The Spear of Ahmoth

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The lost Spear of Ahmoth[1] is a powerful Sebuan artifact and weapon against the undead, particularly Tiyet and her minions. It formerly belonged to Ahmoth, a guard to Khamose murdered by Tiyet. The Spear can never been taken from Sebua until Tiyet has been permanently destroyed.

Game Statistics

+3 undead bane short spear, Although made of bronze, it functions as if it was made of steel. Used against Tiyet, it has a number of magical spell powers usable as if by a 10th level Cleric. Furthermore, it pulls like a divining rod to find Tiyet's Heart.


The bearer of the weapon suffers from vivid nightmares of Ahmoth's last moments. In addition, when facing Tiyet or her minions, the wielder must make a DC 20 Will save or fight to the death, DC 30 if fighting Tiyet.
