Frederick (Sea Ghoul)

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Frederick is a human ex-pat from Falkovnia. Well, he was. He was part of the crew for Captain Johnny Beetlefoot's Jolly Mongrel, eventually becoming its first mate. As first mate, he took his task of keeping the crew in line like a fish to water. A little too well. He was known for the vicious beatings he gave if the crew got out of line. He revealed in his lust for punishment. This lust drew the dark powers attention, who slowly made him crave more and more blood and flesh from those he beat.

When a crewman killed another, Frederick took to the punishment not angrily, but gleefully. He beat the murderer within an inch of his life, then tied him upside-down to the mast and began to flay him with a whip, strips of his flesh being ripped off. Frederick, overcome with hunger for punishment, succumbed to the dark powers temptation and ripped apart the crewman, devouring his flesh with his hands and teeth, to the horror of the crew. Captain Beetlefoot had no other choice but to punish his first mate himself. Frederick was tied to the anchor and sent to the bottom of the ocean.

Whatever cruel fate may have it, this did not kill Frederick. Or perhaps more accurately, it did kill Frederick, but his soul did not depart. The dark powers had their hooks in him and would not release their new plaything so easily. Three days tied to the anchor, Frederick was pulled up, transformed into a sea-ghoul.

Frederick now struggles with his undead nature, and hunger. He was given a second chance by the powers that be, and he refuses to give in so easily to their plans. He can easily pass as living in the world around him as long as he covers up his barnacled skin, seaweed like hair, and curved claws. He has a slightly off look to him, with his greenish tinted hair always wet and pulled back, a sea-green bandana covering his falcon-marked forehead. He runs the Golden Hand Finder's Shoppe in Fallaya with Johnny Beetlefoot and a handful of other former mates of the Jolly Mongrel. He is a surprisingly jovial sort, and hides the fact that he is undead incredibly well, though how long he can keep his hunger at bay with raw fish and chickens is uncertain.


Frederick is a Neutral Good 11th-level sea-ghoul fighter. He is a master swordsman, though he is mostly retired from that line of work now, his great sword Nios hanging on the wall of the Finder's Shoppe.

Nios is a magical greatsword +2 with a few unique abilities. Its blade is made of wrought iron, and is covered in barnacles with a red and black pearl set into the blade about two inches above the hilt.