(Dark) Ptolus campaign advice needed (Tarlyn keep out)

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Jonathan Winters
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(Dark) Ptolus campaign advice needed (Tarlyn keep out)

Post by Jonathan Winters »


I am running the Madness Rising campaign (with RL twists and NPCs thrown in - Weathermays, Toben the Many, etc.)

For those of you who know of this little gem of an adventure, I am thinking of running Blood of the Gorgon from Open Design in my current Ptolus campaign.

I got a couple of questions...


1- I am thinking of running our evil bad guy as written in BotG, but, the catalyst for Armand coming to the forefront is (on top of his madness) contact with Liquid Shadow (From the Ptolus setting - in my campaign someone [BBEG] is using liquid shadow to infect people and turn them into semi-possessed killers). There would be a strong connection with Shadows and Chaos Cults.

2- Also, BBEG would be behind one of the Chaos Cults, the Cult of the Ebon Hand (deformities and such).

3- I can't find any helpful reviews of the adventure Night of Dissolution anywhere... So I am debating whether BBEG would use the Chaos energies released during BotG to release the Galchutt (Night of Dissolution adv) or should I go full on with The Banewarrens adventure? I don't think I can pull both off at the same time...

Those of you familiar with BotG and Ptolus, what do you think?
And yes, this might be kind of obscure to some... Sorry.

Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
On hiatus while visiting Ptolus, City by the Spire, new RL-inspired campaign: Madness Rising!
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Re: (Dark) Ptolus campaign advice needed (Tarlyn keep out)

Post by Jester of the FoS »

Only familiar with Ptolus so it sounds good.
Jonathan Winters
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Re: (Dark) Ptolus campaign advice needed (Tarlyn keep out)

Post by Jonathan Winters »

Thanks Jester,

Yeah, I know I'm coming out of nowhere with this one... And BotG having had a limited release does not make it easier.

Now if I could only make up my mind about either running NoD or The Banewarrens...

Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
On hiatus while visiting Ptolus, City by the Spire, new RL-inspired campaign: Madness Rising!
Jonathan Winters
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Re: (Dark) Ptolus campaign advice needed (Tarlyn keep out)

Post by Jonathan Winters »

A short description of the adventures... So people can comment if they want...

Night of Dissolution

The adventures in The Night of Dissolution pit the player characters against the darkest forces the city of Ptolus has ever faced. Following the threads of a hidden conspiracy, the characters find themselves up against insane cultists, wild chaos magic, and horrors from the primordial days of the world.

The urban intrigue, dungeon exploration, and high action take PCs to a former brothel, the laboratory of the dreaded Surgeon in the Shadows, and even secret temples of chaos. It all culminates as the characters attempt to stave off the Night of Dissolution: a dark time long foretold when the slumbering Lords of Chaos will awaken in their hidden lairs deep below
the city—and bring catastrophe to the world.

The Banewarrens

Long ago, a powerful saint gathered dozens of the world’s most malignant forces of evil and locked them away in his far-flung warrens behind magically sealed doors. Today someone opened a door....

This super-dungeon by the author of Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil and the Dungeon Master’s Guide takes characters on a dynamic adventure full of intrigue, twists, and magic.
And The Banewarrens is more than just rooms of foul creatures to bash. Characters race against evil adventurers who seek the banes for themselves. With every action, the heroes risk loosing even more hideous forces upon an unsuspecting world. While some may claim to be their allies, amid this deadly labyrinth both figurative and literal: Who can they really trust?


Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
On hiatus while visiting Ptolus, City by the Spire, new RL-inspired campaign: Madness Rising!
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