Category:Krezkov Family

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in Curse of Strahd, the Kreskov Family was responsible for building Krezk long, long ago. However, today the bloodline is on the verge of becoming extinct, as the last child of the family, Ilya Krezkova, recently perished, leaving Burgomaster Dmitri Krezkov and his wife Anna Krezkova without heir. Their aged nature makes producing another child highly unlikely.[1]

The Krezkovs once controlled the Wizard of Wines as they were awarded it by Strahd for their steadfast support of him. The family was later linked to the Martikov Family by marriage, and the Wizard of Wines eventually came to be owned by the Martikovs.[2]


  1. Curse of Strahd p. 143, 155
  2. p. 173

Pages in category "Krezkov Family"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.