The League of London... and questions

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Jonathan Winters
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The League of London... and questions

Post by Jonathan Winters »


It is on. A new campaign. Life keeps getting in the way of RPG'ing, but we still keep coming back.

Like I mentioned in the MotRD D20 thread, a couple of my friends and I are starting a new campaign. The working title is The League of London.

It's an experiment into making PFRPG rules for MotRD.
I am using my own 3.75 rules (as seen on these boards) as inspiration.

I somehow get the feeling it will turn into a bit of a different beast. Here is what we have so far.

The year is 1890, January, and the city is London, England, where a private building houses a secret group known as the League of London. Basically, they are scholars who fight the creatures of the night.

The League has existed for almost 100 years.

The setting might get a little bit more Steampunk-ish. We will see.

I will post more info when the main PC classes are clearly defined. (It is still a work in progress.)

Odds are I will post these when they are ready. Let me know if it's of any interest to you guys!

Here's what's going on so far...

- Psychic (Someone in tune with the memories of the world)
- Delver of Eldritch Knowledge (Occult specialist, spells)
- Stage Magician (Sorcerer-ish)
- Priest (kind of a Fighter of Evil, Exorcist)
- Spy / Chameleon
- I was looking at the Gunslinger class from Ultimate Combat... And I think it could work in such a setting...

I got more, but am posting from work and forget. :)

Psychic Feats
An expansion of the Prognostication, Sixth Sense and Psychometry skills from my 3.75 version. With most likely these: Levitation, Pyrokinesis and a couple of others.

I got a question...
Has anybody played / read The Haunting of Harrowstone?

And would it be appropriate for a MotRD-ish game?

Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
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Re: The League of London... and questions

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Jonathan Winters wrote:3-
I got a question...
Has anybody played / read The Haunting of Harrowstone?

And would it be appropriate for a MotRD-ish game?

Our own Joel ran it in his campaign. You can read all about it here:
Harrowstone starts in Session 51.

I haven't read the adventure itself, but I have read Joel's journal of it. (and have read some of his posts on the forum about it.) As written, it seems it might be a bit high-magical for MotRD, but with some work, you could tone that down. The basics seem to fit in just fine.
"We're realistic heroes. We're not here to save the world, just nudge the world into a better place."
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Re: The League of London... and questions

Post by Jonathan Winters »

Hi Gonzoron,

Thanks for the info. I thought I remembered Joël talking about Harrowstone.
And yes, most likely quite a bit of the ''obvious'' magic will get toned down.

I plan to start posting classes within the next two weeks hopefully.

Semi-official class names / Working in progress names
- Clergyman / Clergywoman
- Eldritch Delver
- Hunter (of Night Creatures)
- Psychic / Channeller
- Scholar
- Spy / Chameleon
- Soot Mage
- Stage Illusionist
- Vermin Hunter

Possible inclusion of the Gunslinger from Ultimate Combat.

I am trying to steer clear of to combat oriented classes as I want the League to really be about scholars who end up getting involved with the Darkness of the world...

Pat P
Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
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Re: The League of London... and questions

Post by Jonathan Winters »

Here is a first draft of the Eldritch Delver.

Kind of ready to be shown... It's pretty much a Wizard Universalist for GE for my League of London campaign wanna-be.

Characters might end up a bit stronger than regular MotRD PCs.

Please take note...
- Higher HPs.
- More skill ranks at 1st level.
- Also, SOME classes might only go as high as 10th level...
Especially spellcasters... So assume spell lists per day are vaid till 10th level... We shall see for 11th and higher...
- Class skills list for my campaign to be posted later... Still in a bit of flux...
- Trying to streamline a bit of this as far as skills go... (and playing during the game (reading the Numenera book is having an influence on me I think...)

- The lay out went a bit funky during cut-and-paste.. Sorry... I'm sure you'll figure it out.. Just saves and BABs...

Let me know if this would be better as separate threads for each class...


Eldritch Delver

The Eldritch Delver usually learns how to tame magic with another Eldritch Delver. None may improvise themselves an Eldritch Delver. It takes at least five years of intense studies to attain the first level of this class. Quite a few Eldritch Delvers have university background, come from liberal professions or, even, belong to high society (the former sometimes saying behind their back that the latter have too much time on their hands.

Within the League of London, most Eldritch Delvers come from the higher ranks of society. Those who originate from lower classes are usually orphans found by elder members of the League who recognized the potential within an individual.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die:
1st level: Con score + 1D4 + Con Mod
Every other level: 1D4+2 + Con Mod


1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Eldritch bond, Eldritch school, Detect magic, read magic, starting spells.
Bonus metamagic feat
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3
4th +2 +1 +1 +4
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus metamagic feat
6th +3 +2 +2 +5
7th +3 +2 +2 +5
8th +4 +2 +2 +6
9th +4 +3 +3 +6
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus metamagic feat
11th +5 +3 +3 +7
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Bonus metamagic feat
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Bonus metamagic feat

Class features:

All Eldritch Delvers are proficient in simple weapons and handguns.

Class skills
Appraise (Int), Craft (Any) (Int), Fly (Dex), Hypnosis (Cha), Knowledge (Int) (ancient languages, archeology, earth sciences [agriculture, botany (toxicology), geography and geology], eldritch lore, history, life sciences [biology, medicine, psychology, and zoology], history, sciences [astronomy, chemistry (toxicology), electricity, engineering, mathematics and physics], Linguistics (Int) and Profession (any) (Wis).

Skill points at 1st level: (8 + Int Mod)
Skill points at each additional level: 2 + Int Mod

Eldritch Bond:
This ability works like the Arcane Bond Wizard ability. Most Leaguers choose an object for their Eldritch Bond. Walking around with an animal in London is simply not proper etiquette for such refined people.

But, for the Delver wishing to have a familiar, the following are possible choices in London (the ones in italics are suggested for possibly more daring options): bat, cat, cheetah, constrictor snake, dire bat, dire lion, dire rat, dire tiger, dire wolf, dog, eagle, hawk, horse, leopard, lion, lizard, venomous snake, viper, wolf, owl, rat, raven, toad,

All familiars also possess the Dread Companions quality from the RLCS.

Eldritch Aptitude (Ex)
An Eldritch Delver needs an Intelligence score of 10 + the level of the spell to learn and cast a spell.

An Eldritch Delver must study her spellbook each day to prepare her spells. She cannot prepare any spell not recorded in her spellbook, except for read magic, which all Delvers can prepare from memory. A Delver begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level wizard spells plus three 1st-level spells of her choice. The Delver also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to add to the spellbook. At each new Eldritch Delver level, she gains two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new Eldritch Delver level) for her spellbook. At any time, an Eldritch Delver can also add spells found in other Delvers spellbooks to her own (see Chapter 9 of PFRPG).

Eldritch Schools
Eldritch Delvers are all Universalist casters.

Hand of the Apprentice
Whenever the Delver uses this ability and fumbles, there is a chance of things going worse than expected. This means that she might attract the attention of restless spirits around her who take control of her weapon or twisted eldritch energies swirl around her and hit her.

- For one round, a restless spirit appears before the Delver and turns her own weapon against her for one round.
- For the next 24 hours, the Delver heals while resting at half the normal rate. Magical healing is not affected.
- Dark, Crimson Eldritch energies gather around and sap her will to live. She suffers 1D4 points of temporary charisma damage.
- The Delver suffers damage equal to the spell level of the spell she was trying to cast and non-lethal damage equal to the spell level.
- ... to be expanded...

Spells per Day

Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 3 1
2 4 2
3 4 2 1
4 4 3 2
5 4 3 2 1
6 4 3 3 2
7 4 4 3 2 1
8 4 4 3 3 2
9 4 4 4 3 2 1
10 4 4 4 3 3 2

11 6 4 4 4 3
12 6 4 4 4 3
13 6 4 4 4 4 2
14 6 4 4 4 4 3
15 6 4 4 4 4 3
16 6 5 4 4 4 4 2
17 6 5 5 4 4 4 3
18 6 5 5 5 4 4 3
19 6 5 5 5 5 4 4
20 6 5 5 5 5 5 4
Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
On hiatus while visiting Ptolus, City by the Spire, new RL-inspired campaign: Madness Rising!
Jonathan Winters
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Re: The League of London... and questions

Post by Jonathan Winters »

The Clergywoman / Clergyman

A work in progress that I need to print and see if it's balanced...

Inspired by the idea of an exorcist priest...

And again with some funky lay out...


The Clergyman / Clergywoman is part of a Church. She might have been recruited because she was a witness
to horrors or went above and beyond the call of duty in her studies of all that is holy... or damned.

Alignment: Any non-chaotic and non-evil.

Hit Die:
1st level: Con score + 1D6 + Con Mod
Every other level: 1D6+2 + Con Mod


1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Blessed domains, Channel Energy 1D6 + Cha Mod or Smite Evil 1/day,

2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Holy Water (1D8 +2 + Cha Mod) Lay on Hands, Combat feat or Channel Energy Option, Domain Spell 1st level

3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Aura of resolve +1, Channel Energy 2D6 + Cha Mod or Smite Evil 2/day, Mercy,

4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Holy Water, Improved (2D8 +2 + Cha Mod / special effect), Domain Spell 2nd level, Break Enchantment

5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Aura of resolve +2, Channel Energy 3D6 + Cha Mod or Smite Evil 3/day,

6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Holy Water, Improved (3D8 +2 + Cha Mod / special effect) Mercy, Combat feat or Channel Energy Option, Domain Spell 3rd level

7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Aura of resolve +3, Channel Energy 4D6 + Cha Mod or Smite Evil 4/day

8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Holy Water, Improved (4D8 +2 + Cha Mod / special effect) , Domain Spell 4th level

9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Aura of resolve +4, Channel Energy 5D6 + Cha Mod or Smite Evil 5/day, Mercy

10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Holy Water, Improved (5D8 +2 + Cha Mod / special effect) , Domain Spell 5th level

11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Channel Energy 5D6 + Cha Mod

12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8
13th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Bonus feat
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10
18th +13/+8/3 +11 +6 +11
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11
20th +15/
+10/+5 +12 +6 +12

Class features:

All Clergywomen are proficient in simple weapons and handguns.

Class skills:
Skill points at 1st level: 4 + Int Mod
Skill points at each additional level: 2 + Int Mod

Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int) (ancient history & archeology, eldritch lore, history, religion [ancient & modern]), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis) and Sense Motive (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Blessed Domains:
At 1st level, the Clergywoman may select two domains which bestow powers to her from an angel, martyr, saint or other patron she chooses.

The following domains from PFRPG are available: Air, Animal, Artifice, Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Law, Liberation, Luck, Nobility, Plant, Protection, Repose, Strength, Sun, Travel.

Channel Energy or Smite Evil:
At 1st level, the Clergywoman chooses either Channel Energy or Smite Evil. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th level, she chooses to increase either her Channel Energy or Smite Evil ability. She may alternate as she pleases.

Combat feat or Channel Energy Option:
At 2nd level, the Clergywoman chooses either a combat feat or turn undead or turn lycanthrope (if she has the Channel Energy ability). The turn lycanthrope ability works like the turn undead ability but does not affect undead and vice-versa.

At 6th level, the Clergywoman chooses either a combat feat or turn undead or turn lycanthrope (if she has the Channel Energy ability). The Clergywoman adds Break Enchantment to her Channel Energy Options.

Domain Spells:
At 2nd level, the Clergywoman learns how to cast a Cleric’s domain spells.
She may cast the equivalent 1st level spell at 2nd level, the 2nd level spell at 4th level and so on.

Holy Water:
At 2nd level, the Clergywoman gains the ability to make Holy Water. She may create a vial of Holy Water a number of times a day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Each vial, when thrown, is capable of inflicting 1D8 +2 + charisma modifier damage to any evil outsider, fey, undead or vermin creature.

Holy Water, Improved:
At 4th level, the Priest’s ability to make Holy Water increases. She may create a vial of Holy Water a number of times a day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) + 1. Each vial, when thrown, is capable of inflicting 2D8 + 2 + her charisma modifier damage to any evil outsider, fey, undead or vermin creature.

At 4th level, the Clergyman may sacrifice a die of damage to gain a special effect versus his opponent.

He may choose from the following spell effects: Bane, Bless, Cause Fear, Command, Detect Undead, Divine Favor, Doom, Magic Weapon, Protection from Chaos / Evil, Shield of Faith

At 6th level, the Clergyman’s ability to make Holy Water increases. He may create a vial of Holy Water a number of times a day equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) + 2. Each vial, when thrown, is capable of inflicting 3D8 + 2 + his charisma modifier damage.

At 6th level, the Clergyman may sacrifice 2 dice of damage to gain a special effect versus his opponent.
He may choose from the following spell effects: Align Weapon, Consecrate, Remove Paralysis, Restoration (Lesser), Shield Other.

At 8th level, the Clergyman’s ability to make Holy Water increases. He may create a vial of Holy Water a number of times a day equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) + 3. Each vial, when thrown, is capable of inflicting 4D8 + 2 + his charisma modifier damage.

At 8th level, the Clergyman may sacrifice 3 dice of damage to gain a special effect versus his opponent.
He may choose from the following spell effects: Bestow Curse, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle against Chaos / Evil, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Remove Blindness / Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease.

At 10th level, the Clergyman’s ability to make Holy Water increases. He may create a vial of Holy Water a number of times a day equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) + 4. Each vial, when thrown, is capable of inflicting 6D6 + 2 + his charisma modifier damage.

At 10th level, the Clergyman may sacrifice 5 dice of damage to gain a special effect versus his opponent.
He may choose from the following spell effects: Death Ward, Dismissal, Divine Power, Holy Smite, Magic Weapon (Greater), Neutralize Poison, Order’s Wrath, Repel Vermin, Restoration, Spell Immunity.

Lay on Hands:
At 2nd level, the Clergywoman gains the Lay on Hands ability of a Paladin.

Aura of Resolve (Su):
At 3rd level, the Priest gains a bonus against fear and charm spells and spell-like abilities. She gains +1 at 3rd level, +2 at 5th level, +3 at 7th level and +4 at 9th level. At 5th level, each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects and this bonus increases to +2 at 9th level.

At 3rd level, the Clergywoman gains the Mercy ability. This works like the Paladin ability.

Break Enchantment Option:
At 4th level, the Clergywoman can use one of her Channel Energy use to break and enchatment: This ability frees victims from enchantments. You make a character level check (1d20 + Clergywoman level, maximum +15) against a DC of 5 + caster level of the effect. Success means that the creature is free of the spell, curse, or effect. For a cursed magic item, the DC is equal to the DC of the curse. If the spell is one that cannot be dispelled by dispel magic, break enchantment works only if that spell is 5th level or lower. If the effect comes from a permanent magic item, break enchantment does not remove the curse from the item, but it does free the victim from the item’s effects.
Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
On hiatus while visiting Ptolus, City by the Spire, new RL-inspired campaign: Madness Rising!
Jonathan Winters
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Re: The League of London... and questions

Post by Jonathan Winters »

Howdy... Another draft...
based on the Master of Disguise from the Advanced PG from Paizo.

I see that people look at this thread, but without asking for long critiques, do you guys feel I am on the right track with this?

What I am not sure is whether some of these will feel too powerful for MotRD.
I will see... Once spellcasting checks come into effect and Powers checks.

Again, some funky lay outs...

Take note: I have been doing this mostly with PFRPG book. I am slowly looking at books like Van Richten's Arsenal, Legacy of the Blood, etc. I will add stuff from there (soon-ish)


Spy (APG – Master of disguise)

Hit Die:
1st level: Con score + 1D6 + Con Mod
Every other level: 1D6+2 + Con Mod


1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Art of Deception, Bonus skill focus feat, Master of Disguise

2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Bonus feat OR Eldritch Dabbler OR Rogue Talent, Glib Lie

3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 Bonus skill focus feat, Erudite

4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Bonus feat OR Eldritch Dabbler OR Rogue Talent, Quick Change

5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Bonus skill focus feat, Concealed Thoughts, Elude Detection

6th +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Bonus feat OR Eldritch Dabbler OR Rogue Talent, Unearthed Alchemical Lore

7th +7/+2 +2 +2 +5 Bonus skill focus feat

8th +8/+3 +2 +2 +6 Bonus feat OR Eldritch Dabbler OR Rogue Talent

9th +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 Bonus skill focus feat

10th +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus feat OR Eldritch Dabbler OR Rogue Talent

Class features:


Spies are proficient in all firearms, martial and simple weapons.

Class skills:
Skill points at 1st level: 4 + Int Mod
Skill points at each additional level: 4 + Int Mod

Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int) (Agriculture & Botany, Ancient History & Archeology, Astrology & Astronomy, Biology & Medicine, Chemistry & Toxicology, Criminology & psychology, Eldritch Lore, Electricity & Steam Power, Engineering & Architecture, Geography & Geology, Government & Law Enforcement, History, Local, Mathematics & Physics, Navigation, Noble Families, Lineages & Etiquette, Religion [ancient & modern]), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex) and Survival (Wis).

Art of Deception (Ex):

A Spy adds half her class level (min +1) to all Bluff, Disguise, and sense Motive checks. This bonus does not apply to feint attempts or attempts to pass secret messages.

Master of Disguise (Ex):
A Spy can create a disguise in half the time normally required. In addition, any penalties from assuming a disguise of a different gender, race, age, or size are reduced by 1.

Skill focus feats:
At 1st, 3rd, 5th 7th and 10th levels, the Spy gains a skill focus feat. The Bonus skill focus feats are to be chosen from the following list: Alchemy (available at 8th level), Appraise (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Int) (Agriculture & Botany, Ancient History & Archeology, Astrology & Astronomy, Biology & Medicine, Chemistry & Toxicology, Criminology & psychology, Eldritch Lore, Electricity & Steam Power, Engineering & Architecture, Geography & Geology, Government & Law Enforcement, History, Local, Mathematics & Physics, Navigation, Noble Families, Lineages & Etiquette, Religion [ancient & modern]) and Linguistics (Int).

Spy Talent:
At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th levels, the Spy chooses either a rogue talent OR bonus feat to be chosen from the following list: Alertness, Ancient knowledge expert, Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise (Improved Disarm, etc.), Combat Reflexes, Deadly Aim, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Dodge (Etc.), Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Incredible linguist , Linguist, Iron Will, Leadership, Mysterious scholar , Nimble Moves (Acrobatic Steps), Perfect memory: auditory, Perfect memory: visual, Persuasive, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Run, Self-Sufficient, Sneak Attack (+1D6), Stealthy, Strike Back, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus.
*** Special:***
Instead of taking a talent, the Spy may choose the Eldritch Dabbler talent.

Eldritch Dabbler:
At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th levels, instead of taking a skill focus feat, the Spy may choose to learn some spells instead.

Spells known:

Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
2 2
4 3 2
6 3 3 2
8 4 4 3
10 5 5 4

Spells Per Day:

Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
2 2
4 2 1
6 3 2 1
8 3 3 2
10 4 4 2

Starting at 3rd level, a Spy adds half her class level (rounded down) to a number of skills equal to her level to be chosen amongst the following: Appraise, Craft (all), Knowledge (all), and Linguistics. Also, she may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Glib Lie (Su):
A spy of 2nd level or higher can deceive truth-detecting magic. A creature using this sort of magic against the spy must succeed on a caster level check against a DC of 15 + the master spy’s class level to succeed (as if she were under the effect of a glibness spell); failure means the magic doesn’t detect the spy’s lies or force her to speak only the truth. This ability does not give the master spy the glibness spell’s bonus on Bluff checks.

Concealed Thoughts (Su):

A 5th-level spy can conceal her schemes from mind-reading magic. When a creature is using detect thoughts or similar magic to read her mind, she decides what surface thoughts her opponent detects, and her true surface thoughts remain private. This ability does not protect against mental attacks or mind-reading that delves deeper than surface thoughts.

Quick Change (Ex):
Starting at 4th level, a spy can assume a disguise in only 2d4 rounds by taking a –10 penalty on her Disguise check. This penalty drops to –5 at 8th level.

Elude Detection (Sp):
At 5th level, a Spy can befuddle divinations used against her as if she were under the effect of a nondetection spell with a caster level equal to her character level. She can suppress or resume this protection as a standard action. If dispelled, the spy cannot resume the nondetection for 1d4 rounds.

Slippery Mind (Su):

At 5th level, a Spy can slip away from mental control. This functions as the rogue advanced talent of the same name. If the spy has the slippery mind ability from another class, these abilities stack, but she can still only use slippery mind once per round.

Unearthed alchemical lore:

At 6th level, the Spy has unearthed knowledge about Alchemy. The Alchemy skill becomes an available class-skill and may be used as found in Van Richten’s Arsenal. Starting at 7th level and on, the Spy may choose alchemical feats whenever he chooses a new feat.

The Spy does not need the feat Brew potion (in the alchemical feat prerequisites) to take any of the alchemical feats.

Spy Spell list:
Zero level spells:

Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible).
Detect Magic: Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls).
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whisper conversation at distance.
Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.

1st level

Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages.
Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft.
Disguise Self: Changes your appearance.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.
Expeditious Retreat: Your base speed increases by 30 ft.
Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
Hold Portal: Holds door shut.
Identify: Gives +10 bonus to identify magic items.
Jump: Subject gets bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you.
Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.
Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level.

2nd level spells

Alter Self: Assume form of a Small or Medium humanoid
Arcane LockM: Magically locks a portal or chest.
Blur: Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
Cat’s Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.
Continual FlameM: Makes a permanent, heatless light.
Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Darkvision: See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Detect Thoughts: Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
Knock: Opens locked or magically sealed door.
Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
Misdirection: Misleads divinations for 1 creature or object.
Obscure Object: Masks object against scrying.
See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
On hiatus while visiting Ptolus, City by the Spire, new RL-inspired campaign: Madness Rising!
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Re: The League of London... and questions

Post by Joël of the FoS »

Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:
Jonathan Winters wrote:3-
I got a question...
Has anybody played / read The Haunting of Harrowstone?

And would it be appropriate for a MotRD-ish game?

Our own Joel ran it in his campaign. You can read all about it here:
Harrowstone starts in Session 51.

I haven't read the adventure itself, but I have read Joel's journal of it. (and have read some of his posts on the forum about it.) As written, it seems it might be a bit high-magical for MotRD, but with some work, you could tone that down. The basics seem to fit in just fine.
I did indeed cut a lot in the magical items, but the adventure itself is great. The players loved it, and so I added the evil Whispering Way cabal as recurent evil dudes in my campaign.

I tweeked it a bit to make it even more gothic - see the journals ;)

But basically it's a fun dungeon crawl, with tragic historic backstory.
"A full set of (game) rules is so massively complicated that the only time they were all bound together in a single volume, they underwent gravitational collapse and became a black hole" (Adams)
Jonathan Winters
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Re: The League of London... and questions

Post by Jonathan Winters »

Hi Joël!

Thanks for the reply.

Yeah, I started poring over your journals and read the HoH.

Good stuff!

While taking away some of the more magical elements, I think it's a great adventure. And would fit with GE rather easily.
How about the rest of the Carrion Crown adventure path? Does it get too fantasy / Golarion centric for MotRD / RL?

My friends specifically asked for MotRD... I miss RL proper, but I'll take it.

We managed to play one session so far (Myself as DM + 2 PCs).
I will post the entry soon, by next week I hope.

It's a bit of improv, and will most likely see some ret-con as far as classes go... I might post a beta document if the FoS is interested in hosting it?
It would be easier to read than post on boards...

Ok gotta go!


Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
On hiatus while visiting Ptolus, City by the Spire, new RL-inspired campaign: Madness Rising!
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Re: The League of London... and questions

Post by Joël of the FoS »

Jonathan Winters wrote: about the rest of the Carrion Crown adventure path? Does it get too fantasy / Golarion centric for MotRD / RL?
Ooops, just saw your reply :(

Indeed, it is based on fantasy monsters, but as for most fantasy adventures, some modules and locations do have a great plot that could be salvaged for MotRD.

"A full set of (game) rules is so massively complicated that the only time they were all bound together in a single volume, they underwent gravitational collapse and became a black hole" (Adams)
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