Dark Sun 4e?! Where's the 2e material?!?!

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High Priest Mikhal
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Dark Sun 4e?! Where's the 2e material?!?!

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

:evil: Wizards resurrected the Dark Sun setting in 4e, and folks should know by now how much I hate 4e (if I wanted to play something that feels like an MMO I'd play an MMO). Athas.org is now all 4e DS and I keep getting links to torrents for AD&D 2e Dark Sun or references to 4e Dark Sun if I use a search engine. If anyone knows where any 3.x or 2e Dark Sun material is lurking, I'd appreciate the help.

And no, I am NOT going to buy 4e books or even e-books. I don't have the money or the patience to try and convert 4e into 3.5 rules.
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Re: Dark Sun 4e?! Where's the 2e material?!?!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

- First and foremost, please knock it off with the 4e-bashing. Everyone knows 4e is divisive. Some love it, some hate it. We've discussed it to death. Taking a swipe at 4e when your question is about 2e and 3e is not only irrelevant, but against our forum rules.
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Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:2a. An addition to the "no flaming" rule. Edition-bashing of any kind will not be tolerated. This forum is officially about ALL editions of Ravenloft, using ANY ruleset, official or otherwise. No one should be made to feel that their system is "wrong" for Ravenloft. Constructive criticism is fine, flaming is not. In return, we ask everyone to assume that there are fans of their own system reading. Be assured, there are. The forum has fans of all systems reading and posting. As such, starting posts with "I know everyone hates __th Edition, but..." is only self-defeating. Please consider instead, "This idea assumes __th Edition, but could be used for any ruleset" It may seem like a small difference, but when trying to foster a place for open discussion, tone is everything. A new user passing by with a great idea for (1st/2nd/3rd/4th) edition (or GURPS, Rolemaster, Toon, a homebrew, whatever) who sees someone proclaiming that this forum "hates" that ruleset is much less likely to join up and post. And we don't want to discourage that.
- on a less important note, this is the wrong forum for the question. Since it's not Ravenloft-related, I'm moving it to the Roleplaying Games forum.

I'm not sure if you're looking for official pdf versions of the 2e/3e Dark Sun material, or fan made material. If the former, right now there is no legal way to get 2e and 3e WotC e-books. There have been rumblings of online older edition reprints coming soon as part of the D&D Next revamp, but I don't know the details of what will be included. (To my knowledge, there was no official 3e Dark Sun material outside of athas.org and the Paizo Dragon/Dungeon magazines). But for now, ebay, used bookstores, or your FLGS are the best way to find that stuff.

For fan-made material, athas.org has always been the "official" fan site, so I doubt they took down all their 2e/3e stuff completely. I'd ask over there in their forum ("The Arena") for help if you can't find it.
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Re: Dark Sun 4e?! Where's the 2e material?!?!

Post by brothersale »

actually there is a fair chunk of 3e Dark Sun in the athas.org just follow the link:
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Re: Dark Sun 4e?! Where's the 2e material?!?!

Post by Mortavius »

Mikhal, I won't try and change your mind on the 4E stuff (and I'm not going to get into the edition discussion), but I have both some of the old 2E Dark Sun stuff, and the 4E stuff. And I would personally suggest you take a look at some of the 4E "flavor" stuff for Dark Sun. I'm not saying you should run a 4E game, or what-not. But they came up with some role-playing ideas and story/flavor stuff that was somewhat different from 2E Dark Sun, and you might like it. It's not rules-related, so converting it wouldn't be a problem. If you can find it for free, or to look at, I'd strongly suggest you take a look. If you don't like it, then you're out a couple minutes of time, and if you do like it, it could enhance your game. And since it's not related to rules, again, no conversion is necessary.

Anyways, just a suggestion, from someone who has both stuff.
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Re: Dark Sun 4e?! Where's the 2e material?!?!

Post by HuManBing »

I'd agree with Mortavius. The system is only as important as you make it to be - it's the fluff, plotlines, characterizations, and background color that makes a setting.

I picked up Expedition to Castle Ravenloft back in 3.5 ed., and even though I would never run it in any D&D ruleset regardless of edition, I do like the work they've done with the adventure.

Remember, ideas are universal, and an RPG product is at heart a collection of ideas. Don't let a label or an edition number put you off from using a great product.
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Re: Dark Sun 4e?! Where's the 2e material?!?!

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

I stand by what I said about 4e, but I'll refrain from saying anything more.

To Mortavius and HMB, re-read the line about "not having the money." Even if I wanted to buy the books I'm in no position financially to do so. I get your points, already.

To brothersale, thanks for the link.

And can we just close this thread now wherever it gets moved? I'm already working 60 hours per to cover a bank FUBAR that's got me way behind--as in, Xmas-may-not-happen behind--and this thing will sit and eat at my mind (Chronic Anxiety Disorder, isn't Asperger's just a wonderful package deal?).
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Re: Dark Sun 4e?! Where's the 2e material?!?!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

High Priest Mikhal wrote:I stand by what I said about 4e, but I'll refrain from saying anything more.
You're entitled to your opinions, I just encourage you (and everyone else) to go by the "if you can't say something nice about __ edition, don't say anything at all" rule.
And can we just close this thread now wherever it gets moved? I'm already working 60 hours per to cover a bank FUBAR that's got me way behind--as in, Xmas-may-not-happen behind--and this thing will sit and eat at my mind (Chronic Anxiety Disorder, isn't Asperger's just a wonderful package deal?).
Fair enough. Consider the matter over.
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