Category talk:Fracture

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Is a fracture actually a Mistway rather than a Portal?

Maybe. I can't find much on them in Gaz V, but the description of THE fracture in the Shadow Rift seemed to imply a journey through, not a jump, like a portal. I could've sworn some 3e book had descriptions of more fractures, but I can't find it in Gaz V or VRGttSF. They may be Mistways, or they may just be simple tunnels with odd properties. I'm not sure I'm comfortable pinning them down if nothing in canon supports it. Can't they just be Locations? -- Gonzoron 21:13, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

I am adding the fracture material, which was supplied to me by its author, and was subsequently, like four years subsequently, posted by myself.

Certainly, there is nothing to prevent us from putting Fractures down as Fractures.Cure 01:05, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

Ah yes, I remember that stuff now. I looked it up and refreshed my memory. Given the talk in that material about imperfections in the planar fabric, I say they are a unique type of phenomena. Closely related to Mistway, but not a Mistway and not a portal. Just leave them as fractures -- Gonzoron 14:31, 19 February 2010 (UTC)