I have decided to assault you all with this:

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I have decided to assault you all with this:

Post by Manofevil »

While researching the Texas Chainsaw Massacre for my Post-Apacaloft thread, I came across the whole movie on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDqwLna8fwY
As the synopses from Wiki weren't giving me all the details I needed, so I worked up the courage to watch it. I was actually pleasantly surprised. This is definitely more gothic than splatter. In fact, there is very little splatter. It is definitely NOT the gore-filled violence porn I imagined when I quaked at the mention of it during my pre-teens. In fact I have come to the conclusion that the rank and file here would not be wasting their time to watch it. It really has a more 'Mad Max' feel than any splatter film I've ever seen. I also watched the first sequel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msbtwVSDaBo
Perhaps less useful to what we do here but I thought, good in combination with the first. Anyone here who did not bother with these films or, like me, never could work up the courage, should take the time to at least watch the first. It's not wasted time.
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Re: I have decided to assault you all with this:

Post by HuManBing »

Iiiinteresting! I shall have to check it out! Maybe on Netflix.

Thanks :)
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Re: I have decided to assault you all with this:

Post by Manofevil »

Hi def movie:
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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High Priest Mikhal
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Re: I have decided to assault you all with this:

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

Oh, how I miss such classics! The remake wasn't bad, and certainly better than some sequels to the original, but then very few remakes are as good or better than the originals. The only one I can think of is Night of the Living Dead and then only because the underlying messages of both were different but applicable to the times they were made in, as well as the fact Barbara wasn't so catatonic in the remake. I especially enjoyed the message in Land of the Dead, where the oppressed masses finally rise up and "eat the rich." :twisted: Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. If it were re-released today I think it might strike a major chord with audiences...assuming they could see the forest for the trees. After seeing the popular response to The Cabin in the Woods my estimation of the masses' collective intellect puts them on par with either a grapefruit or a politician.

Great. Now I have to dig through my collection of horror and see if I can't find some true classics to add. My mind is so addled with bad horror over the years you could pour All-Bran in one ear and my brains would come sluicing out the other one. Yes, kids, that's what most Hollowood movies these days will turn your brains into.
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Re: I have decided to assault you all with this:

Post by mcwayn »

that is interesting i should check it out..
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