Captain Ferril Conklin Harrow

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A highly experienced warrior and veteran of many wars, scarred by battle and enfeebled by age. Slew the Beast of Barstow and won at Cunnagan's Gap. Met Lord Theone at the Battle of Ravening Plains, where Theone saved Captain Harrow's life and Harrow learned of Theone's mission to achieve immortality. Now Captain Harrow too old to go on adventures, but nonetheless wishes for the vitality of his youth to go on more adventures. Thus Captain Harrow attended the private auctioning of Theone's possessions at Eldron Manor.[1]

May have made a deal with the Last to restore enough vitality (including fixing his blind eye and restoring his missing hand) to go one one find adventure before dying, in return for helping the Last undo the One's plans[2]


  1. Dark Tales and Disturbing Legends p. 10, 144
  2. DT&DL p. 144