The Shattered City: Chapter Five

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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Mercator's star-self shivers as Sodalis disappears, and is transmuted into the doctor's everyday appearance; looking a bit worn and frightened, he hurries to the window Celeste has (unexpectedly) thrown open to see if her characteristically optimistic assessment of the situation bears the slightest resemblance to reality.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"Gladiu Magi," Lia mutters, and makes an arcane gesture. A sword of glowing light appears out of thin air and hangs at her shoulder as she starts to make her way towards the front door by whichever relatively safe route presents itself. "We can but hope Benoit managed to skewer the bastard," she mutters.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by lostboy »

There was a crack like a pistol shot, that might have made a few people involuntarily duck or brace themselves. Fortunately it was just Nicolas delivering himself an almighty slap round the face in an attempt to restore normal brain function and motor skills. "Ouch" he mutters rubbing his jaw, the self flagellation seeming to do the trick.

"Right, one big bad shadowy thing appears to be down, lets not get too carried away with the party until we're certain there isn't anymore lurking about." He says looking shiftily around the corner in an overly dramatic manner, before grabbing whatever piece of furniture happens to be nearest and using it to brace the door to the grand hall shut. "We probably don't want to go that way, unless you fancy another attempt at the afterlife Signore?" Nicolas adds with a wink at Agale.

"But I do believe its time to take our leave, don't know about the rest of you but I'm following the woman with the big glowing sword" he proclaims , before wandering after Lia and whistling a rather annoying tune.

I assume since combat is over the daze is lifted?
Nicolas uses a song of rest, allowing everyone to spend a surge and regain and additional +5 hp should they need it. He does so himself twice regaining 48 hp
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by yalenusveler »

As Sodalis made its rather surprisingly undramatic exit, Kerrian smiled. After all, there was nothing quite so satisfying as watching something that was all but stated to be your death instead meeting its own end. It was only the sound of cheering coming from outside that broke him from his reverie. "We should be careful, we don't exactly know who they're cheering for.." Kerrian said as he moved to join with the others, spirit companions following alongside.

As for Benoit skewering a member of the academic elite, who also happens to be a self serving head of a cabal of evil sorcerers? could only hope lightning struck twice today.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by lostboy »

Kerrian wrote:"We should be careful, we don't exactly know who they're cheering for.."
"I'm guessing it isn't for the government declaring a new tax on big bad shadowy things from beyond the veil of night." Nicolas responds facetiously and succumbs to the inevitable need to spin a bit of poetry in there as well. "But yes lets have a little caution as Kerrian suggests, mind you these fraternity fellows don't seem much like the cheering types to me, I think it would be quite the most depressing party to attend."

"Still no way to be sure, lets find out what the hell is going on, and anything in a black robe is fair game."
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by NeoTiamat »

Le Palais de Justice, Quartier-Publique, Nightfall of June 8th, 770

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Elias Gauvain did not follow you outside. He stood silently where Sodalis had fallen – dispersed, rather – and did not move. He lowered the tightly-bound umbrella he had been using in the battle, resting both hands on the silver raven-skull that was its hilt. Despite everything that had happened, he was untouched. Idly, he brushed a few stray pieces of ash from his cloak, the only visible sign of the battle that had just occurred. He was still standing there, waiting, when you took your leave.
Celeste wrote:"Ah -- no doubt our doughty cohorts have won the day! Shall we join them in their well-deservéd triumph? Oh, do say we must!"
Nicolas wrote:"Still no way to be sure, lets find out what the hell is going on, and anything in a black robe is fair game."
Celeste had managed to find perhaps the one window in the Quartier that was not at present besieged by hordes of angry workers. It was, if anything, rather curiously deserted, the distant sounds of mixed pain and joy strangely muted.

You were successful in getting off the balcony, though this required a certain amount of struggling and squirming, followed by a drop of a few feet. Unpleasant more than dangerous, especially after Thierri had vaulted down and started catching those who fell.

You were a motley crew, but then you always were. Thierri moved as though in a daze, his mind only half present in the here and the now. The rest was still inside, among the smoke and shadows and death that stalked through the Palais de Justice. But he smiled at Celeste, and he would recover.

The Blackwoods stayed close together, and close to Nerit. They spoke in low voices to one another, whispering words of worry and concern. She had been the target of Sodalis, after all, and though the creature was gone, his memory remained. But there would be time to talk of that in the future. To judge from Alice’s furrow-browed expression, and Richard’s almost painfully earnest looks of reassurance, that was not the only thing they would be talking of later.

Katja was the second down, after Thierri, moving with the steady professionalism that was her hallmark. She never looked around, she never bothered to check where anyone was, but she knew your locations at every moment, for every heartbeat. Tonight had been just one more night of work for her, and she was still alive, so it had been a successful night.

Cerise pouted as she shimmied down the balcony. She’d been hoping to keep that shadowy horror of magic and malice. Someday, someone would have to ask her about that. And about the dull-eyed hellhound that was presently lounging in her room and frightening Malky.

Lessard was the last one to leave, looking afterwards in case Theroux was coming. But Theroux was inside and would not be leaving just yet, and so Remy followed along after you, his work for the moment done. There would be explanations and justifications later, but now was not the time.

“Well. That could have gone better, I suppose.” Lessard said, looking out across the narrow alleyway, towards the distant, flocking crowds. It was like looking through a frosted glass, the message clear, the details difficult to pick out.

“It could have also gone significantly worse.” Alice said sharply, her hand subconsciously touching her brother’s sleeve. He was still there, however.

“Mademoiselle has a point.” Thierri said, smiling absently.

“Touché.” Lessard said with a rueful expression. “I withdraw the statement.”
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by Nerit »

Nerit wanted to linger by Gauvain and Theroux, but the anxious looks of the Blackwoods assured her that now was not the time. So instead she offered them both a pointed nod and herded along with the others.

Once they were all down the balcony, Nerit narrowed an eye at Remy. "Why were you mingling with the fraternity's society? And where is Petrik? Lemercier?" She did not even try to pretend proper etiquette or politeness. It would have looked askew on a wild-haired heretic such as herself now. As Nerit waited for the answer, she dabbed at her left wrist with a handkerchief. Before long, it was tied up and tucked all away in her habit sleeve.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by lostboy »

Nerit wrote:"Why were you mingling with the fraternity's society?"
"Ah Cherie, always business first" Nicolas says with an indulgent air as he descends the rope, showing more dexterity than one would expect form a man who's blood was probably closer to alcohol than actual plasma. ""As the great bard said.. how can we go on together, with suspicious minds?, I ... ulp!" The last exclamation being due to the fact than in his exuberance of performance (read holding the rope with one hand whilst gesticulating and expecting gravity to cooperate just because it was dramatic), he had abandoned the previous dexterity and slid down the rope, arms flailing and landed in a heap on the floor.

Amazingly Nicolas seems unhurt, or at last unhurt enough get to his feet, to light a cigarette, toss the case to Thierri and continue where he left off. "I am certain, given Monsieur Lessard's subsequent actions that his fraternity membership was a ruse, is that not the case mon ami?" he asks quirking an eyebrow at Remy.

"Besides I count everyone alive and no-one dead so a good result all round. Party at the Chateau ce soir, drinks on me? And I mean good stuff honestly...." he offers. "Although we really should see whats happening out front."

When everyones attention is diverted elsewhere he grasps Nerit's arm lightly, "perhaps we should have that discussion you offered ma Chere, at your convenience of course...."

Then he's gone, flitting off in an exhuberant social whirlwind to link arms with Katja and head towards the street whether she likes it or not "Katja my dear did I ever tell about the time I was nearly hung in Inividia? You'll like this story I promise you..."
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Five

Post by NeoTiamat »

Le Palais de Justice, Quartier-Publique, Nightfall of June 8th, 770

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Nerit wrote:"Why were you mingling with the fraternity's society? And where is Petrik? Lemercier?"

"Back in there, I suspect." Prof. Lessard said, sounding both tired and somehow amused. After Sodalis and Lord de Casteele, it was hard to work up the requisite terror over being accused by Nerit. "Unless Lemercier's found himself a large enough hole to hide in till the shooting stops."

"We all have secrets, Sister." Remy said, looking positively ghostly in the half-light. "I no less than you."
Nicolas wrote:"Besides I count everyone alive and no-one dead so a good result all round. Party at the Chateau ce soir, drinks on me? And I mean good stuff honestly...." he offers. "Although we really should see whats happening out front."

"Giant jellyfish rising up from Parnault Bay to take back their kingdom of a thousand years ago?" Cerise said, smiling tiredly at the rest of you. She was still a little put out about not being able to keep her monster, which someone really would have to talk to her about some day.

"I think the simpler explanation is that Benoit's killed De Casteele." Alice said. She had been looking at the crowd carefully while the others spoke. "Otherwise they'd be running away, not to."
Nicolas wrote:"Katja my dear did I ever tell about the time I was nearly hung in Invidia? You'll like this story I promise you..."
“I don’t doubt.” A flicker of a smile ghosted across her lips. “To the Chateau Malchance, then.”

You went home.
          • The End
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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