Secrets of the Kargat: The Project that failed...

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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Secrets of the Kargat: The Project that failed...

Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

You may remember a while ago I was asking if people could remember what books named members of the Kargat appeared in. Well, that was because I was trying to write my own netbook about the organisation. It was going well, until real-life reared its ugly head and, like alot of stuff I was writing, the project died of death and starvation.

Well, I've recently come to the conclusion that I'm not actually ever going to finish this, so I thought I'd share what I'd written with the boards.

So here it is!
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
The Galen Saga: 2000-2005
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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Lady Kazandra took a long sip from her goblet, red liquid escaped from the side of her mouth. She dabbed it away demurely with a napkin. Spread out on the table in front of her were reports from all over Darkon and the Core.

She idly flipped through one from an agent stationed in Tepest. The dreary little realm offered little threat to Darkon and held little information she did not already know. The agent sent there, however, had displeased her. Kazandra did not like waste and killing the man because he had failed her once was a waste, considering his considerable talents as a thief. Instead, she had bundled him away in an out of the way domain where he could not cause any trouble and where if he was caught and killed, there would be no trace back to her. She smiled, it was a ploy she had used before and would use again in the future.

She glanced at the quivering man chained to the wall. Here, in her underground chambers, she did her real Kargat work. She walked over to him, goblet in hand, and crouched next to him. Slowly she drew a knife along the man’s forearm; she caught the blood in the goblet, filling it to the brim. When it was full, she set it carefully to the ground and gently bandaged the man’s wound.

“I can keep this up for weeks, Geraud,” she said, “I can keep it up for months or even years. To stop it, all you have to do is tell me what I want to know.”

The man whimpered. Kazandra frowned, “Not in a talkative mood today, Geraud? That is a shame.” She drank the blood in the goblet, “It’s a good thing I am thirsty then…”

The Kargat are Azalin’s elite secret service that stalks Darkon, watching her citizens and making sure treason is not being plotted. Some agents travel the lands of the Core, gathering information on the small scale about certain towns and influential politicians. The Kargat is not as large as people believe, but Azalin does nothing to dissuade his populace that there are hordes of agents in their towns and cities, watching every move they make and listening to every whispered secret.

History of the Kargat

When Darkon first appeared from the Mists, Azalin realised that he would need his own private police force to help manage such a large domain. His first attempt at such an organisation started shortly after Darkon first formed in 579BC. He appointed a man named Morrus Vychen (male human old vampire Ftr12/Bar2) as the first leader of the Kargat, named after Vychen’s home town of Karg. General Vychen, as he called himself, was open about the Kargat and its links to the crown. Vychen’s Kargat was not as organised and as disciplined as the Kargat of modern Darkon. Vychen was a thug and enjoyed the company of werebeasts, filling the ranks of the organisation with the unstable creatures.

He led Darkon in the war against Barovia in the year 579. He was slain in the year 581BC when a band of Barovian mercenaries managed to sneak into his camp and somehow convince him to turn against Azalin. There are reports of how on the battlefield, Vychen turned on his own men at a key point in the battle, causing the Darkonese army heavy casualties. He was eventually stopped when Azalin Rex himself interfered, using his great magic from a far to stop the traitorous general.

Very quickly after Vychen’s death the Kargat began to crumble. Vychen’s strong-arm tactics and his bullying of the lower-classes caused a riot when he was slain. The peasants all over Darkon turned on their masters, slaughtering many lycanthropic Kargat agents, as well as many innocent people suspected of being in league with their oppressors.

After this failure, Azalin tried a different approach to his secret police. A vampiress named Tavelia (female human old vampire Sor12) from the small coastal village of Martira Bay came to the lich’s attention in 601. In the 20 years since Vychen’s defeat, the Kargat had become a crude version of what it is today. The vampiress was installed as the new leader of the Kargat at Azalin’s command in 640BC. The proto-Kargat that Tavelia took control of was extremely limited in number. At this point the Kargat only accepted certain types of undead and lycanthropes. Tavelia changed this to make the Kargat an exclusively undead institution. Certain types of undead where not allowed still, such as sentient walking dead, ancient dead and ghosts. Tavelia considered that these specimens where too unpredictable to be allowed into her new Kargat.

Tavelia used the Kargat to bring prosperity to Martira Bay. As the city started to grow she started her own pet project in 650BC, the Church of the Overseer. It was Tavelia who first visualised the idea of a cult of mortals, completely subservient to the vampiric members of the Kargat. She voiced her idea to Azalin and he set up a team to research the very nature of vampirism for a way to make Tavelia’s plan reality. Finally, in the year 608, Azalin’s researchers bore fruit. They deduced that one drop of vampiric blood would make any mortal who drank it a thrall to the vampire. Tavelia instituted the cult straight away, dubbing it the Kargatane.

The Kargatane became one of the more prominent ways for the Kargat to keep track of affairs in other domains incredibly quickly. For the next 30 years, the Kargatane was the primary source of information outside of Darkon. In 642 an incident that no one outside the Kargat knows about took place. When spoken of it is merely referred to as the Heblenik Incident. A Kargatane cell that had been sent to Valachan soon after the Mists parted went rogue. They defected to Baron Von Kharkov, himself a defector from the Kargat, and told him everything they had gathered on incidents in Valachan and the surrounding domains. Assassins where sent to track down these rogue agents and slay the traitorous Von Kharkov. Whilst successful in the first part of their mission, the assassins failed to kill the Baron.

This defection of Kargatane members angered Tavelia. She summoned all vampiric members of the Kargat to the Grim Fastness and warned them about making any more Kargatane members. She also warned that anyone else that defected away from the Kargat like Kharkov would be named an enemy of the Crown and would be treated as such.

Dread Possibility:
Not all of the assassins made it back to Darkon. Lubriel D’esna (female elven mature Nosferatu rog7/asn3 CE) was captured and turned into a vampire by Kharkov. He keeps her alive to this day, barely alive. He feeds her just enough to continue her existence. Lubriel’s once sharp mind is now in a feral state. Kharkov uses her as a warning to other would-be assassins and as a way of disposing any trespassers in Castle Pantera.

The problem now was that the Kargatane plan had its flaws and Tavelia was forced to review her policy on membership in the Kargat. She spent weeks in the Grim Fastness and concluded that she may have been in error in banning lycanthropes from the Kargat. After spending some considerable time researching the locations of all known individual lycanthropes and lycanthropic families, she sent out agents to meet with the werebeasts. Each agent filled in a detailed report on the character of each lycanthrope which Tavelia then sorted through to find the best and the brightest lycanthropes. This done, she sent her agents out again with an offer; join the Kargat or leave Darkon. Most accepted the offer, as it gave them more security than remaining an individual agent. Those who refused where hunted and slain as Tavelia did not want creatures who were as smart as her Kargat agents roaming free in Darkon. Then she changed her stance on undead, allowing ghosts, ancient dead and sentient walking dead to join.

This entire process took ten years, from 643 to 653. After the werebeasts had become part of the organisation once more, Tavelia looked to the mortals of the world. Her view was not limited to Darkon, she sent lone agents out to other domains to seek out worthy mortals. Each mortal who was considered for membership was carefully groomed to be the perfect Kargat spy. Tavelia did not want to over run the Kargat with mortal agents, so she reinstated the Kargatane, but this time only certain members of cells would be allowed to drink the vampiric blood. She reasoned that those who were not thralls and rebelled could be killed quickly, plus if she restricted the ritual of blood drinking to only a few members, she could use it as a ‘reward’ to the lower members of the Kargatane. She also had the same researchers who developed the formulae for the creation of the Kargatane to develop a way for the thralls to become completely dependent on the vampire master. The researchers developed a brew that the vampire was to drink before creating a new thrall. This brew infused the vampire’s blood with the ability to stop aging. If the thrall did not drink one drop of the vampire’s blood each month, the thrall aged rapidly until it reached its correct age. This could result in death for older members of the cult. Using this formula, Tavelia tightened her grip over the Kargatane; younger members would stay loyal to be granted the drop of blood, whilst older members could not rebel because it would mean certain death. The Kargatane are unaware of the vampiric natures of their superiors, and Tavelia was careful to make sure they never discovered the vampires that controlled them. Some Kargatane agents think they can spot a Kargat agent, but usually this is because the agent wants to be seen.

Thus, in 660 did the Kargat become the society it is today. For the next 80 years, things progressed and the Kargat grew under Tavelia’s hand. The next major change to the Kargat was in 744BC when the vampire Kazandra was positioned in Martira Bay. The pair clashed almost immediately, but Tavelia could see potential in the fledgling Kazandra. The younger vampire showed great leadership capabilities, and eventually Tavelia passed all responsibility for running the Kargatane onto Kazandra’s shoulders. Tavelia became more and more obsessed with her Overseer project and began to delegate more and more of her duties to other Kargat agents. By Azalin’s disappearance of 750BC, Tavelia had all but given leadership of the Kargat to Kazandra. Kazandra stayed loyal to Azalin, and Tavelia knew that Kazandra had more sway over the Kargat then she did. As Kazandra grew in power and popularity in the Kargat, the Great Detective Alanik Ray was made Chief Constable of the Martira Bay police force. Tavelia knew that Ray would uncover the secret behind her Church of the Overseer, and saw a solution to her problem. She decided to use the fledgling Kazandra to assassinate Alanik Ray. Ray escaped and Kazandra was scarred from their encounter. Tavelia was sure that Kazandra had been put in her place (see the Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. 2 for more information on this encounter).

Azalin’s disappearance frag-mented the Kargat as a whole. The loss of Il Aluk meant that travel through the domain was severed. The King’s Road was blocked. Three distinct factions arose with in the organisation, the Karg sect lead by the werewolf Venrith Chole, the Corvia sect lead by the dwarven vampire Beryl Silvertress and the Martira Bay sect lead by Tavelia.

During the events leading up to Azalin’s return from the Grey Realm in 755BC Tavelia’s orders became more erratic. She claimed she was preparing for her “wedding” to a noble of some importance. She kept the groom’s identity secret from all. When Azalin returned to the throne, Tavelia disappeared completely from public view. No body has seen Tavelia since her disappearance, not even Kazandra knows where her former superior has gone. The Church of the Overseer has continued on as a front for the Kargat¸ but with out Tavelia, the church has started to crumble around the edges. Kazandra was eventually given complete control of the Kargat. In the years since Azalin returned, Kazandra has been slowly unifying the Kargat. She has the tenuous alliance of Chole, though he is less than pleased with his role of subservience to Kazandra, and she has tried to unsuccessfully replace Silvertress. The dwarf is hopelessly insane and Kazandra knows it is now only a matter of time before the creature succumbs to its own insanity.

Kazandra has a novel way to deal with problem agents and Kargatane members; she sends them somewhere far away. She only exiles agents who have made a mistake, but have not proven themselves useless; agents who are deemed to be inept are sentenced to death. Suicide missions where once the norm for these foolish agents, but Kazandra has the wisdom to realise that if these inept agents are caught, they may reveal secrets about the Kargat and its machinations throughout the Core, so she has decided that executing them is an easier and less complicated way of disposing of such agents. Kargatane agents are usually grouped together with at least one worthy member who is sent to keep watch on the rest. Kazandra has been known to send troublesome agents and Kargatane to places such as Egertus, Vallaki, Sly-Var and even distant Port d’Elhour. She does not fear rebellion like the Heblenik Incident because where Tavelia ruled through fear and intimidation, Kazandra allows her considerable personal charisma to win over the other agents. Her charm and grace means that the Kargatane are all loyal to her to the point where they will even turn on their vampiric masters if she requests it.
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
The Galen Saga: 2000-2005
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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »


The Kargat has many levels that an agent can hold within its hierarchy. Anyone who is a member of the Kargat is known as an agent. It is a catch-all title no matter what rank you hold. The head of the Kargat is known as the General or Archistrategus. The current Archistrategus is Lady Kazandra.

The agent in charge of the Kargat of an entire city is known as a Ducis. Beryl Silvertress, for example is the Ducis of Corvia. Titles can overlap, so Lady Kazandra is the Archistrategus of the Kargat as a whole as well as being the Ducis of Martira Bay.

There are two subgroups with in the Kargat. Agents are either part of the Occultis Socium, or “Secret Society”, or the Apertus Socium, or the “Open Society” (also known amongst the supernatural members of the Kargat, rather derisively, as the “Obvious Society”). The members of Occultis are a mixture of humans, werebeasts and undead. The members of the Apertus are exclusively human. Members of the Kargatane who excel themselves and prove themselves to their superiors may be promoted to the Apertus. The Apertus is so called because its original purpose was so that the populace knew there was a Kargat presence in their town or city. Tavelia thought that if people where busy trying to spot the obvious agents, they would not pay attention to the secret agents.

Over time, the Apertus has become more of a testing ground for mortals who want to join the Occultis. The Apertus is smaller than the Occultis, having around 50 members. Members can be of any race or class, though the majority are human. Clerics are the one exemption to the rule. Members of the different churches of the Core would have conflicting interests if they where Kargat agents as well as priests. Ezrans are too concerned with eradicating the Legions of the Night and they would certainly consider most members of the Occultis to be members of the Legion. Clerics of the Lawgiver are too rigid in upholding the doctrines of the domineering god. Clerics of the Wolf God and the Morninglord are completely out of the question, as they are too wild and the antithesis of the society respectively. Clerics from outside of the Core can often find a place in the Kargat. Members of this sect are known as the Apertii, and their official rank is Apertus. All members of the Apertus are stationed in Darkon so that their superiors can monitor them and promote only the best and brightest.

The Occultis holds all of the supernatural members of the Kargat. The majority of the Occultis are werebeasts and mortals. Undead hold a small percentage of the total membership, though all of the Kargat’s leaders are undead. Members of this sect are known as Occultis (singular and plural) and their rank is the same name.

There are two types of agent stationed outside and within Darkon, those who travel around and those who stay in the same location. Those who travel are known as the Viatori (plural) or Viator (singular). Those who remain in the same place are known as the Cultor (plural and singular). This title is added onto an agent’s rank. For example, Drinnik Shoehorn (see Chapter XX) is a member of the Occultis and he travels around the Core, gathering information for his superiors, therefore, his rank is Occultis Viator Drinnik Shoehorn.

Members of the Apertus can also be Viatori or Cultor. Like members of the Occultis, they add to their title. So Lydia Sycamore (female elf Sor1 LE), who works in the Cosmopolis Club for Lady Kazandra, has the title Apertus Cultor Lydia Sycamore.

The Viatori who oversees the Cultor of a specific region is known as a Magnus Augur (if male) or a Magna Augur (if female). This title replaces the Viatori in an agent’s complete rank. For example, Sabrine Gutiea (see Chapter XX) oversees all the Cultor in Richemulot, Mordent and Borca, so her rank is Occultis Magna Augur Sabrine Gutiea.

Becoming a Kargat Agent

There are two ways become a member of the Kargat. An agent can be promoted from the Kargatane into the ranks of the Apertii or a person can be selected by an existing member of the Kargat. The Kargat do not have a recruitment station. Before the Requiem, the Grim Fastness in Il Aluk was the headquarters of the Kargat and occasionally, they would accept applicants there, but only very occasionally. Since the Requiem, the Kargat has had no fixed headquarters so there has not been any recruitment done in this fashion for a while. The most common way to become a member of the Kargat is to be selected by a current member to be recruited. The potential applicant is groomed by the agent who plans to recruit. Usually they do not suspect they are being groomed to be members of the Kargat, they simply think they have acquired an inquisitive new friend.

If after the grooming period the potential applicant does not want to join the Kargat, they are disposed of quickly and quietly. If they accept, they are indoctrinated into the ranks of the Apertii and their Kargat career begins. Sometimes an applicant is turned straight away into an undead creature or werebeast and joins the Occultis. This is a rare occurrence, but is not completely unheard of.

The applicant need not be of Darkonese decent. There are Kargat agents who were born in different lands of the Core, some from the Islands of Terror and the Clusters and there are even some Outlander agents. Racial origin is not a hindrance in the Kargat emphasis is put on ability rather than background.

The most common misapprehension about the Kargat is that its agents are universally evil. Whilst the majority of the organisation is evil, there are a handful of neutral members. The Kargat has no good members. The most common non-evil alignment is Lawful Neutral. Chaotic Neutral is less common and there are even less Neutral members. Lawful Neutral members tend to be Cultor based outside of Darkon. Chaotic Neutral agents rarely leave the Apertus Socium due to their unpredictability. Neutral members are almost universally Kargatane members.

Allies and Enemies

An organisation such as the Kargat is rarely completely self sufficient. Sometimes outside help is needed or the skills of somebody who is not a member are required. The Kargat rarely relies on outsiders, but there are precedents. The danger of placing agents in Barovia, for example, has meant the Kargat has had to rely on other measures. Apart from funding the Gundarakite rebellion, the Kargat have paid Lyssa Von Zarovich (see the Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. I for more details) to send a constant correspondence of information about the political situations in her uncle’s domain. Another non-agent whose skills have been hired by the Kargat is the mysterious Puppetmaster. His marriage to Occultis Viator Dottir has meant that his skills have been retained on numerous occasions (see Chapter XX for more information on the Puppetmaster and Dottir).

The Dark Delvers of the Mountains of Misery have a steady relationship with Ducis Silvertress’ cell. They pass word to the dwarf of any travellers passing through the Mountains in return for supplies they need to survive. If the Delvers ever found out about the manipulation of the dragon Ebb the relationship could turn sour (see the Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. II for more information on the Dark Delvers and Ebb).

One society who the Kargat have little love for is the Fraternity of Shadows. The Fraternity’s goal of world domination clashes with the will of Azalin. Lady Kazandra is wary of this male exclusive organisation and has ordered Occultis Cultor Helmut Jurgen (see Chapter XX) to infiltrate the Fraternity and sabotage the society from the inside. Jurgen plays a dangerous game, trying to please Kazandra whilst obeying as many orders of the Fraternity that he can with out causing suspicion.

The Kargat and the Core

The overwhelming majority of Kargat agents are stationed in Darkon. Some domains of the Core have a larger Kargat presence than others and some have no Kargat presence at all. What follows is a brief description of the Kargat presence in each domain.

Barovia: When the Order of the Ebon Gargoyle was created the Kargat laughed. There has never been a significant Kargat presence in Barovia due to Azalin’s knowledge of Strahd and his workings. When Talena Von Zarovich executed her insane brother and seized control of the Ebon Gargoyle and reformed it into the elite of Barovia’s army, the Kargat took notice. The Ebon Gargoyle may no longer openly search for Kargat agents but the domain is now too dangerous for Cultor agents. Kazandra pulled all Kargat and Kargatane agents out of Barovia and ordered them to destroy any evidence that they had been there. She now relies on correspondence from Lyssa Von Zarovich to keep her updated on the domain’s political atmosphere. Any Kargat agents met in Barovia are all Viator passing through

Borca: The fact that Borca’s aristocracy exist solely on Ivana Boritsi’s whim makes it difficult for the Kargat to get close to the darklord. In Borca, the Kargat maintain a low presence. There are small Kargatane cells present in each of the domain’s cities, each posing as some sort of useful shop that provides an essential service. The Tarnished Cup tavern in Lechburg is ran by Kargatane members.

Dementlieu: There is no Kargat or Kargatane presence in Dementlieu and Viator agents try to avoid the domain if they can. The Kargat know about the silent war between Dominic d’Honaire and the Living Brain because there was once a cell of Kargatane in Port-a-Lucine who got caught between d’Honaire and von Aubrecker. The cell was destroyed but they managed to get a missive to Tavelia warning of the battle of the minds. Tavelia pulled all agents from Dementlieu and Kazandra has kept her predecessor’s idea and has not sent any agents into the domain. Undead agents shy away from the domain because it is difficult for them to achieve any station in the land. Dominic d’Honaire’s mind control powers do not work on the undead and he is suspicious of anyone he can not control. Lady Kazandra is on good terms with Helené duSuis, however. DuSuis believes that Kazandra is simply a flamboyant Darkonese noble and enjoys her friendship with the controversial Darkonite.

Falkovnia: There is a strong Kargat presence in Falkovnia. After the Dead Man’s Campaign, the Kargat thought it prudent to place spies in Drakov’s upper echelons. As Drakov has no love for the undead, these agents are amongst the highest ranking mortals in the organisation.

Forlorn: As there are no settlements in Forlorn, there are no Kargat agents. The sojourns made by Azalin when he was in Barovia make up all the information the Kargat have about Forlorn, some joke that they do not even need that.

Hazlan: Hazlan holds a special place in the Kargat. As the furthest domain in the Core away from Darkon, being placed as a Cultor agent in Hazlan is seen as something of a punishment. There are only one or two Cultor agents in Hazlan at a time. Eleni of Toyalis is in contact with Lady Kazandra. Both women know that they are being used by the other, but they know that their relationship is an amicable one.

Invidia: Before Malocchio Aderre came to power, there was little Kargat presence in Invidia. One agent, Occultis Cultor Keith de Lalune (see Chapter XX), was the sole Kargat presence in the domain. After the Dukkar’s birth, Azalin himself ordered that the Kargat presence be increased. When Tavelia dispatched a cell of Kargatane agents, Azalin countermanded her order and sent a cell of Occultis Cultor agents instead. They have specific orders to watch the movements Aderre.

Kartakass: As Kartakass only has two major settlements, the Kargat maintain no agents here, not even a cell of Kargatane. A Viator may pass through Kartakass, but that is the only Kargat presence in the domain.

Keening: This blasted wasteland has no Kargat presence. When Marbh-Cathair was still part of Arak, there was a Kargatane cell present in the city. The cell died during the Scourge and no effort has been made to retrieve their remains. Presumably, they still act out their daily routine with the rest of the Scourged.

Lamordia: The literal thinking Lamordia has little Kargat activity. It is often used as a proving ground for Kargatane members who aspire to become Apertii.

Markovia: The Kargat have little information about the island domain of Markovia. They know it is a deserted island and that shipwrecked agents are never seen again. Kazandra has wisely decided to leave the island alone.

Mordent: The sleepy domain of Mordent has no Kargat presence and only two Kargatane agents; Jacob and Nathanial Thatcher. The Thatcher brothers own and operate the butcher’s shop in Mordentshire.

Necropolis: Necropolis is seen as a blight to the Kargat. The Kargat’s headquarters of the Grim Fastness still stands in the wasted city, with all the information the Kargat had gathered before the Requiem contained within. Kazandra has had some success with sending living agents into the city with the Necroplitan Amaranth. She has managed so far to regain approximately a quarter of all the information in the Grim Fastness since Azalin’s return.

The Nocturnal Sea and Islands: The Isle of Ravens and L’ile de la Tempete have no Kargat presence. The Isle of Ravens’ mistress keeps the borders constantly closed and all Tempete has is its lighthouse. Kazandra considers little islands to be of value to the Kargat though the Admiral of the Darkonese navy has his sights set on Tempete. Liffe has managed to gain some trade with Darkon, so Kazandra has placed small Kargatane cells in each of its ports.
Graben Island is too insular for Kazandra to get agents into despite repeated tries. The deacons of the Graben family refuse to meet any foreigners. Kazandra repeatedly tried to send agents under the guise of Ambassadors, but these ploys have always failed.

Nova Vaasa: Nova Vaasa, for its large size, has only five major settlements. Kazandra has the Kargatane placed in Arbora and Bergovista. Ergetus, Kantora and Liara all have at least one Kargat agent in each. Though he is unaware of it, Myar Hiregaard has a Kargat agent posing as a bodyguard when he stays in Tempe Falls.

Richemulot: The political scandal that the Richemuloise take in their stride is carefully monitored by the Kargat. There is one agent in each city. Vernon Merton, the agent in Pont-a-Museau, is described in Chapter XX.

The Sea of Sorrows: The Kargat have little presence in the islands that dot the Sea of Sorrows. The inhabitants of Ghastria are so eager to meet new people that trying to place a spy there is difficult. In the end Kazandra has set up a correspondence with Marquis Stezan d’Polarno. She finds his letters incredibly dry and dull, the only excitement coming around his annual galas. Kazandra has politely declined every invitation she has been given to attend these galas.
Blaustein is so hostile to outsiders that there has never been an effort made to station agents there. Daclaud Heinfroth’s asylum on the isle of Dominia is of interest to the Kargat. Kazandra has tried twice to get agents taken on as staff, but the fact that Heinfroth only uses his own vampiric spawn as orderlies has failed Kazandra’s plans. Now she engages the doctor in correspondence. Heinfroth and Kazandra enjoy playing chess by mail.

The Shadow Rift: The Kargat avoid the Rift. They know of the Shadow Fey, but not of their culture.

Sithicus: After the Night of Screaming Shadows, the Kargat sent one agent into Sithicus to see if they could take advantage of the political turmoil the domain was in. When the agent was killed, Kazandra toyed with the idea of setting up some sort of agreement with Azrael Dak. Though she has not made a move yet, Kazandra has finalised her plan.

Tepest: The fey-haunted land of Tepest is avoided by all non-mortal and non-human members of the Kargat. Any agent placed there is a non-spellcasting mortal, usually a mid-level rogue or fighter/expert.

Valachan: After the Heblenik Incident, there has been little Kargat activity in Valachan. Viator agents may occasionally travel through the domain, but there are no agents positioned permanently in Valachan.

Vechor: The insane land of Vechor has no Kargat agents present in it. The shifting lands and unpredictable weather mean that Vechor is seen as little threat to the sovereignty of Darkon. The people have too much to worry about at home to consider invading another land.

Verbrek: The scattered villages of Verbrek hold no secrets for the Kargat. A few werewolf agents are actually natives from the Arkandale region of Verbrek. They have told their superiors all they need to know about the Circle and the rituals of the Wolf God.
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
The Galen Saga: 2000-2005
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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Apertus Cultor
Vernon Merton CR 10
Male Human Psi10 (Telepath)
LN Medium Humanoid (Human) (6ft 1 in.)
Init +2
Languages: Darkonese*, Mordentish, Balok, Vaasi, Lamordian, Tepestani
AC 16, flat-footed 14, touch 12
hp 43 (10 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7
Spd 30ft;
Melee +6 (sword cane 1d6 18-20/x2)
Ranged +9 (Pistol of Protection +2 1d10+2)
Base Atk + 5, Grp +6
Power Points/Day 113 Psion Powers Known (ML 10)
5th - Mind Probe
4th - Correspond, Psionic Dominate (DC 19), Psionic Modify Memory,
Wall of Ectoplasm
3rd - Crisis of Breath (DC 18), False Sensory Input, Psionic Blast,
Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Thrust
2nd - Brain Lock, Ego Whip, Psionic Tongues, Read Thoughts, Swarm
of Crystals
1st - Catfall, Conceal Thoughts, Crystal Shard, Entangling Ectoplasm,
Mindlink, Psionic Charm (DC 16)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 17
SQ Psicrystal Dread Companion (Valen)
Feats Alertness (when Valen is within 5ft), Combat Manifestation,
Improved Suppress Display*, Improved Psicrystal, Negotiator,
Psicrystal Affinity, Smitten, Suppress Display*
Skills Autohypnosis +1, Bluff +14, Concentration +13, Diplomacy
+18, Gather Information +13, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (Psionics) +9, Psicraft +9, Sense Motive +15,
Signature Possessions: Bracelets of Protection +4, Pistol of
Protection +2 inscribed with the
family crest of the Reldkasen Family with the name “Estran”
embossed with gold underneath**, Psionatrix of Telepathy, Torc of Power
Preservation, sword cane

*See Chapter (XX)
** See Van Richten’s Arsenal for information on weapons of protection

Psicrystal (Dread Companion)
LE diminutive Construct (2 in. long)
Init +2 Senses Listen +6, Spot +6,
AC 16 touch 16, flat footed 14
hp 21 (10HD) hardness 8,
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7
PR 15
Spd 30ft (climb 20ft, flight 50ft [poor])
Melee -
Base Atk +0, Grp -17, -
Abilities Str 1*, Dex 15*, Con -, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10
SQ psicrystal granted abilities (Alertness, deliver touch powers,
flight, improved evasion, personality [Friendly and
Sympathetic], self-propulsion, share powers, sighted, telepathic
link, telepathic speech)
Feats Alertness
Skills Climb +14*, Move Silently +6, Search +2,

*Valen only has a strength and dexterity score if it is using its self-propulsion ability.

Vernon Merton is a man in his late twenties. He has shoulder length black hair and a neatly trimmed black moustache and goatee beard. His eyes are a deep brown colour that accentuates his good looks.

He predominantly wears grey clothes in the Lamordian style. He is rarely seen without his silver tipped cane.


Vernon is a native of Darkon. Born to a poor family in Martira Bay in 732BC, he began to display his unusual mind-powers at the age of 11. His mother tried to use his gifts for financial gain, making her son perform tricks for passers by in the streets. When Vernon was 14 his mother was approached by a member of the Kargat. The agent offered a substantial amount of money for the young boy. Vernon’s mother greedily accepted and sold her son to the Kargat.

Vernon was trained as a member of the Apertii, and for the first time he came to truly understand his psionic abilities and where the power came from. Vernon met other psions in the organisation and they explained how the psion’s power comes from within and, unlike a sorcerer, their powers where fuelled from the mind, not the blood.

One of Vernon’s missions meant he had to go undercover in the Mayor of Martira Bay’s household, posing as an aide to the Mayor. There he met the Mayor’s son, Estran Reldkasen. The pair soon became good friends and Vernon’s superiors thought he was spending too much time with the man. Rumours started to circulate that Vernon and Estran where more than friends and scandal about the pair passed through the upper classes of Martira Bay like wildfire.

For the most part, Vernon ignored these rumours. Whilst it was true that he and Estran had started a relationship, he never let time with his lover interfere with his duties as a Kargat agent. When the pair where found in a compromising position in the summer of 755BC, Vernon was pulled out of the Reldkasen household and exiled from Martira Bay. Kazandra was at a loss with what to do with the Apertus agent. The rules of the Kargat stated that he could not be placed outside Darkon, but his misdemeanour was so public that he would be recognised if he was placed in a situation where his talents were useful. Kazandra debated the situation long and hard with her advisors and decided to break with tradition and place Vernon outside of Darkon’s borders. With the scandal he had made in Martira Bay, Kazandra thought Vernon would fit in well amongst the scandal-ridden aristocrats in the Richemuloise city of Pont-a-Museau.

Vernon was sent to Richemulot in the spring of 756BC. There he has set himself up as an art dealer who supplies Darkonese nobles with artwork from the enlightened domains of Borca, Dementlieu, Mordent and, of course, Richemulot.

Current Sketch
Vernon has adapted to life in Richemulot very well. He has become a favourite in the balls of the city and his charming demeanour has won him many admirers. He has yet to be invited to a ball at Chateau Delanuit, but he has had passing conversations with both Renier sisters at the balls he has attended.

He dislikes his monthly meetings with Occultis Magna Augur Gutiea as he finds the woman physically and mentally repulsive. She knows his secret and keeps him in check by threatening to spread it around Pont-a-Museau if he disobeys her.

Vernon understands the debt he owes Lady Kazandra. She could simply have killed him rather than transferred him to Richemulot, but she chose to preserve his abilities rather than dispose of him. He sends his reports to his superior by hiding them in behind the paintings he sends to her.

If forced into combat, Vernon relies primarily on his mental powers and his gun. Though his cane contains a sword, he is not as skilled in its use as he would like.

Vernon has a modest house in the merchant district of Pont-a-Museau. Here he meets potential clients and does the business he needs to keep up the pretence of being an art dealer.

Dread Possibility:
As a reward for some important information he managed to find, Lady Kazandra has allowed Vernon to contact Estran again via a pair of magical mirrors she has given the lovers. These allow them to see and speak to each other over long distances. These mirrors only work for Estran and Vernon, however.

Recently Vernon tried to contact Estran but met with a cloudy mirror. He knows that this means that something has happened to his lover and he is desperate for any information that people have about Estran. He suspects that Gutiea knows something about what is happening, but the lebentod is refusing to speak about the matter.

Supress Display (Psionic)

You are adept at hiding your psionic powers than other psionic characters.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus when making Concentration checks to dispense with the display of powers of your chosen discipline.

Improved Supress Display (Psionic)

You are more adept at hiding your psionic powers than other psionic characters.

Benefit: You can automatically choose to not manifest the displays associated with any power of your chosen discipline. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks to dispense with the display of any other psionic power you have.
Last edited by Drinnik Shoehorn on Mon May 14, 2007 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
The Galen Saga: 2000-2005
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Occultis Magna Augur
Sabrine Gutiea CR 14
Female Human Lebendtod Ari12/Rum3
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Human) (5ft 6in);
Init +1 Senses Listen +10, Spot +8, Search +8
Languages Darkonese*, Balok, Mordentish
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 17
hp 110 (15 HD) DR 10/Magic
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +13
Spd 30ft;
Melee +11/+6 (claws 1d4+2) plus +11/+6 (bite 1d3+2) or +13/+7 (dagger +2, 1d4+4)
Base Atk +9/+4. Grp +12,
Attack Options Create Spawn
Spell-Like Abilities: Change Self (Gutiea can change her appearance to closely resemble her looks to just before she died. The sores and boilsthat cover her face and body can not be hidden using this ability. It is Gutiea’s curse that she is forever scarred)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con - , Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 10
OR 3
SQ, Aging, A Friend to All (Gutiea receives a +3 bonus to all Gather Information and Sense Motive checks (already factored in above)), It’s Not What You Say (Gutiea receives a +5 bonus to Bluff checks made to start gossip (see sidebar on page 115 of Legacies of the Blood)), It’s How You Say It (Gutiea can choose which section of society her rumours spread through. This varies depending on which domain she is in. She spreads most rumours in Mordent through the lower classes; the aristocracy of Richemulot is her target in that domain, whilst she has yet to start any rumours in Borca.), Traceless Gossip (Any Gather Information checks to discover the source of Gutiea’s rumours suffer a -10 penalty).
Feats Alertness, Investigator, Iron Will, Negotiator, Sharp Ears, Skill Focus
(Gather Information)
Skills Bluff +25, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +5, Forgery +5, Gather Information +28, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (local) +15, Knowledge (Nobility) +16, Sense Motive +19
Signature Possessions: Goblet of Gossip, Dagger +2, Necklace of Protection +3 (as Ring), Hat of Disguise

Path of the Patchwork

Level I: Putrid Flesh: Gutiea’s expansive waistline grants a +2 unholy bonus to her AC. The Dark Powers of the land hardened her flesh as a reward for some past dark deed. Now Gutiea has to eat at least 15lbs of food a day or suffer crippling pain.

Level II: Dancing Dolls: Gutiea can create small constructs using parts of her own body. For example, she can attach her eye to her hand and create a small spider like creature. Depending on the sense organ attached, Gutiea can use that sense as if she was there completely, up to a range of 500 feet. She can create three constructs a day (use tiny or small animated object stats from the Monster Manual, switching the Construct type for Undead). This ability has caused Gutiea’s skin to break out in large sores and blisters, giving her an OR of 3.

Sabrine Gutiea is a hideously obese woman. Rolls of fat pour out from under her chin, leading children to whisper she is Madam Croquemitaine when ever she walks past. Her face is a mass of sores and boils that she tries to hide behind an ornate hand fan. Her iron grey hair is often tied back in a severe bun, and she is never seen without her large, wide-brimmed sunhat. Gutiea dresses in expensive clothes that she feels befits her station as a Magna Augur of the Kargat.

She tries to keep these clothes fastidiously neat, but they often get stained with the vast quantities of food she is required to eat daily.

Gutiea was born in Il Aluk in the year 610BC. Daughter to a rich merchant, she grew up wanting for nothing. Her beauty was the talk of the city, making her desired by all red-blooded men. But the young Sabrine had no time for such trysts. She always excelled at spreading rumour and dissension, turning people against each other by whispering lies to the right people.

It was only a matter of time before her actions drew the attention of the Kargat. Brought into the fold by a man named Kinnock, Sabrine knew nothing of her superiors, getting all her orders from her mentor. After five years in the Kargat, at the age of 29, Sabrine was sent as part of a cell to try and set up a base on the isle of Graben.

The excursion was a disaster and all of the team where captured and executed. Sabrine was turned into a Lebendtod by one of the Graben family and served the dread lord of the island for ten years. In the spring of 650BC Sabrine found her self sent to Darkon as an attaché for a contingent of the Graben family meeting with Martira Bay merchants. Whilst in the growing town, she managed to contact Kinnock. He orchestrated her rescue and she was ordered to meet with Azalin Rex in his castle.

Azalin was intrigued and frustrated by Sabrine’s transformation. As he had never seen a lebendtod before he was curious about how to make more. He ordered his court wizards to divine the secret of creating the undead. His sway over all unlife meant that Sabrine served him once more.

Over the next hundred years, Sabrine progressed through the ranks of the Kargat, eventually reaching the rank of Magna Augur. Her predilection for spreading rumour and gossip meant that she was the ideal choice to watch over the scandal ridden domain of Richemulot. Sleepy Mordent and poisonous Borca also fall within the lebendtod’s jurisdiction.

Current Sketch
Gutiea spends much of her time travelling now. She collects information from each Kargat and Kargatane agent in the domains of her charge. She takes particular delight in tormenting Vernon Merton whilst she is in Pont-a-Museau.

She considers his love for Estran Reldkasen to be a perversion and something that should be shunned. She loves taunting the telepath with idle threats of exposing his secrets to the aristocracy of Richemulot.

She spends most of her time in Borca, trying to insinuate herself into Ivana’s court. Her grotesque appearance hinders her and she knows she is countermanding orders, but she also knows if she gains a place in Ivana’s favours, she will receive high regard from her superiors.

Sabrine tries to avoid combat if at all possible. She tries to remain in situations where words count more than steel.

Gutiea has no permanent home; rather she travels, on the Kargat’s tab, and stays in the finest inns and hotels the places she visits can offer.

Dread Possibility:
Though she doesn’t realise it, the lebendtod that created Gutiea is still alive. She has been struggling with thoughts of treason and dissension, along with fighting a subconscious calling from Graben Isle.

Azalin is aware of this challenge to his domination, but rather than destroy Gutiea, he is using her in an experiment to see if he can exert his control over the Kargat, no matter where they are. He has necromantic specialists working on ways to increase his dominion over unlife to outside his borders.

Gutiea carries a prototype of an item which allows Azalin to control undead beyond his borders, though she doesn’t realise this.
Last edited by Drinnik Shoehorn on Mon May 14, 2007 10:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
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Post by HuManBing »

This is good stuff! We shouldn't let this die just because the founder didn't have enough time to finish it! This should be collaborative netbook material!

The Kargat's main problem, I think, is that it's not consistently referred to in canon materials. Some portray it as a rigid hierarchy with a pyramidal structure. Others say it's a freeform cell-based organization with no true leader.

Perhaps the Kargat used to be pyramidal before the Grim Harvest, but after its HQ was shattered by the Ascension, the organization probably splintered into the cell-based structure it has now.

What does Azalin want the Kargat to be?
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Occultis Viator
Drinnik Shoehorn CR 17
Male Kender Fledgling Nosferatu Rog8/Ftr2/Cpo5
NE Small Undead (Augmented Kender) (3ft. 5 in)
Init +13 Senses Listen +4, Spot +2, Search +8
Languages: Ansalon Common*, Kenderspeak, Solamnic, Darkonese, Balok, Mordentish
AC 28, touch 19, flat footed 20 Dodge, Evasion, Improved Uncanny, Dodge
hp 128 (15 HD) DR 15/Magic and Silver
Resistances cold 10 and electricity 10
Fort +5, Ref +16, Will +2
Spd 20 ft
Melee +14/+9/+4 (Slam 1d4+3) or +16/+9/+6 (Hoopak 1d4+5)
Ranged +19/+14/+9 (Hoopak 1d4+2)
Base Atk +11/+6/+1, Grp +12
Attack Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Create Spawn, +4d6 sneak attack
Combat Gear Dust of Sneezing and Choking
Spell-Like Abilities
At Will - Dominate (DC 22), Gaseous Form, Spider Climb
Abilities Str 16, Dex 26, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 20
SQ Alternate form Daylight Powerlessness, Turn Resistance +4, Lunar Regeneration, Restful Sleep, Trap-finding, Trap-sense +2, Poison Use,
Poison Mastery, Inventive Ingredients, Insidious Application
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Nimble Fingers, Skill Focus (Craft [Poison making]), Tactile Trapsmith**
Skills Appraise +11, Bluff +19*, Climb +8, Craft (Alchemy) +4, Craft (Poison making) +13, Disable Device +20, Gather Information +12, Handle Animal +7, Hide +23, Open Lock +23, Profession (herbalist) +4, ,
Sleight of Hand +21, Speak Language (Balok), Speak Language (Mordentish),
Signature Possessions: Hoopak +2, Bracelets of Armour+5, Ring of Protection +2, Vest of Escape

*Kender receive a +4 racial bonus to Bluff checks when Taunting an opponent (See The Dragonlance Campaign Setting for more information about Taunting and the Solamnic and Kenderspeak languages)
** See Complete Adventurer

Drinnik Shoehorn travels around the Core domains. He appears to be a halfling. He is actually a kender, a race of halfling like beings who hail from a distant outlander world that shares ties with Sithicus. Drinnik has long, brown hair tied into a topknot with a black ribbon. He dresses in black clothes. A black coat covers a white shirt. Over the shirt he wears his vest of escape, which looks like a normal waistcoat. He wears black, knee-length trousers with black and purple striped socks and black shoes with silver buckles. He is always seen carrying his hoopak, a staff with a fork at the top with a sling attached, the traditional weapon of his race.

Drinnik is illiterate and corresponds all his findings via a dominated minion, having them write down what he dictates. More often than not, when he has finished with the minion he cuts out their tongue and breaks their fingers so they can tell no one of what they wrote.

Drinnik hails from the same outlander world as Sithicus’ former lord, the Black Rose. On that world, a great war arose when the goddess of evil tried to return to the world she had been banished from. Before the war, Drinnik used to travel with his sisters, Liseme and Niesme. The three where triplets, a rare birth amongst Kender. When the war started, the three separated. Liseme wanted to go to a port city to see what was happening, Niesme went to the mountain kingdom of the gnomes to see if she could help her friends. Drinnik, always the most adventurous of the three, wanted to go to the place the goddess was supposed to be returning to.

He was captured and imprisoned by the goddess’s minions and tortured for years by goblins and foul dragon-men. Five years after his capture, Drinnik was rescued. His mind had been warped by his treatment and he desperately searched for his sisters. When he could not find them he went mad. First he murdered the gnome who had last seen Niesme, then he torched the tavern that Liseme had last been seen in. Chased by a mob into the swaps surrounding an abandoned city, Drinnik found a strange black oval that spouted mists. Hearing his sisters’ voices, Drinnik climbed through the portal.

When the mists cleared, Drinnik found himself in Darkon, near the city of Karg. Whilst in Karg, Drinnik came to the attention of Occultis Cultor Samhot Werst, the leader of the Karg cell of the Kargat at the time. Werst carefully groomed Drinnik to become a Kargat agent. In the winter of 728BC Drinnik was transformed into a Nosferatu, and his Kargat career began. The first person he met after awaking as a vampire was the weresnake Astranni Dottir. She told him what he had been turned into; vampires did not exist on Drinnik’s home-world. Drinnik hated Werst for what he had done. Together with Dottir, he plotted his sire’s destruction. In the spring of 730BC the pair stole documents from the Grim Fastness and fabricated evidence to point the finger at Werst.

The three where summoned to Castle Avernus where Azalin pronounced Werst guilty of treason. The lich destroyed his traitorous lieutenant, then told Dottir and Drinnik that he knew they had lied. But their actions had sent a message to any agents thinking of defecting. As a reward he placed Dottir as the new leader of the Karg cell and had Drinnik schooled in the use of poisons.

Dottir fumed at Drinnik’s apparent favour. She told Drinnik that from that day he was her enemy and that he had better watch his back.

Drinnik’s schooling in the use of poisons lasted until the Requiem. Drinnik was not in Darkon at the time, but when he learnt of Azalin’s destruction, he refused to work for the Kargat, thinking that the agency had become corrupt with out Azalin’s guidance.

He bided his time until Azalin’s return working as an assassin for various employers around the Core. In 752 he came into the employ of Malocchio Aderre. He worked as Aderre’s chief torturer for some time, dealing “punishment” out on the Vistani. Drinnik found it more prudent to threaten than actually inflict torture. That is not to say that he would not torture the gypsies, he would do so with out emotion, but the threat of pain always worked better for Drinnik, especially when he combined threats with his natural ability to taunt an opponent.

In 752 Drinnik left Malocchio’s service and travelled to Barovia to meet an old family friend. What happened next Drinnik is reluctant to talk about, but he insists that he lived ten years in another timeline, but he won’t talk about what he experienced there. The only people other than Drinnik who know what happened are Kazandra and Azalin. When Azalin returned to power in 755, Drinnik returned to Darkon to show his allegiance to the throne once more.

Current Sketch
Drinnik has resumed the position he had before the Requiem. He travels around the Core, collecting information on potential threats to the Kargat. Currently he is watching George Weathermay. He is worried that Weathermay has realised that Drinnik is following him, so he tends to watch from a far. Weathermay is far too focused on his pursuit of Natalia Vorishkova to pay much attention to Drinnik, but the vampire is still wary.

Every year on the same date, Drinnik travels to the Barovian village of Vallaki. Whilst there he spends one night in prayer at a gravestone that is found in a clearing in the woods near the village. The site is dedicated to good and has something to do with the alternate timeline Drinnik experienced.

Drinnik only has a little marshal training, he prefers to fight from the shadows and let dominated minions do the actual work for him. He tends to stay at the rear of a battle, using his hoopak to fling stones at his enemies. If surrounded by enemies, Drinnik uses his dust of sneezing and choking and flees.

As a Viator agent, Drinnik has no established lair. When resting in Darkon, he can be found in the Kargat base in Karg.

Dread Possibility:
Drinnik has one enemy he considers more of a threat than Dottir, and that is the Vistani Seer Amelia Vorenaev (female Zarovan Vistani Exp6/Sor4 LN).

Amelia wants to bring Drinnik to justice over the crimes he committed whilst working for Malocchio Aderre. Amelia will stop at nothing to bring Drinnik to justice. She is condescending and arrogant, calling people. mocking nicknames that are derived from their failings

Amelia, however, also honours the fallen at the same grave, and will not approach Drinnik on the day he is there.
Last edited by Drinnik Shoehorn on Mon May 14, 2007 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
The Galen Saga: 2000-2005
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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Occultis Cultor
Astranni Dottir CR 17
Female Human True Weresnake Wiz5/Clr5 of Kali/Mystic Theurge 5:
NE Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) (5ft. 7. in);
Init +7 (+10 as hybrid or animal) Senses Low Light Vision, Scent, Listen +6, Spot +6
Languages: Rajian*, Darkonese, Balok, Draconic, Mordentish.
AC 19, touch 14, flat footed 17 AC 22, touch 15, flat footed 17 as hybrid or animal
hp 94 (15 HD) DR 10/Silver (as hybrid or animal)
Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +16 (Ref +15 as hybrid or animal)
Spd 30 ft (swim 20ft, climb 20ft as hybrid or animal)
Melee +14/+9/+2 (Dagger +2 1d4+3) or (Rod of the Viper1d8+3[Poison 1d10 Con/1d10 Con DC 14]) +10/+5 (Claw 1d4-1 as hybrid) or (Dagger +2 1d4+3) or (Rod of the Viper 1d8+3 [Poison 1d10 Con/1d10 Con DC 14]) +15/+11 (Bite 1d6 + poison [as hybrid or animal)
Ranged +13/+6 (Sling +2 1d4+2)
Base Atk: +11/+6/+1, Grp +11,
Attack Options Poison (1d6 Con/1d6 Con DC 11) with bite as hybrid or animal, Rebuke Undead, Curse of Lycanthropy as hybrid or animal;
Special Action Alternate Form Dottir can take the form of a large cobra (use large viper from the Monster Manual) or a hybrid of woman and snake.
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 10th)
5th - Dispel Good, Mass Inflict Light Wounds (DC 17)*, Summon Monster V
4th - Air Walk, Cure Critical Wounds*, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement
3rd - Cure Serious Wounds*, Daylight, Magic Vestment, Prayer
2nd - Align Weapon, Darkness, Enthrall (DC 14), Remove Paralysis, Shatter (DC 14)*, Silence
1st - Bless, Cure Light Wounds*, Death Watch, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith
0th - Create Water, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Read Magic
*Domain spells Domains: Destruction, Healing
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 10th)
5th - Cone of Cold, Dominate Person (DC 19)
4th: Arcane Eye, Charm Monster (DC 18), Dimension Door, Stoneskin
3rd: Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Hold Person, Sepia Snake Sigil (DC 17)
2nd: Blur, Bull’s Strength, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter (DC 16)
1st: Cause Fear (DC 15), Charm Person (DC 15), Magic Missile (x2), Protection from Good
0th: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare (DC 14)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 14 (Str 12, Dex 20, Con 12 as animal or hybrid
OR 2
SQ Lycanthropic Empathy (snakes), Dread Companion (Sarpa [Tiny Viper])
Feats Alertness (when Sarpa is within 5ft), Brew Potion, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Control Shape, Improved Initiative,
Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [Arcarna]),
Transdimensional Spell*, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +9, Climb +6, Concentration +17, Craft (Poison Making) +8, Decipher Script +8, Knowledge (Arcarna) +21, Knowledge (Monster Lore [Undead]) +10, Knowledge (Ravenloft) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +14, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +15,
Signature Possessions: Amulet of Protection +5 (as Ring), Dagger +2, Sling +2, Sari of Resistance +3 (as Cloak), Rod of the Viper

*See Complete Divine

Path of the Serpent:

Level I: Taste Smell: Dottir can use her tongue to aid her Scent ability. This allows her to smell opponents with in 60ft. If the opponent is upwind, this increases to 120ft, if downwind 30ft. Overpowering scents can be detected at six times normal range. Also, she can pinpoint the exact location of her opponent by their smell. She is also considered to have the Blind-Fight feat when in total darkness. Because of this ability, her tongue is forked like a snake, giving her an OR of 2.

Clerics are rare in the Kargat, so Occultis Cultor Dottir is part of a select few. She stands at just over five and a half feet. She has long, black hair tied into a braid that falls down her back. Her eyes are a bewitching green colour and her skin a rich tea-brown. She often covers the lower half of her face with a silken scarf to hide her malformed tongue. She wears green, silken saris that have images of multi-armed gods and goddesses embroidered on them in multicoloured silks.

In her hybrid form, Dottir’s legs fuse together and her skin grows scales. A cobra’s hood opens around her head and her face becomes a mixture of woman and snake. Her teeth shrink and her canines grow into two large fangs.

In her animal form, Dottir looks like a large cobra.

Astranni Dottir was born in the Island of Terror of Sri Raji in the year 687BC. She was the daughter of the chief warrior of a tribe of weresnakes that roamed the jungles of the domain. As she grew into adulthood, her mother trained her in the secrets of the cult of Kali. Dottir excelled in her lessons, quickly becoming the second most important priest of the tribe, after her mother. During one raid on a group of travellers that had got lost in the jungles, Dottir was introduced to arcane magic.

Sorcerers where known in Dottir’s tribe, but they where exclusively male. Wizards were frowned upon, their dependence on their books seen as a failing. When the tribe set on the travellers, Dottir saw a wizard casting spells for the first time, a female wizard at that. The battle was long and hard, but eventually the tribe won and slaughtered everyone. Unbeknownst to her father, Dottir stole the wizard’s spellbooks and hid them from the tribe. In the dead of night, she’d try to learn the spells contained within. For years, she achieved nothing, but one night she successfully cast her first spell. Her progress was rapid after that; she learnt all the simple spells from her library in under a year.

One night, a year after Dottir had cast her first spell, her tribe was attacked. Weresnake after weresnake fell in the onslaught, leaving just a handful. Dottir watched as her father was about to be beheaded by an attacker. Summoning up her growing powers, she cast Reduce Person on the attacker. Caught off guard by the spell, the man began to shrink. His surprise was enough for Dottir’s father to attack. He killed the man and rallied the weresnakes to victory.

After the battle, Dottir’s father called his daughter to him. The tribe’s elders had decreed that she had blasphemed by using forbidden magics. Her father pleaded that they had helped the tribe gain their victory, but the elders decreed that Astranni was to be cast out from her tribe. The news that their daughter, saviour of the tribe, was to be cast out broke Dottir’s parents. Her father refused to be the chief warrior of the tribe and was stoned to death for his insolence. Her mother, distraught by the loss of her husband and daughter, committed ritual suicide, sending her soul to Kali.

Dottir travelled to the city of Muladi, adapting quickly to life amongst humans. She tired quickly of the strict caste structure of the city. Whilst travelling one night, she encountered a group of Vistani. The seer of the tribe read Dottir’s fortunes in a casting of the bones. She told Dottir that she was destined to leave Sri Raji, that her destiny lay in another land. She offered transport to that land, for a reasonable price.

Bored of life in Sri Raji, and knowing that she could never go back to her tribe, Dottir agreed. They left that night and deposited Dottir in the domain of Darkon. With out a word, the Vistani left. It was then that she realised that she had been duped. Angry, she set out for the nearest settlement, the city of Karg.

After a few years of working as an apothecary, Dottir came to the notice of the then head of the Karg Kargat Cell, Occultis Cultor Samhot Werst. Werst inducted Dottir into the ranks of the Kargat. She rose through the ranks quickly, becoming an exemplary agent. Her rise stopped just short of being promoted to the same rank as Werst in the year 722BC. At that point she was Werst’s assistant, working as little more than a glorified secretary. This all came to a head in the year 729BC when Dottir convinced the newly risen Nosferatu Drinnik Shoehorn to aid her in a plan to destroy Werst. She played on the newly awakened vampire’s naivety about the realm and his new powers. She used him to steal important documents from the Grim Fastness. Over the course of a year, Dottir used these documents to form a convincing dossier to implicate Werst in a treasonous plot with some Barovian nobles, including Count Strahd himself. Dottir was proud of her plan, it could not fail.

When Azalin found out about Werst’s “crimes” he summoned Werst, Dottir and Shoehorn to Castle Avernus. Azalin executed Werst for these crimes, then revealed to Dottir and Shoehorn that they had been right, Werst was a traitor to the Crown; just his information was being sold to the Falkovnians.

Azalin revealed that he knew of the pairs plot when the information was taken from the Grim Fastness. He also told them that he would spare them, that they had done a service to the Kargat by showing the price for disloyalty. He promoted Dottir to the head of the Karg Cell, whilst giving Shoehorn training in the use of poisons. Dottir took this as an insult. Why should she be left to rot in Karg whilst Shoehorn got the glory of being an assassin for Azalin?

Upon her return to Karg, Dottir fumed. She decided that she would prove her worth to Azalin. In 748BC, the aging Dottir uncovered a plot to assassinate the Baron of Il Aluk. She caught all the conspirators and followed the clues to a faction of war-profiteers from Lamordia. They had planned to cause another war between Falkovnia and Darkon and profit on the arms deals. Dottir had all the men from the group brought to Darkon and placed on trial. All were executed.

As a reward for her work, Azalin used his Steal Vitality magics, returning Dottir to the age of 25. With this new lease on life, Dottir took to her work with more passion than ever before. She retired as head of the Karg cell and moved to Tempe Falls. There she stayed away from the political machinations with in the Kargat and focused on her magic. She was equally skilled in both her arcane and divine magics, and she enjoyed them both. She did not want to sacrifice one to become more skilled in the other. For two years she prayed to Kali to give her the answer to her dilemma. In 750BC, Dottir received a vision to return to Sri Raji and pray at the Temple of Kali in Muladi.

In the time since she had left Sri Raji, the land had merged with Saragoss and the Wildlands to form the Verdurous Lands. Dottir was shocked at the change in the city, people where still in fear of the new lands that had appeared. Dottir prayed at the temple, like her vision instructed. Her mother and father appeared to her and gave her the secrets of becoming a Mystic Theurge. They told her that she must sacrifice some of the power that would come from following one of her mystical paths in order to grow in both. Dottir understood the sacrifice and accepted it. That day she gained the ability to grow in both her arcane and divine magics.

Dottir returned to Darkon in 751BC, when the domain was still reeling from the Requiem. She heard word that Occultis Viator Shoehorn had met up with some adventurers in Barovia and was on some sort of journey. She followed. Dottir experienced the same alternate timeline as Shoehorn, though unlike him, her memories of it are hazy and confused. One thing she does remember is meeting and falling in love with her husband, Samuel Thorwell III, the Puppetmaster.

Current Sketch
Though she enjoys her youthful body, Dottir is not taking it for granted like she did the first time. When she reached the physical age of 57, she regretted never marrying. Now she has met the Puppetmaster and the pair have fallen in love and married, she is content with her life. Her rivalry with Occultis Viator Shoehorn has died down from utter hatred to a form of passing, almost casual distaste. She no longer actively tries to bring Shoehorn down, but if she hears of his current mission and can see a way of spoiling it with out harm to the Kargat she may indulge herself.

Surprisingly, she is happy to play doting wife to the Puppetmaster. Part of her sees him as a valuable asset to the Kargat, but that is undeniably overwhelmed by the genuine feelings of love she has for him.

She currently works from Karg, moving back to the city after experiencing the alternate timeline. She has sent a report to Azalin and Kazandra detailing what happened, but it is vague and incomplete.

Dottir uses her spells before engaging in melee combat. She is rarely out of the company of her husband, and when he is not near she will flee a battle if it is not going her way.

Dottir stays in the Karg cell’s base. There she has a laboratory and access to the cell’s library.

Dread Possibility:
Recently, Astranni has discovered she is pregnant with the Puppetmaster's child. She does not know if the child is male or female, all she knows is that she does not want the child brought up as a Kargat agent, nor does she want to abandon the child.

Both parents are delighted at the pregnancy, but are hiding it from Kazandra. They do not want Astranni placed on light duties nor the baby being used as a tool against them.
Last edited by Drinnik Shoehorn on Mon May 14, 2007 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Samuel Thorwell III
The Puppetmaster CR 12
Male Human Wiz6/Rog4:
NE Medium Humanoid (human) (6ft);
Init +6 Senses Listen +9, Clairaudience/Clairsentience on Dominated victims
Languages: Sourangian*, Balok, Darkonese, Draconic
AC 12 flatfooted 12, touch 12 Evasion,Uncanny Dodge
hp 41 (10HD)
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +8
Spd 30
Melee +10/+5 Masterwork Rapier +2 (1d6+3 18-20/ x2)
Base Atk +6/+1, Grp +7
Attack Options Sneak Attack +2d6
Special Actions
Spell-Like Abilities 10/day Animate Objects 5/day Dominate Person (DC 18) Unlimited duration. Victim gets 1 save/day.
Combat Gear Dust of Retreat
Wizard Spells Prepared
3rd – Hold Person (DC 16), Suggestion (x2)
2nd – Alter Self, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Rope Trick
1st – Animate Rope, Charm Person (DC 14), Disguise Self, Shocking Grasp, Unseen Servant
0th – Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 17
SQ Summon Familiar, Trapfinding, Trap Sense +1
Feats: Eschew Materials, Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Maximize Spell, Persuasive, Weapon Focus (Rapier)
Skills Bluff +18, Concentration +8, Craft (Alchemy) +7, Diplomacy +13, Disguise +7, Gather Information +5, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (Local) +9, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +7, Perform (Act) +7, Sense Motive +12, Sleight of Hand +17, Spellcraft +8;
Signature Possessions Masterwork Rapier +2,
Top-hat with bound Greater Animator

Standing at just over six foot tall, the Puppetmaster is a thin man with a handsome face. He dresses in the styles popular in Sourange. He often has a cane, though this is for show, and he is never seen without his top-hat. Known to everyone but his wife as The Puppetmaster, Samuel Thorwell has the dubious honour of being the only non-Kargat agent to be allowed to live in the Karg headquarters.

It should be noted that The Puppetmaster is a title Samuel has given himself; he knows nothing of the Carnival of I’Morai and its history with its own Puppetmaster.

The man that has come to be known only as the Puppetmaster was born fifty years ago in the deep dark swamps of Sourange. The only son of a wealthy landowner and his young trophy bride, young Samuel was spoiled more then any child in the village. With his status and natural charm, along with his moderate skill in magic, he was able to manipulate and blackmail his fellow children into performing his every whim. Trouble seemed to never catch him and no matter what he was accused of, he could quickly make up a lie or call in a favour for a well-placed alibi.

His foppish lifestyle of lies, manipulation and debauchery could not last forever and it soon caught up with him. On his twenty-first birthday, after a night of drinking and womanizing, he stumbled out into the swamp towards his home. He had not gone a mile when he came across the nude form of a young girl bathing in one of the few clean springs in the foetid swamp and quickly became overcome with lust. Muddled with ale and unplaced pride he convinced himself he was entitled to have his way with the young girl as a final present to himself. Grabbing her from behind, he ravished her long into the night. What he did not know is that the girl he so cruelly forced himself upon was the daughter of a Voodan priest and followed in her father’s footsteps. Praying to the Loa she called down a curse of vengeance on his home and family.

Paying no heed to her cries Samuel left her broken form in the swamp and stumbled back to his home. The Loa on the other hand had a different idea. As he stood on steps of his home Samuel noticed the fog rolling in and an eerie silence fall over the swamp. Looking back he gasped as he saw the horrid form of the dead coming in from the fog, rusted weapons and flaming torches in their hands. Fumbling with the keys he was unable to open the door before the first volley of flame set the home ablaze. Overcome with fear he ran into the fog as the screams of his father and mother echoed across the night.

When he regained his senses he found himself in a foreign land, lost and penniless with only his suit and top hat to his name. Stumbling around the countryside he came across an old stone tower overlooking the sea. Knowing he would need money and food and remembering some of his roguish youth he forced open the door. Samuel was delighted to find the tower filled with all things arcane and mystical. Filling his pockets he sneaked further up the winding stairs until he came across an open door with a dim light spilling out from it. As he gazed in he saw the form of an old wizard deeply involved in a spell of summoning. Knowing the wizard would strike him down if caught Samuel grabbed a sacrificial knife off the nearby table and plunged it into the wizards back. Totally shocked and unprepared the wizard fell forward into the circle breaking its mystical bond. With a flash of light and fire the tower exploded around Samuel’s head, knocking unconscious once more. When he awoke the next morning he found himself unharmed and very much untouched by the blast. Dusting himself off Samuel rose and placed his top hat on his head. It was then he heard the overpowering voice.

Current Sketch
The arcane energies released by the blast had both drawn the spirit of a greater animator through the portal and forced its form to become bonded to Samuel’s top hat. Unable to leave the hat and very much weakened by the blast the spirit has become a slave to Samuel’s whims.

In a time he can not remember clearly, Samuel offered his services to Astranni Dottir. He vaguely remembers the contract was against Drinnik Shoehorn, but he can not remember the particulars. What he does remember, however, is that whilst contracted to Dottir, he was impressed by her tenacity and her passion. He became drawn to her in the same way a moth is drawn to a flame. His feelings where reciprocated and eventually the pair married in a non-religious service presided over by one of Dottir’s superiors.

He has adapted well to being in the continual service of the Kargat. Whilst not an agent, he does receive some of the benefits of the society, he is allowed to live in the Karg headquarters with his wife and he is paid to remain on retainer for Venrith Chole.

When forced into combat, Samuel relies on his spells and his top-hat to save him from trouble.

Samuel shares rooms with his wife, Astranni Dottir, at the Karg headquarters of the Kargat.

Dread Possibility:
With Astranni expecting a baby, Samuel is paranoid that the curse laid on him may come to collect his unborn child. He is seeking away to break the curse, allowing his child to live a life of vague normality.

Puppetmaster by David Cicalese (Jasper o' the Nine Lives)
Last edited by Drinnik Shoehorn on Mon May 14, 2007 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
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Drinnik Shoehorn
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Occultis Cultor
Enger the Horrid CR7
Male Choker Rog5
CE Small Aberration
Init +6 Senses Darkvision 60ft, Listen +8, Spot +10
Languages Darkonese*, Halfling, Lamordian
AC 17 touch 13, flat footed 15 Evasion, Uncanny Dodge
hp 19 (7 HD)
Fort +3 Ref +9 Will +5
Spd 20ft, climb 10ft
Melee 2 +6 tentacle (1d3+1), +6 studded garrotte (1d4+1) if a successful grabble check is made, damage is applied each round the grapple is maintained
Base Atk +5 Grp +8
Attack Options Improved Grab, Constrict (Enger inflicts 1d3+1 damage when he grapples a Large or smaller creature. Grappled creatures can not
speak or cast spells with a verbal component) Sneak Attack +3d6
Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 9
OR 5
SQ Quickness (Enger can take an extra standard action each round)
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy
Skills Climb +11, Disguise +3, Hide +12, Move Silently +6
Signature Possessions Cloak of Disguise (as Hat), studded garrotte

Original Concept by Oliver Hawkright
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
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Post by The Giamarga »

Excellent stuff!

Minor quibble:
Heblenik Incident

Actuallly it is Helbenik, formerly Habelnik iirc.

Will we see more material? Stats or small notes for Helmut Jurgen for example. Or more on the relationship with other secret societies/secret polices. (e.g. Valachans Cat's Claws, The Black Leopards, or the Baal Verzi)
A Dread possibility for the story behind Tavelia's absence?

BTW the 2E Al Qadim Sha'ir's Handbook had a chapter about secret societies which was great. It showed the general makeup, goals, influence and relation to other societies for each entry. Might be worth a look, to use as a format/template.
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

The Giamarga wrote:Excellent stuff!

Minor quibble:
Heblenik Incident

Actuallly it is Helbenik, formerly Habelnik iirc.

Will we see more material? Stats or small notes for Helmut Jurgen for example. Or more on the relationship with other secret societies/secret polices. (e.g. Valachans Cat's Claws, The Black Leopards, or the Baal Verzi)
A Dread possibility for the story behind Tavelia's absence?

BTW the 2E Al Qadim Sha'ir's Handbook had a chapter about secret societies which was great. It showed the general makeup, goals, influence and relation to other societies for each entry. Might be worth a look, to use as a format/template.
This is pretty much all I've got, that's not in my head.

Jurgen was going to be a human Male Illusionist 12, originally from Lamordia. He was going to get a full write up, and his Dread Possibility was pretty obvious, he'd been discovered by the FoS, and was feeding false information to the Kargat. To preserve his position, however, he was also feeding false information to the Fraternity.

Enger was going to be a halfling who was experimented on by Mordenhiem and became a choker that way. His Dread Possibility was going to tie in with the Squid Woman from Carnival.
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
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Post by WolfKook »

Drinnik, I have to say I'm with HMB in that this should not die just because of your lack of time. Perhaps each of us alone has just a few minutes, but together, we have hours, man! :lol:

(That said, I have to say I have a lot of work already with my Golden Peninsula Project, so I cannot help too much here, but I'm sure other members of the forums may be interested in contributing to the great stuff you started. Do you mind the extra hands?).
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Post by Drusilla »

Drusilla likes it, Drinnick sounds like such a cheeky child, he needs to go across my knee. Then I'll find Vernon, I likes him, he's dre-e-e-a-a-m-y :oops:
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Post by vipera aspis »

Mr. Shoehorn, the others are right; this shouldn't die. Maybe if each one of us takes a city or a cell of agents to detail info on: it could stay afloat. Personaly, I dont see how any Ravenloft DM should be without such dreadful infomation.

We could start with large cities such as Nartok or Leker and then slither to smaller hamlets like Rookhousen?

Or even to start we could each detail one singular NPC each?
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