Roberta Gauldamon

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Roberta Gauldamon was an aristocrat of Mordent, a daughter of the Gauldamon family and a demon-worshipper.


Roberta was born as half of a pair of fraternal twins. Growing up, she was extremely close to her brother Robert Gauldamon, with whom she shared a love of music and song. Initially, the twins trained together, but when Robert's talent and skills surpassed Roberta's, she became insanely jealous and started avoiding him, much to his distress.

While Robert continued to train to hone his natural gifts, Roberta sought a shortcut to get the things she wanted. She found it when she stumbled on a demonic cult that operated in the woods of her native Mordent. Presumably this cult was dedicated to a different Fiend than the Gauldamon cult dedicated to Lou'gal the Smiling One, as it was composed solely of women and Roberta was its only member from her family.

In return for her fealty and worship, Roberta's new patron offered to give her the singing power and expertise she craved. It did so not by enhancing Roberta's own voice or teaching her, but by employing another of its cultists: the Lhiannan shee Lisette. This wicked creature seduced and drained Robert Gauldamon of his singing potential, after which the Fiend transferred that same potential into Roberta - an arrangement she embraced wholeheartedly. When mercenaries drove Lisette to flee and she nearly killed Robert to gain a lead, Roberta's only regrets were that her brother had not actually died and that she would not be able to take more of his potential from him. When Robert disappeared in 584 BC, Roberta shrugged this off as unimportant and continued to enjoy the increase in status she enjoyed because of her increased singing prowess.

Current Sketch

Even if Roberta survived the scattering of her family in 621 BC, she is most likely dead in the current timeline, be it of old age, because the Fiend had claimed payment, or because she made enemies she could not defeat. Ironically, the cruelties that befell her brother because of her bargain with the Fiend and the madness that followed ensure he lives on, hating her still with his every breath.