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WIKISEED FROM CATALOGUE : Darklord of Nebligtode(Please edit freely, then remove this note and WIKISEED label)

WIKISEED FROM CATALOGUE : Resides on Todstein(Please edit freely, then remove this note and WIKISEED label)

Meredoth was born to a pair of talented and wealthy wizards in the Alphatian Empire in the outlander world of Mystara. He received precious little nurturing from either of them however. His father was an obsessive constructcrafter with no time to spend upon child who was instead entrusted to the care of golems and their like. And his mother was a vain enchanter who found it most convenient to discipline her child with her enchantments.

The Alphatain Empire was a magocracy and Meredoth met this parents expectation by demonstrating an aptitude for magic which would ensure his eventual membership in the nobility of the land. The child was drawn in particular to necromancy which was generally held to be one avenue of research among others. In his early teens, Meredoth watched her mother addicted herself to the drug tsongha and withered away within a span of a few months. The conclusions that Meredoth drew from his childhood were that the flesh was weak and was to be despised, that arcane craftsmanship could improve upon nature and so was to be valued, and that entities capable of perfect obedience were alone to be counted upon.

Meredoth's time in school only reinforced these conclusions. His brilliance was recognized and gave peers reason to court his goodwill. Soon enough a false friend stole his ground-breaking research in respect to a variant skeletal golems. The young Meredoth retaliated by addicting him to tsongha. It was a ploy that he would use repeatedly, with the difference that it was now he who stole the work of his victims, confident that they plotted to do no less themselves. In addition to necromancy, Meredoth had honed a talent for destructive evocations which served him very well in spell-duels with those who accused him of improprieties. Picking his fights carefully, he slaked a violent nature that his father had condemned and claimed as his rightful spoils spellbooks of his peers.

Meredorf soon graduated to experiments on animals and commoners in pursuit of a predictable and reliable intelligence which was to one stripped of the influence of drives and emotions. Ultimately abandoning this approach as futile, he instead set to crafting unique constructs and undead with ever great capacities for rational and intelligent self-direction. These efforts met with far greater success, although not to his satisfaction. The constructs wanted for the potentiality of living intelligence and the undead retained the perversity and appetites of the living.

The onset of arthritis at last forced the wizard to confront the betrayal by his own flesh.

The betrayal of his own flesh in the form of arthritis at last eresis Time creptTheir creator began to himself experience another flaw

   This is a vast wilderness area north of the Known World and the Heldannic Territories. The Empire of Alphatia has claimed Norwold, but little of the region is actually under the control of King Ericall, who rules from Alpha, a fortified northern city. Ericall is actively seeking capable rulers who wish to assist him in taming this unsettled land. Other civilised areas include the independent city of Oceansend, the squalid criminal town of Landfall, and the hin clanhold of Leeha. 

Meredoth attained the status of supreme master and was granted a barony in the backwater region of Norword in 633 BC. He took up residence on an uninhabited island which he named Todstein and did he best to ignore the settlers who had been dispatched with him and who


Necromancer 15 / Archmage 5, Chaotic Evil

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

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