Category:Cannibal Zombie

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Cannibal Zombies exist in a class aside from the typical zombie. They are not the product of magical creation by evil wizards and necromancers, but are a self-propagating form of undead via disease that is transmitted by bite (providing the victim isn't consumed before this takes place.) They are a social undead, but out of convenience only; a group of undead have a better chance of taking down prey than a solitary undead would. And as is already explained, they are motivated by cannibalistic hunger for other humanoids and not the whims of another creature. This driving hunger is such that they will turn on another cannibal zombie in their group if they cannot find any living prey. Finally, they are marginally intelligent and can be spoken to with a speak with dead spell.[1]

Cannibal Zombies will perish if they cannot find anything to eat after three nights. Cannibal Zombies have been known to associate with and serve Zombie Lords.[2]

Encountering Cannibal Zombies

Cannibal zombies can be encountered in Nosos[3] and the Isle.[4] In the Shadow Rift, can be encountered in the Darkenheights as part of the saugh.[5] As a type of undead, they can be found in Barovia[6][7], Darkon[8][9], Har'Akir[10][11], Mordent[12][13], Sanguinia[14], Sithicus[15][16], Souragne,[17] and Valachan[18][19] As undead, cannibal zombies could be encountered in Gundarak prior to its dissolution.[20]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p122

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p122
Bleak House:Homecoming - p20

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p122

Zombie, Cannibal

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