The Eye of Anubis: Book Ten

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The Eye of Anubis: Book Ten

Post by NeoTiamat »

Muhar, Har'Akir
August 26th, 761, 2:36 PM; Day 162 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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It was a week out of the Dread City of Kamarn-Quse that you came upon Muhar. The largest concentration of people in the Amber Wastes, until one reached Pharazia, it was a lonely little village on the banks of a nameless stream, a trickle of water that came from the cliffs to the north and stretching a dozen miles before disappearing altogether into the sands. It was the size of Ravnika in Barovia, if that large, a cluster of mud-brick houses arranged around central square.

In the distance, the cliffs of Har'Akir rose up, the tangle network of cliffs and canyons where the ancient kings and pharoahs of Har'Akir had hidden their burial chambers. It was here that the Tomb of Menetnashte was found, and there that you would find Beherith... and Maleagant's rival expedition. The Tomb's namesake walked with you, a slender Akiri woman in black, looking almost normal without her eerie jackal-mask. She gazed towards the cliffs, face calm and impassive.

"We'll need to restock in Muhar, if possible." Professor Carter said, looking out across the dunes towards the dusty little village. "And see if they know where Maleagant and his crew are."

"Would be too much to expect them to have died in the desert, I suppose." Professor Marchand-Renier said, though without his usual venom. "Quiet place."

The Richemuloise academic was correct. The village of Muhar was still in the afternoon light. No children played in the streets, no women gossiped from their windows. Every door was closed, and many of the windows were shuttered, as if against a sand storm, or perhaps something worse. The village wasn't abandoned, certainly, as you saw a few figures in white-yellow tunics scurry through the streets. But for all that, Muhar was very... quiet.

Near the farms to the east, a number of figures on horseback turned towards you and began to move to you at a swift canter.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"Is there any chance," Lia says, her voice slightly hoarse from exposure to the desert air, "that the bastards have set a trap for us? Perhaps told the folk of Muhar that we are traitors, thieves and bandits, should we find our way here despite all they did to trap us in the Monastery? Should we announce ourselves as the 'Menetnashte expedition' still, or as something else?"

If anyone looks at her questioningly over what she has said, Lia only shrugs. She is suspicious and paranoid of nature, and everyone knows it. That does not mean she has not been correct from time to time ...
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

"We ought to be careful of any 'warnings' Samael's crew might've given these people about us," Kuzan muttered, "And about Cavendish. He seems to show up every time we reach civilization with tombs and graveyards." Maybe it was Kamarn-Quse, maybe it was the state of the party, but Kuzan suddenly seemed a bit more suspicious of matters in general.

If Muhar didn't seem so cloistered, then it might've been a pleasant place to the priest. But the entire setup reminded him strongly of Phiraz. The eerie silence, the people hiding from something, some folks approaching undoubtedly going to demand their business or beg for help. Given a day or two -- if that -- this would become quite messy.

Speaking of those approaching folks, Kuzan craned his neck to get a better look at the horsemen.

Spot/Listen of 35 or so.
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Post by DocBeard »

"Well, we are clearly not traitors, thieves, liars and murderers." Tomas reasons, reinforcing Samael's contempt of his sense of logic. "So it should not be being a problem for very long, ja?"

He takes a swig of water, so his throat stops hurting.
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

"Doesn't matter what we clearly are," Kuzan sighed, "Matters what Samael told them. And if he told them we're bad, they're not going to be inclined to trust us first unless his people did something bad while they were here."
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Post by yalenusveler »

"Everyone be careful about how and where you refill your waterskins. There are some delightfully draconian laws in place regarding such activities." Andre said, looking at the riders approaching. "And depending on how silver tongued Samael and his accomplices were, they might already take us for followers of Set, or any other of a number of things suitable to be fed to everyone, DO be careful."
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Otto sighs and squints at the bleached-stone buildings, cleaning his spectacles absently. "At least the good thing about being *separated* from Samael's cohort is that it is easier to be sure of our *own* behavior...if the possibility of betrayal is now past, then we may be positive that we are presenting our best face forward.

He fits the glasses back on his nose, tucking the handkerchief into his vest pocket. "...Who is knowing how much of a comfort such is being, in the end. But if nothing else, we have learned to be adequate cultural ambassadors, these past months, even under...difficult circumstances. There is nothing for it but to soldier on, yes?"
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

"Be ready either way," Kuzan warned. The priest sat up straight, head tilted up to get a good view of the oncoming riders.

"Those aren't Akiri men," he said in confusion, "They look like Corelanders, actually. They're well-armed. I don't think any of them have drawn weapons but they're armed for sure."
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Re: The Eye of Anubis: Book Ten

Post by NeoTiamat »

Muhar, Har'Akir
August 26th, 761, 2:44 PM; Day 162 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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The welcoming committee were most assuredly not Akiri. They were, in fact, Falkovnians.

Twelve of them to be precise, tall, muscular men clad in chain mail and plate, riding good horses. Each one had a shield stashed against the back of the horse, a bastard-sword in a sheathe across the back, and a loaded crossbow hanging loosely at their sides. Tall, craggy-featured men, mostly blond-haired, though some brunettes, and the leader was black-haired. Grim-faced men, cruel-faced men, men with the mark of the Hawk branded upon their brow. The Kingfuhrer Vlad Drakov's men, elite soldiers by their gear and manner.

They rode up at a steady, inexhaustable canter, half-spreading out. They weren't threatening, not exactly. Merely making sure that if the Expedition decided to make a break for it or do something equally foolish, there would be a number of pincushioned travelers. The lead soldier pulled up his horse and looked out across the Expedition.

"Guten Tag." He was not an unpleasant-looking man, but there was a long, jagged scar across his forehead and a slight sneer in his voice. "You are the Menetnashte Expedition? Led by Doktor-Professor Pelletier and Doktor-Professor Theroux?"

"Ambassador Vedarrak has left standing orders that he is to be notified of your arrival immediately. Please, come with us." The officer smiled. "I am Lieutenant Lebrecht. Welcome to Muhar."
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia twitches momentarily at the Falkovnians' words, and then just slumps forward in the saddle. Her hands scrabble against her saddlehorn, and her shoulders tremble in what would probably be assumed to be abject terror.

In fact, the Mage is having a little trouble not to laugh out loud. 'Vedarrak,' she thinks. 'That Falkovnian ambassador from the send-off in Dementlieu ... Oh, this is too much. This is just too much.'

Lia slumps over even further, shoulders quivering ... and then she just sits still like that, waiting for the next thing to happen, for the next person to say something. But her mind is churning, spell formulas vying for her attention.
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Post by lostboy »

"Things just got a lot more complicated" Sascha mutters as the men approach. The knight glowers at the Falkovnian's , these are the last people he wanted to encounter here or anywhere for that metter. A flash of red hot fury courses through his veins at the sight of the hawk brand and the memories it brings.

Fortunatley clarity shines though the hatred, the path I have chosen is to correct those wrongs he thinks taking a deep breath which suppresses the anger with a visible grimace, although there is an audible squeal of metal as his mailed fingers grip the reins ever more tightly.

"Guten Tag" he whispers, his eyes flickering briefly at the men surrounding them, their obviosu competence and well drilled manouvers drawing a further grimace form his lips.
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The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by DocBeard »

"Teuss!" Tomas waves cheerfully, a big grin on his face to hide the iron grip on his hilt. "You will have to be forgiving of our condition, Herr Kaleun, we ran into, how you say, a little of the trouble crossing the Sebula?"

This is the traditional Lamordian way of dealing with their fascist cousins to the south: Smile broadly, wave cheerfully, and pray they do not find an excuse to stick you like a pig. Seeing as Lamordia's one of the few civilized nations not to be invaded by Drakov's armies, maybe they're onto something.
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

The Rajian priest adjusted his uttariya a little self-consciously and remained quiet. He knew virtually nothing about Falkovnians except the one or two things Guy had told him back in Kermanshah. Guy didn't have very nice things to say about them and while the militia man ran off with the Conspiracy, he at least seemed trustworthy when it came to identifying Drakov's men's attitudes.

Still, better to let people more familiar with these foreigners talk to the men. Instead, he let his golden eyes roam their figures, looking to see if there was any foul play the Expedition should be aware of. Secretly drawn weapons, wandering fingers, dirty looks, and so on.
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Re: The Eye of Anubis: Book Ten

Post by NeoTiamat »

Muhar, Har'Akir
August 26th, 761, 2:49 PM; Day 162 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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"You have my sympathies. The trip from the Ruse was agonizing enough on its own, and you have traveled far farther across this desert." Lebrecht commiserated. He gave Tomas a bitter smile. "And the reward for your troubles? The fair village of Muhar."

"Well, let us be on our way. Luther, inform the Kommandant that the Expedition is here." Lieutenant Lebrecht commanded one of the other Falkovnians, who saluted and rode off ahead. The officer watched him go for a moment, then turned his horse back towards Muhar. "He should be in Headquarters at this time of day."

The other Falkovnians sorted into formation around the Expedition. It wasn't entirely clear whether they were to make sure you didn't get away, or if they were to guard you from something. Certainly they seemed to be focused more outwards.

"I fear that Muhar is of yet not especially safe." Lebrecht said by way of explanation as you rode towards the village. The lieutenant paused and looked back at the Expedition, brows furrowed slightly. "Ah... We were expecting rather more of you. I believe there were twenty-three on the Expedition when it began? Where are the others?"
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by yalenusveler »

"There have been...unfortunate complications." Andre said, trying to hide the extent of his understatement. "Is Ambassador Vedarrak present, or will you be notifying him via some form of messenger?" Andre was unsure of how He'd respond if the ambassador was present. It could produce..unpleasant situations. Though the fact that he was named as a co-leader of the expedition likely stuck a bit in Marchand-Renier's craw, which brought an inner smile to Andre's heart.

After all, the taste of schadenfreude pie was bittersweet, yet still a delectable treat on the right occasions.
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