Calum Songmaster

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Calum Songmaster is a bard whom founded The Brotherhood of Broken Blades in approximately 696 BC to 697 BC[1]

Calum was a character from the Death of a Darklord novel and mentioned in Gazetteer I.


Calum lived a long life of heroism fighting evil in all forms, even having to put down at least one friend, Gordin Smey, who succumbed to corruption. Calum earned the respect and admiration of numerous other heros, such as Jonathan Ambrose, Tereza Ambrose, and Konrad Burn. He had lived eight decades before disease and old age landed him on his deathbed. Yet when Harkon Lukas tempted him with a chance to live another well-lived life in another person's, Calum discarded his previous loyalties, albeit with some hesitation. At Lukas' behest, Songmaster lured his fellow mage-finders into a trap by sending them a summons to stop the Zombie Plague of Cortton. Lukas wanted to get Konrad into position for a body swap, such that he may find a vessel out of his domain.[2]

In return, Lukas tricked the young Kelric Cutpurse to come in for (what Kelric thought was temporary) body swap. After the switch occurred, Lukas betrayed and suffocated Kelric in Calum's body. Songmaster got to enjoy his new life as Kelric Sweetvoice for only a brief time before Lukas betrayed him in turn. Unable to escape the borders of his domain in his new body, Lukas literally stabbed Songmaster in the back out of sour grapes.[3]


  1. date taken from Ravenloft Gazetteer I p.106- "nearly 60 years ago", meaning nearly 60 years prior to the contemporary time period of Gazetteer I (756 BC))
  2. DoaD p. 7-11, 50-51
  3. p. 304-310