Narana Hiregaard

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As one might expect of the from the granddaughter of Tristen Hiregaard, Narana prefers the world of high adventure and athletics to the stuffy world of debutante balls and other such social events.[1] Narana is nonetheless unusual for a Hiregaard in that, beyond the usual Hiregaard Family interests, she has become entranced by the sea. Currently she is planning a expedition into the Nocturnal Sea to hunt pirates. Her ship is the Waveprowler,[2], captained by Captain Onid Rhelarian.[3]

Conflicting parentage

Legacy of the Blood gives two fathers of Narana, either Myar Hiregaard[1] or Sasha Hiregaard.[2] It is uncertain which is correct.

Game Statistics

female human rogue 1/fighter 1; Lawful Good[1]
