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Rookscrag is a cliff in the Vanishing Hills, able to be located by following a road running aside the Trank River.[1] Once at the base of Rookscrag, there are two different ways to scale the cliff. The Cliffside Path is somewhat safter, but allows others to see those who ascend. Entering a valley, one can follow the tunnels there into Rookscrag itself. The Tunnels allow one to go undetected, but the tunnels are more dangerous than the Cliffside Path.[2] The ravens plentiful in this area are unusual in that they can readily speak (or at least parrot) human language. They will utter cryptic phrases and interjections. However, they will not answer any questions unless spoken to via special means allowing communication with ravens. Even then, the ravens will not say anything related to the cries they utter.[3]


  1. The Raven p. 9
  2. The Raven p. 13-15
  3. The Raven p. 13