Dame Alice Kyteler (NPC)

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Dame Alice Kyteler was noblewoman who lived in Ireland the 14th century. She was accused of killing her four husbands using black magic and witchraft. Despite a stubborn and insistent bishop, Dame Alice escaped serious judgement by letting her maid Petronella take the fall and leaving behind her old lands to leave for London. There she made even a better fortune. There she curried the favor of many noblewomen there, helping her flock to advance their station and teaching them to protect themselves. She gathered so much good will that a cult began to venerate her following the supposed passing of her long-lived life.[1]

Dame Alice was secretly a sea hag who concealed her nature through treachery and a mastery over magic. Beyond her own natural and learned abilities, by the 1890s she has a powerful quabal called the Daughters of Saint Alice who hope to make her the Queen of Britain. She currently resides in the sewers of London.[2]

Gothic Earth adaptation of Dame Alice Kyteler created by Hugo Viegas Nascimento

More on this person at at Wikipedia


Neutral Evil mature sea hag, adept 8 (2e Masque of the Red Death)[3]


  1. Book of Shadows p.189-190
  2. Book of Shadows p.190-192
  3. Book of Shadows p. 191-192
