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Zhakata is the chief (and only) deity recognized by the Church of Zhakata (and thus of G'Henna itself. Also known as the Devourer, Zhakata's worship (as interpreted by the so-called "Prophet of Zhakata", Yagno Petrovna), calls for austere fasting and even starvation as sacrifice in Zhakata's name.[1]

The truth is that Zhakata is a false deity, an apparition dreamed up by the fevered mind of a young Yagno Petrovna.[2] Zhakata was once recognized as a deity two aspects, the Devourer and the Provider, but an encounter with Malistroi shook Yagno to his spiritual core. Ultimately, Yagno declared the Provider aspect heretical and banned any worship of Zhakata other than the Devourer.[3]
