A concept it might be interesting to explore

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Evil Genius
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jules »

how about a anti-death?
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jamesfirecat »

jules wrote:how about a anti-death?
Death from Discworld.

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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jules »

here's a couple of interesting darklords to try as good variations, king crocodile & the anti-environment darklord.
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by brilliantlight »

jules wrote:here's a couple of interesting darklords to try as good variations, king crocodile & the anti-environment darklord.
King Crocodile is the just lord of the Beastlands. He is intensely interested in humans but the evil animals try to kill any human that tries to enter the domain. When they aren't killing humans they are killing each other, not for food but just for sport. He tries constantly to get them to kill only for food but still they keep their vicious habits. A wise jackal left the Beastlands behind to enter a new domain where he tries to get humans and animals to live together in balance with each other but is often thwarted by evil humans and animals.

Malus Sceleris was born to a civilization hating society. His father was the wicked druid leader of this evil band of barbarians. His father was planning to get his people to gather together to burn down the largest city within 200 miles. With the huge horde he was able to get behind him he was capable of doing so. Malus was planning to reveal this plan to the city dwellers so they could either prepare themselves for the attack or flee. His father then poisoned him but on the verge of death he wound up in a new domain. A bright, shining city full of hard working people. However he is constantly on guard against huge bands of barbarians led by druids bent on sacking the city and killing all the inhabitants. He has managed to keep them off but lost many poor souls to raids.
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jules »

elina could be a uber-good paladin!
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jules »

just for giggles how about a good version of the brain in a jar?
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jules »

What powers would the anti-darklords have?
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by hidajiremi »

jules wrote:just for giggles how about a good version of the brain in a jar?
Rudolph von Aubrecker was a just young nobleman who was set to inherit his father's position before a horrific sailing accident left him almost dead. Found by Victor Mordenheim, the reclusive "Good Doctor," Rudolph hovered near death for many days. He admitted his fear of dying to Dr. Mordenheim, who offered a slim hope--the removal of Rudolph's living brain, which would let his kind personality and brilliant mind survive the death of his body. Rudolph accepted, and the Good Doctor struggled to perform the operation; he would have failed but for the tireless efforts of his wife and nurse, Elise.

When Rudolph awoke as a brain in a jar, he found himself blessed with the incredible power to see into men's minds and hearts. Without the constraint of his flesh, he had become a pure mind, a creature of unbounded empathy and compassion. Still, without his body, he felt he could no longer be a proper ruler for Lamordia, and chose to allow his family the closure of believing he had passed away. Victor and the "Living Brain" worked together to help many people before Rudolph began to become restless. He believed that he could help more people on his own, building up an organization that played to his strengths; Dr. Mordenheim agreed, and one of the doctor's assistants traveled with the Living Brain to act as his hands and feet on the long road to Dementlieu.

The decadent nation had seen better days. With a near-permanent "reign of terror" brought on by the mad rule of Governor Guignol and a vicious criminal underworld run by the notorious Alanik Ray, the only ally that the Living Brain could find was the last remaining honest councilor of the nation, Dominic d'Honaire. A mesmerist and hypnotist specializing in the removal of traumatic memories, d'Honaire was approached through intermediaries about the possibility of an alliance.

For now, the two dance around one another in the shadows; d'Honaire is fearful that the "Brain" is actually one of Guignol's men, trying to expose d'Honaire's disloyalty, while the Brain worries that a man as private as d'Honaire would find the Brain's telepathic abilities to be an intrusion. The day that these great minds can overcome their personal worries and truly ally for a greater cause will be a mighty day indeed for the forces of good.
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Manofevil »

Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by hidajiremi »

Manofevil wrote:SLAM-BANG!! Great one there. SAAAAAWEEEEEET!!
Aww, shucks.

Now that I'm back on the forums, I'm also willing to take requests too. =)
"Children are innocent and love justice, while most adults are wicked and prefer mercy." G.K. Chesterton
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jules »

hidajiremi wrote:
Manofevil wrote:SLAM-BANG!! Great one there. SAAAAAWEEEEEET!!
Aww, shucks.

Now that I'm back on the forums, I'm also willing to take requests too. =)
I reaterate one request, could you please put down the powers of the listed carecters that differ from the opposite version alignment wise?
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by hidajiremi »

jules wrote: I reaterate one request, could you please put down the powers of the listed carecters that differ from the opposite version alignment wise?
The thing is, I think that for a true "mirror universe" version of a character, they have the exact same powers--it's only the way they use them that's different. A good-aligned Living Brain is still a powerful telepath, mind controller, and so on; he just feels bad about seeing into people's minds without their permission and only uses his mind control to protect others from harm or to channel willing targets' personalities into new directions. A good-aligned Dominic d'Honaire is still a mesmerist and manipulator; he just uses his powers to help people overcome traumatic memories and overcome their personal weaknesses, and uses his political manipulation abilities to conceal his support for the common people of Dementlieu from the corrupt government officials that would brand him a traitor and send him to Lady Guillotine.
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by alhoon »

Well, Dementlieu though is a true egalitarian society, bordering on communism. The richest honest woman in Dementlieu (yes, no gender distictions in that egalitarian society) makes at most three or four times what the poorest man makes. There's very little distinction between the somewhat poor and the somewhat rich in society and none in law.
So, the only way greedy people will have more money and luxuries than their less fortunate and honest neighbors is to turn to the evil criminal Alanik Ray as you said.
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jamesfirecat »

“Excuse me fine gentlemen, but have you heard the good word?” Loudly announced a young man to a crowd of lumberjacks returning from their day's toil.

“Oh great it's that lunatic priest...” Muttered one of them.

“Looney is the word for him...” Added another.

The priest in question was a young man who was somewhere in his early twenties, but his fresh face devoid of any sort of mustache or beard and large wide open eyes conspired to doubtlessly make him look even younger than he actually was.

He approached the workers with a sort of awkward bow legged walk, and his back was slightly hunched, as if there was something wrong with his body but it was impossible to say quite what.

Unshaken by the mockery of those around him he broke into his sermon.

“Consider the wolves of the forest, they serve not out of fear or coercion but out of genuinely loyalty. All wolves from the strongest Alpha to the weakest Omega are bound together in a life were they need not fear the lash of the overseer, where they would never dream of making another into a slave. Brothers, are we not at least deserving a life as splendid of that as wolves?” He implored in a voice so dramatic that his frail body seemed to be in the process of shaking itself apart.

“Every single god damn day its the same speech, he may be able to stand around in rags flapping his lips about freedom but I've got a family to feed...” Grumbled one of the lumberjacks.

Another decided that the time had finally come to do something about the annoyance.

He approached the priest who was dressed in little more than dirt stained rags, and dealt him a firm blow from his axe handle. As the lumberjack was a man in the prime of his life with the body of one who spends their life chopping down trees he had no trouble at all sending the younger frailer priest face first to the ground.

“Shut up!” He barked at the brown haired youth.

“I will let none silence me on the holy quest that I have been given by the Fen-Dweller.” The priest insisted as he rolled over on the ground to face his attacker.

The lumberjack pulled back his axe handle and prepared to deliver another blow.

When it came down the priest raised up his arms to stop it.

The lumberjack struggled with all his might, but he could not shake the priest's grip on his tool. There was a strange light in his eyes and now the brown haired holy man's body did actually began to tear itself apart!

There was a sound of grinding bones and twisting muscles as whatever had previously been wrong with him was made right. His body became as big and powerful as any of the lumberjacks.

Then it kept growing.

Silver tufts of hair began to sprout all over his body as fingernails and grew and lengthened digging into the lumberjack's sleeves holding him in place as everyone else nearby screamed and ran for their lives.

The priest tore through what little of his garments he had leaving him naked except for a golden amulet in the shape of a crescent moon that hung about his now much thicker neck on a string.

His face elongated into something approaching a lupine muzzle as his feet became massive paws and all across his body the “hair” was now growing so thickly that it would be better to call it fur.

The lumberjack wanted to run but he was held in place by the strength of the beast's grip as easily as a child held onto their favorite toy.

Only once the transformation into nine foot tall wolfbeast was fully complete did the 'priest' speak again, his voice an inhuman growl that was still just barely understandable.

“As I was saying, would you please but take a few moments and consider the good word of Fenrir and joining the universal pack of brotherhood?” It inquired in a surprisingly polite tone, before (now that it had regained full control of its limbs) letting go of the lumberjack.

Alternate Verbrek is a land in the midst of great changes. Within the last few decades mankind has finally won out over nature. Wolf packs are being pushed back, forests are being cut down, some men are making incredible fortunes off of exporting the land's resources. What goes unsaid is that some people are now somehow being made even “poorer” than they ever word when the land was still wild, finding themselves falling deeply into debt, no longer even properly owning the tiny cabins that they live in.

Alfred Timothy saw the inequality that humans live in, and realized just how wrong it was, especially compared to how splendid simple and free life was for the wolves of Verbrek, at least for those whose homes and hunting rounds were not being intruded upon.

Alfred being a natural werewolf consider himself a link between humanity and wolf-kind, one who believes that he has been tasked by the Great Wolf God Fenrir (Chaotic Neutral) to bring the freedom of the later to the former. Alfred (Chaotic Good) goes about this task with more zeal than tact or proper planning (growing up in a family of natural werewolves his ideas about what life is like for normal humans are a bit spotty at times) but he always means well and he never hurts anyone who doesn't try to hurt him first.

Alfred is not also above occasionally stealing from those who have so much that they can't possibly miss what he takes and giving it to those who need it much more badly, more than one grand party in Verbrek has been interrupted by a having a huge wolf creature break in, grab a buffet table in both hands and carry it off.

Alfred will transform back into human form whenever he is overcome by feelings of anger, so he combats this by going about his work with the irrepressible joy of a young puppy (as Terry Pratchett noted anything that has both human and wolf like traits is bound to have at least a little dog in there somewhere) and will likely have a smile on his face even if someone has just tried to beat him half to death or clamped him in chains. It's not as if injuries or imprisonment can hold a servant of the Alpha and Omega wolf for long....

I'm not sure if I made alternate Alfred a serious enough character but I liked the concept of a version of him whose in the service of a Wolf God (Fenrir/Fenris) is trying to bring the better aspect of wolf lifestyle to humans and sees lycanthropy as a hopeful bridge between humans and wolves rather than a superior species that should rule above both.

I may have ended up trying to do too many things with him, but I like the concept of if normally Verbrek is a realm where nature is always in the process of overtaking human civilization (or at least threatening to) then in the alternate version, humanity and civilization have begun to overtake nature, bringing with them all the problems of the industrial revolution (maybe Alternate Verbrek and Nosos have some sort of connection if alternate Nosos is still heavily industrialized) which Alfred tries to fight against as best he can.
Last edited by jamesfirecat on Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:08 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Manofevil »

No. It's perfect. I love it. :D
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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