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First introduced in the article Secrets of Freedom in Quoth the Raven Issue 29, Evanar is the unwilling 'Secret Mother of Champions' or simply 'Mother of Champions' for the goddess Mystra on Toril.


Evanar was born under a different name on a world described as old and dying, its forests replaced by cities of glass-and-steel towers, its lands poisoned by the waste of old wars, where magic was so weak as to be almost unknown.


In spite of her background, Evanar was abducted by the second incarnation of Mystra, goddess of Magic on Toril. The goddess had foreseen a need for champions to meet specific catastrophes, and Evanar must be their mother. When Evanar protested and begged to be released back to her home world, Mystra instead showered her with gifts, including an inhumanly aesthetic appearance and forceful inclusion into the ranks of her own Chosen. With Mystra's silver fire infusing the unwilling 'Mother of Champions', natural death could not claim her and most injuries would be healed. Mystra remanded Evanar to the care of her church, ignoring all further objections and pleas. When Evanar fled the care of Mystra's priesthood and retreated to the most untamed wilderness, Mystra sufficed to cast a powerful curse on the young woman; a Tether which would force her to return to Toril no matter how far she fled, but refrained from other punishments.

Mother of Champions

Evanar eventually joined the clergy of Ptah[1] and visited many worlds, including Krynn, Mystara and Oerth. She wrote journals of her travels, in which she also recorded her growing knowledge of science and magic. In time she unlocked methods of peering into and sometimes even travelling to alternate worlds through knowledge of the many-worlds interpretation[2]. No matter how far she travelled or how much she studied, though, the Tether would always draw her back, and Mystra would regularly send people to draw her out of hiding with the use of Enchantment spells, cajoling her into accepting her role as Mother of Champions. Evanar came to loathe and fear these visitations; she had no desire to be a mother, but her heart inevitably broke when her children were marched off to die for the sake of Mystra's prophecies. She sought to break the Tether and rid herself of the silver fire many times, to no avail; she could not be free, and she could not die. The best she could do, with the aid of a magical artifact granted to her by Solinari, Lunitari and Nuitari of Krynn, was to rid herself of the appearance of inhuman perfection foisted on her by Mystra.


Evanar found some measure of peace after she was visited by Colmarr Greatorm, whom she unintentionally inspired to found the Sevenstrings. Although she remains incapable of breaking the Tether, the Sevenstrings agents still surviving on Toril now actively guard her privacy, killing the men sent to father children with her. As a Dread Possibility, this may lead to catastrophe as key champions are unavailable to perform actions necessary to preserve the balance of Magic on Toril.


Lawful Good female human Chosen of Mystra Diviner 5 / Cleric (Ptah) 5 / Mystic Theurge 4 / Wizard of High Sorcery (White Robe) 5 / Sevenstrings Agent 1 (Opposition schools: Enchantment, Illusion(2nd).)
