Category:Dark Desire

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In the Demiplane of Dread, there are more than just a few souls who will go to great lengths to indulge vile passions better left unfulfilled. A mage will commit may transgressions to enact the most dangerous of rituals to become a lich.[1] A series of evil acts may inadvertently bring a fiend into the world via transposition.[2] And deluded individuals may call upon unsavory entities to quench their thirsts for immortality by making dark pacts to become a ghost[3] or one of the ancient dead.[4]

However, sometimes the mere will to transgress is enough to unleash evil upon the world. Obsession, desperation for power, wrath, and perhaps most of all, hubris can have an animating force all its own. Said dark desire is the animating force behind dread crafting, particularly the construction of dread constructs and dread golems. A dread crafter's passions can replaces great amounts of magic and gold to provide the vital spark needed for the creation of life.[5][6] However, this comes at great cost in the long run, for a person who builds a golem through obsession makes not a normal golem but one of the Created, dark creatures with eventual predispositions toward patricide.[7]

Dark desire is not only capable of bringing monsters to life, it can can also warp the self. Thirst for power or boon unrequited may bring a person to enact upon long-repressed desires through evil deed, perhaps as an act of impotent rage or a cry for help. However, acting upon these dark desires will only curse such an actor to become a Self-Induced Maledictive Lycanthrope[8] The Dark Powers may also fulfill the deadly desires of one who seeks to become a vampire or curse those whom merely seek eternal life to become these parasitic undead.[9] Such is the case of Strahd von Zarovich, who sought immortality alone but was granted a tainted version of what he wished.[10] Those who embrace their dark gifts may become the most powerful of vampires. Regardless, those who walk down the dark path do so at great personal cost: the loss of their humanity[11]



This category has the following 17 subcategories, out of 17 total.






Pages in category "Dark Desire"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.