Statutes of l'Morai

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The Statues of l'Morai constitute the laws of L'Morai[1], collected into a single massive book. Characterized by the Puppetmaster as so restrictive as to practically condemn everyone,[2] the Statues of l'Morai prescribe the living death as an all-but universal punishment for any and all "serious" transgressions of the law by citizens of the City of l'Morai. This is true for even what might elsewhere be minor crimes, such as overcharging one's customers[3], or even what should be noncrimes, such as disobedience to parents by hiding from them to escape abuse and physical harm[4] There is an element of hypocrisy here, for the Grand Charter of l'Morai normally does not allow freaks of Carnival l'Morai, foreigners, or other non-citizens of the City of l'Morai to make accusations or level charges against citizens[5], unless the noncitizen can elicit the backing of citizens. In addition, the penalty for violation of the laws of the City of l'Morai can be worse for the carnival folk, for their punishments can mark them for death for things ranging from perjury[6] to simply leaving the Carnival grounds without permission.[7]

The living death was described by Jurist L'Arist to Marie the Blind Juggler and Morcastle as a form of exile whereupon the City purges itself of any evildoers with enough moral turpitude to violate the City's laws.[8] In reality, this punishment is much, much worse. It involves a horrible and torturous transformation, both mental and physical, whereupon a citizen is stripped of their memories and given the identity of one of the folk of Carnival l'Morai.[9] This transformation is exemplified by Dominick the Butcher into Karrick the Man of a Thousand Knives.[10] Beyond merely punishing transgressors of the Statutes, the living death also has the function of creating a caste of outcasts to be abused, exploited, and eve murdered by the City's citizens, so that the citizens do not tear each other apart.[11]

See Also:


  1. Champions of the Mists p.50
  2. Carnival of Fear p. 178-179
  3. CoF p. 195
  4. CoF p. 188
  5. CoF p. 133-134
  6. CoF p. 140
  7. CoF p. 58
  8. CoF p. 138
  9. CoF p. 166
  10. CoF p. 141-143, 163-167
  11. CoF p. 295-296, 304