roof walking away to the south. The Akiri left the temple heading south.

The group had left the temple to break into the store to get items needed to get the tomb in the west. The cleric had went through taking water flasks and food finding nothing else of value. The warrior breaking the door had went looking for the money discovering box with gold coins. The wizard had looked for anything useful book wise discovering a map with writing he could not translate. The Akiri had followed the group at the distance witnessing the warrior bash the door in with his axe. He stayed out of site but was notices by the half elf wizard which hailed him. He approached and discovered he could understand the foreign people they spoke the language of slaves which is Balok. Talking to the wizard agreed to join them and was able to translate the map saying the writing was a warning about dogs. As the group talked about leaving the warrior wanted to leave his mark on the village they would never forget. He grabbed torches running down the main road with torches lit in both hands burning anything that he could reach. As he went further down the road he encountered a man and child. The child ran away when seeing him but the man was not so lucky getting his head caved in by the warrior. As did this the mob showed up which had been looking for them. As the mob hesitated approaching him, he charged them causing them to run away. He then threw the torch as granary then hearing others approaching headed to where the other were to be.
Reuniting they heading west following the road to the tomb. The desert travel was fast taking fort saves which most made failing one total save placing their to hit and skill at a -1. I had them go into the valley thirty feet when I had them hear dogs barking then the wizard seeing pack of twelve running at them ran towards the temple at full speed. The cleric casting light had also seen the pack and ran also. The fighter and thief than were attacked by the first two of the fastest dogs with two heads. I made this real intense both taking damage after the arrive of three more on the next round the two others ran following the cleric and wizard. I rolled d4 dice -1 for the number of dogs arriving on the first round I had rolled a 1 with no dogs arriving the second with two which pretty much shook them up. The group had managed to get the steps of the temple the cleric and thief getting ready to throw oil at the bottom of steps but stopping when noticing the dogs would not climb or go near steps the group climbed. I had left them there with the large statues of people and being with animal head greeting them. We stopped there with the tomb next week. Its to scale this time which is not as big as the previous one I built. I have pics i'll post at the conclusion.
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Re: GC restart

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The group decided to rest and heal from the dog attacks. They rested and entered the tomb when the sun rose. The group continued entering the first room which the new akiri companion was able to decipher the writing with the result of the temple of Ra. The group but the akiri thief entered the temple inside and come out into a room the fighter at first being started from the 60 plus figures with 30 on each side of large statue. The group were focused on the statutes debating if they should attack them. The akiri coming in last had noticed a door south which he approached, but finding the room covered in rubble he was not to enter. The Wizard noticing that the light had given off 5 figures with one moving at walk towards the warrior. The akiri man hearing the wizards warning noticed the shadow and jumped away in tumble but landing on his back. The wizard cast magic missle all hitting it. The thief picking himself threw his enchanted spear at the being hitting it. cleric had attempted to turn it but faith held no strength to the overwhelming hate feeling. After this damage the shadow stepped into the wall. The others backed away from this room heading towards the statue of the king. The akiri focusing his attention to the writing behind the king noticed it mentioned the hammer with a place in which to place the hammer. As the akiri placed his hammer into the slot the wall moved towards the floor revealing a 4 foot high tunnel. The group looking the tunnel was to small for the warrior to join without his armor which he declined. The priest also agreed not wanting to shed his armor also. The wizard and thief entered the tunnel which eventually ended into a ten foot by ten foot room with more writing. The akiri again began to decipher when the wizard noticed that a man like figure in the writing was moving. The figure broke away from the wall approaching the wizard which was frozen in terror but the akiri stepped in front and attacked the being with his spear damaging it but it returned with a punch knocking it back into the wizard knocking him out his daze. The wizard cast flaming sphere and being able to define it as a mummy and knowing fire was vulnerable continued to focus on its flaming sphere. After three rounds of fire the mummy not able to hit anyone collapsed into flames. The two continued into the west passage way which lead to room which the light made out as a ship. The wizard also noticed that four red lights appeared in darkness beyond the ship. He called out the warning to the thief which noticed a rope ladder from the boat. He climbed with the wizard following. They both when arriving on top approached to the only cabin which held a brass gong which the akiri was able to decipher as gong of thoth. He pulled his hammer and swung at the gong which made no noise. He was in process of hitting it again when he felt the tome and boat shake. A wave a hate and malice hit them both feeling horror ran to where they began. The warrior and priest waiting outside with the others heard screaming coming from inside then followed by both the thief and wizard running towards the other chamber to a now new door which had lead into forest with trail. The two ran threw into it. The feeling of hate was now being felt by both the warrior and cleric. The cleric not able to hold his control also fled into the new doorway of the forest with northwest beyond a large forest. The warrior took the force of malice when he spotted six bursts of smoke in which shadow asps had sprung and were now approaching him. Not wanting to face he also entered into door. We stopped there with them in forest. The tomb I feel even with the added monsters was not as fun as previous but now we continue with feast of goblyns with a new beginning with small mini adventure similar to red riding hood!

PC wise the wizard has horror fail with fascination which will factor in next adventure with vistani that were taken by the dead in the desert.

The adventure was real fun to run if you are playing 3.5 use the dm guide mob rule. The language barrier I used balok as the local slave tongue which the new akiri thief able to talk to the group with his thick accent.
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Re: GC restart

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We started the next adventure Feasts of Goblyns with the group being split up in the forest. The warrior arriving last following the others had fled noticed that he was alone on a hill over looking three trails one heading down into the woods and two others on a steep inclines heading into the towers trees also. He chose the higher trail on the north climbing its path. While he was climbing he started to hear wolves sounds which seemed as though they were getting closer every minute. He came upon a group of four houses which had signed of being broken into.
The Akiri man which had joined the group had stepped through the portal and was hit immediately by the cold air. He was coughing from the change of temperature, walking through unfamiliar lands he came upon the remains of the camp. Searching the camp he discovered that prints show a person change from boots to large canine prints. He searched and discovered chainmail and leather armor which he took. While looking he also begins to hear the howling somewhat close and being that he only had the dog packs of Har Akir to relate to left the camp on the trail deeper into the woods.
The wizard of the group was running down a trail run from the ground which had arms of the vistani from the desert which had followed him through the portal. Following a stream when he heard wolves and eventually a viola. He approached the viola and observed the lone vistani man playing the viola as he observed the man he noticed a thin mist revolve around the man and take the forms of people in different stages of death watching the man. The wizard being somewhat alarmed yelled to the man to explain himself when the figures in the mist turned towards him and began approaching the wizard. The wizard now alarmed began to cast when a arm reached from the ground and pulled him into the ground. He fought what had pulled him under eventually losing conscious.

The warrior at this time had walked hearing the violin then it abruptly stop. He continued on rounding the corner and coming upon the wizard on the ground. He looked towards the vistani to explain himself and the vistani returning that he was interrupted and paid the price. The vistani mentioned he was leaving but a shack was up the trail for their use. With that he walked into woods.

The akiri man had walked through the trail and howling which were closer. As he reached the house he spotted three wolves distantly from him stopping and were now observing him. He than ran to the house closing and bolting the door.

Rathgar the fighter carrying Knox the wizard was let in by the Akiri man after beating on the door. The wolves at this time had surrounded the house and were just looking at the group. As Rathgar began to close the door he spotted women appear by two wolves the watching them as he closed the door. The group rested the rest of the day Knox studying his spell books casting read magic to again gain additional spells from the recent spell book they had acquired back in the swamp land of Sorougne they first visited when the mist took them. The next morning the group was awoken by singing outside their door. Knox approached and peaked his head out the door when he spotted a women with two wolves outside sitting on log lost in song. He closed the door and alerted the others of what he saw. The warrior Rathgar had lifted his axe and ran outside towards the women, when felt a tingle in his skin which slowed and stopped him in front of her frozen. The songs effects also were felt by the others Knox was able to wave the effects off when he approached the women which had stopped her song with a look of annoyance at the warrior in front of her. She arose walking in the woods sining another note which made the warrior collapse into a nap. The others arose and went into cabin bolting the door. About mid day Rathgar left the shack and to see if the wolves and the women had left after the howling had stopped. He noticed prints normal and large sized wolf prints and also a humans prints turning into a wolf. As he turned to go back into the cabin he heard a scream he turned and spotted a women finely dressed running towards the cabin. He beckoned her to the cabin and waited for her to enter. The Akiri man also hearing the scream had opened the door when Rathgar and women had ran through it followed by wolves which attempted to get into the door the wizard being able to get it closed and firmly held against the wolves. As the door was secure Rathgar sat against it. The women after gathering her breath thanked them for help and introduced herself as Akriel. Akriel got to know the groups names and after telling of her encounter with a women in furs and wolves that had hunted her had been the same person that they had earlier encountered. Akrial had pulled a poster she had collected which had Rathgar our fighter with a bounty for his capture and return to Gundarak. The poster also was two years old. She then began her story that she was searching something dear to her family that had brought a curse to her family. She asked if the group would help her acquire the item in question. The group agreed and she than volunteered to take them to the near by town. The following day Akriel took them to the town she named as Harmonia. She than asked them to meet her in the nearby town to began their job. The group obtained new armor and items needed of the land. The Akiri man had wandered around the town discovering a temple of ancestral choir music. The wizard had also located a library. He read into something regarding a crown of souls. The wizard than inquired about the land of their land. We rapped up there with the group getting a room.
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Re: GC restart

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The group the next day continued on to the next town of Skald. The forest being dark and forbidding about mid day the group with Rathgar in the front ran into a women which had buried someone in a hand dug grave. The women which spoke Gundarkak pleaded that they were a recent migrants and had been harassed by a beast in the night. She than asked them to stay the night and cooked them a dinner. The priest during this time had stayed outside and blessed the grave while the thief had wandered the property looking for anything out the ordinary. He could find no prints but located a short sword made of dull iron color. He pockets the blade and joins the priest going into the house. Wolves had during this time had howled moving towards the house. Near the dark the wolves were outside the house. The group backed away from the windows when they heard a pleasant voice from outside. The wizard was able to shake the effects off but the others felt really sluggish. During this time, a large wolf had banged against the door making a sizeable hole. The large wolf come through the hole and changes into a wolf like man creature lunging at the Wizard Knox. He ripped into him knocking him backwards. The warrior had approached the old man seated at the table picking him up and tossing him into the a back room near stairs. The Akiri man threw his spear and than his silver blade at the beast neither hurting it. After the effects of the weariness wearing off, the group recovered the wizard stepping into the room where the man that was tossed by Rathgar was casting lighting bolt knocking the wolf creature back. Rathgar had attempted to hit the beast but failing, finally the Akiri man was able to strike the wolf beast with the iron blade cutting into it deeply. The creature not wanting to take more damaged attempted to run away but Rathgar had cut it down. The creature changed form one of which the old man recognized as their neighbor. The final form being a goblin wolf form. The group after the fight bolted the door for the night and rested. The next day the group awoke to meal they left the house venturing to the property of the farmer's neighbor. Going through the house they located a map the fighter found puppies and thief finding some gems. Rathgar had also located three swords each made of gold, silver and cold iron. He kept all of them and then they continued on to the next town. The town which the group entered had a remnants of a keep which was center of the town. The group decided after observing both avenues decided to go through the lower class area. Rathgar had been walking at front noticed a poster with his name with bounty of 1000 gold. He ripped the poster and ripped it up. The group continued on not really knowing where to meet Akriel. The group did see a large tavern on a island they entered and sat at booth after a while a old man hobbled up to them dropping a key saying the misses was at the bar. After he hobbled off the group left the booth and went down the stairs and unlocked the door which opened by Akriel which welcomes them into the room. She goes on to say that she had located where the item was she gave them directions and volunteered her cousin to lead them. Akriel's couson lead the group down south but west though the forest stopping at the forests edge which had a plant which had their guide sneezing. The others not really believing him was grabbed by Rathgar and brought near the herbs. He again sited allergies and broke away. He pointed into the white dirt lake bottom and said to head west. The group walked out into the white dirt which than had the beginning of drum beat distantly. The group ventured through the white plains noticed fossils from variable sizes from the size of mouse to a hundred foot bone. The group first ran into some bodies tied to poles which looked as though they had been there while killed by the elements. The group not really seeing anything of value continued on. Rathgar had been walking in the lead and noticed a beast with yellow eyes running towards the group. He alerted the others when the beast jumped on some boulders howling out. After the beast howled the ground around the group began to break with hands coming to the surface. Rathgar had charged towards the creature climbing rocks to get closer to the creature. After Rathgar action three zombies arose before the group striking at them one of the undead being able to strike the wizard. The Wizard countered with casting disrupt undead at them damaging three of them. He then backed behind the cleric. The cleric Blain turned undead sending one of the undead running away. As the group was fighting skeletons entered fray jumping onto rocks near the warrior striking him but not being able to hit him. Rathgar than ran and jumped off the rock towards the creature pulling off a twenty foot jump he struck into the creature knocking it near death, his next strike brought it down. He than struck at a skeleton with a cleave breaking it to pieces. The next round of combat was the remaining skeletons attempting to strike at Rathgar no success and his return destroying both of them.
Last edited by Hamiclar on Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: GC restart

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FOG continued. After the engagemene the three Knox, Blain and Nephi had contined moving north. Nephi had jumped on the stone that Rathgar had jumped on and off it with a tumble landing and walking to the warrior which had removed the head of the creature he had slain but the head being women. The group Blain and Nephi were takne back by the savagery but the Knox just smiled.

The group entered the canyon lined with skeletons hanging from ropes. The hill had inclined gradually with the Akiri man name Niphi or what the group got from what his accent was understandable and the Knox gradually crept over the hill the fighter being impatient just walked over the ridge seeing what the others see but in addition a large oak tree in the north which the thumps were coming from a canyon with a shiny cage with people waving from what Knox and Nephi could spot in the east. The group also saw a ziggurat with a large black Raven on top looking in their southern direction which gradually turned following them with the ziggurat as one. The group walked past the oak tree paying its thumping noise no mind. The group approached the group the warrior stopped and dropped his puppies and attempted to tell them to hide which they attempted. The group approached the canyon when suddenly two more of the creatures arose and charged the group. The warrior not effected by their charge was able to again cut it down after it had struck him with its large claws. As the creature fell it transformed into a small child which horrified Rathgar in his actions.
The others at this time had approached the cage noticing the people were waving at them but nothing else was coming from them. Nephi was the only person to notice this and stopped calling out to others, The cleric Blaine had stopped along with the others Knox continued lost in thought. A root suddenly erupted from the group and grabbed his leg and began pulling him towards the northern wall of the canyon to what looked like a plant jaw. The others at this time had continued on to the cage the others assuming the warrior which after showing his superiorness over Knox a half man grunted and attacked the rooted cleaving it in one turn. Knox soon after casted flaming sphere at the plant thing. The others were now approaching the cage when Nephi noticed a large net coming towards the group he called out and the others but Knox which was concentrating on his spell failed to here the warming and was covered in a net and losing concentration. Blain had moved towards the cage running towards it after they starting hearing screaming from within. He arrived as the last scream was heard and running face to face with a mob of the dead which were approaching him. He turned and was able to destroy three with sun god power, but was still hit by four other zombies from the mob. He was able to deflect all but two hits which knocked him back and away from the dead which again hit him once more as he was knocked back. Knox at this time had drawn his blade cutting through the net moving away from the plant to where the party had originally was and began casting a spell. Rathgar had moved up to the cage as the mob of the dead came erupted from it following Blain. The Zombies moving towards the cleric charged at Blain and Nephi but not able to hit any of them. Knox now casted lightning bolt at the plant that had attacked him obliterating it completely with the lightning blast. He than moved to where the plant was and spotted as moved up hands coming up from the ground. He than backed away as a total of eight arms followed by their bodies arose from the ground walking towards the wizard. The zombies which had came from the cage attacked the group quickly hitting them and moving them back. The fighter holding his ground dropped three in his first engagement and looking for more death. The cleric now drawing his hammer struck at one of the zombies with his hammer damaging one. Knox had cast magic missile at two zombies which continued to stagger towards him as he continued to back away. The zombies again struck at all but Knox one of zombies knocking Rathgar back and into the group blood coming from his face from the two strikes. He recovered and was able to get back up and struck at them as Nephi and Blain were dealing the others they were able to deal with the remaining dead. Knox had cast summon monster two and had two dogs appear before the zombies attacking and taking two down but not without being destroyed by the other dead as the remaining again approached Knox. Nox cast flaming sphere which the dead walked past. Blain and Nephi after they had been free attacked the two zombies in the back destroying them. We stopped there picked up going into the night in the place of white sand with bones surrounded them. After the fight one of large Ravens had dropped down crabbing one of small wolf pups but the Ratgar had drawn his sling and hit it with a stone. The Raven dropped the pup flying away. The priest than cast heal on him self, Rathgar, and Nephi and he also cast remove fear on Knox freeing him of his fascination he had over vistani boy he was not able to save in Har Akir. The group also noticed the Raven on the Ziggurat was facing them.

Post talk

I changed it completely I still have two corpse creatures awaiting the night or the group to enter the cage which reeked of excrement and rot. The battle itself took an hour to play out with staggered zombie arrival. The plant I used from the lashweed but modified with a flytrap mouth. The Zombie cage was fun the ziggurat and cavern awaits the group.

The NPC Radaga is going to be fun any spell suggestions? I use 3.5 and have most of the books I believe along with Ravenloft accept the family lineage one. Dead wise I'm modifying the dead with the walking dead book which look fun throw at the group.
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Re: GC restart

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Hamiclar wrote:The NPC Radaga is going to be fun any spell suggestions? I use 3.5 and have most of the books I believe along with Ravenloft accept the family lineage one. Dead wise I'm modifying the dead with the walking dead book which look fun throw at the group.
I'm a fan of Bone Seizure. Seems very fitting for the skeleton-obsessed Radaga.
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Re: GC restart

Post by Hamiclar »

Thanks for the suggestion but its a wiz/sorc I may have to make it fit. A real fun spell which the wiz if he passes arcane may know this spell being that he's a Darkonian Arcane educated person. She real fun I am basing her on the NPC not the module stats. She is going to be fun my group has no idea what they are facing they thought the goblyn was the leader until another was spotted and the one they slew changed back to a human.
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Re: GC restart

Post by Hamiclar »

The group after the skirmish had agreed to withdraw to their camp outside the white land. They ventured and did not find their guide waiting for them but heard a violin. The warrior recognizing the music approached with intent to slay him after what had happened. The man just finishing his song turned and acknowledged the group, inviting them to stay in the camp. He inquired on their travel Knox had given info of where they have been and said they were in possession of scroll of Hykoska. The man after speaking to them bid them a good night and warned them about peoples dark intent in this land. The group took this in and slept the wizard retiring while the other three took turns taking watch which was uneventful. The next morning the returned to valley and approached the ziggurat. With Rothgar in front he approached the ziggurat not paying any mind to the oak tree which was beating loud. Knox and Nephi had noticed that the tree had moved and called out to Rathgar. He stopped and walked towards the tree and was grabbed by a root and drug towards the tree. Knox then cast lightning bolt the tree hitting hit square blowing off the top part of it. Rothgar had stood up charged and cut into the tree which broke apart. Immediately after this he noticed hand breaking from the ground. The others noticing this had also began to prepare. Nephi had poured oil in front of them, knox had moved besides him and began to focus on his chanting for flaming sphere. Blaine the Cleric of Palor had also stood with the two his hammer in the ready position. Rathgar had turned to the others seeing what they were doing had went to join them as skeletons arose from the ground. A group of twelve rushed at them hitting them but not able to hurt them. The Nephi had two rush at him he was able to strike back with his short spear nearly destroying the one in front of him. Rathar returned his swings destroying four in front him with stikes and cleaves. Knox had cash flaming sphere at the oil and a group of skeletons destroying all 6. Blain had swung and destroyed another. Nephi was able to destroy the other with another lunge of his spear. The group than turned to the ziggurat which again was facing them with Raven facing them. The group had discussed how to approach the ziggurat which had twelve skeletons on each row. The warrior approached and jumped up. He was immediately assaulted by the ten on the row. The priest had attempted to turn them and was able to turn one which ran to the top. Nephi had threw his spear which struck and destroyed another. Rathgar taking the skeletons on was hit multiple times but was able to destroy all of them. Immediately after the skirmish, the skeletons threw spears at him hitting him more. The warrior attempted to jump to the next level but failed and was again hit by spears from the skeletons. After this exchange he jumped down heavily bleeding asking the priest for healing. The group had started back to their camp when we stopped. Question regarding the ziggurat and the undead should I restock the dead or leave the first row empty? The fight itself was great the most damage my fighter took and he learned that the lightning bolt from the wizard is deadly he is now wary of him.
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The Lesser Evil
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Re: GC restart

Post by The Lesser Evil »

Hamiclar wrote:The group had started back to their camp when we stopped. Question regarding the ziggurat and the undead should I restock the dead or leave the first row empty? The fight itself was great the most damage my fighter took and he learned that the lightning bolt from the wizard is deadly he is now wary of him.
I seem to Radaga having something like a hundred skeletons lurking around somewhere. I would take any skeleton replacements from that number.
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Re: GC restart

Post by Hamiclar »

Good thinking I threw dozen at them when they Killed they spy tree. The lightning bolt spell shortened that encounter than when the skeletons charged the oil, I decided to have the others wait. My players were asking after the session about this and wanted me roll on it lol. The encounter is real fun I you have heroes of horror try the random horror events I've thrown a few noises next time we play I going to take there shadows away.

I have the temple of and cavern of souls together with the slaying of Radaga to get into the other. The temple I am using the maps from pathfinder which works good than using temple maps for the Radaga's encounter. The next area the canvern of souls will be cool to set up the terrain its going to be four level dungeon. The one creature I ran into also which has been a single entry is creature called a soul beckoner. It seems like an undead doppleganger. I am looking at possession if the players is attacked. I'll play it out but involves the player attacking the others with the priest possibly able to turn undead to force the creature out. This adventure has been real fun to play out. The ending variable is great in that allows freedom to end it how you need to. I plan playing more with Akriel attempting to her possession back with her allies and Harkon now knowing of the group may be wild card depending on the groups encounter with him. I am going to use Hafling hit men also bounty hunters from Gundarak along with human allies with street backgrounds. The group have been stalking Rathgar and will strike at him later.
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